the nth gray code - algorithm

the formula for calculating nth gray code is :
(n-1) XOR (floor((n-1)/2))
(Source: wikipedia)
I encoded it as:
int gray(int n)
return n ^ (n >> 1);
Can someone explain how the above formula works, or possibly its deriviation?

If you look at binary counting sequence, you note, that neighboring codes differ at several last bits (with no holes), so if you xor them, pattern of several trailing 1's appear. Also, when you shift numbers right, xors also will be shifted right: (A xor B)>>N == A>>N xor B>>N.
N N>>1 gray
0000 . 0000 . 0000 .
| >xor = 0001 >xor = 0000 >xor = 0001
0001 . 0000 . 0001 .
|| >xor = 0011 | >xor = 0001 >xor = 0010
0010 . 0001 . 0011 .
| >xor = 0001 >xor = 0000 >xor = 0001
0011 . 0001 . 0010 .
||| >xor = 0111 || >xor = 0011 >xor = 0100
0100 0010 0110
Original Xor results and shifted results differ in single bit (i marked them by dot above). This means that if you xor them, you'll get pattern with 1 bit set. So,
(A xor B) xor (A>>1 xor B>>1) == (A xor A>>1) xor (B xor B>>1) == gray (A) xor gray (B)
As xor gives us 1s in differing bits, it proves, what neighbouring codes differ only in single bit, and that's main property of Gray code we want to get.
So for completeness, whould be proven, that N can be restored from its N ^ (N>>1) value: knowing n'th bit of code we can restore n-1'th bit using xor.
A_[bit n-1] = A_[bit n] xor gray(A)_[bit n-1]
Starting from largest bit (it is xored with 0) thus we can restore whole number.

Prove by induction.
Hint: The 1<<kth to (1<<(k+1))-1th values are twice the 1<<(k-1)th to (1<<k)-1th values, plus either zero or one.
Edit: That was way too confusing. What I really mean is,
gray(2*n) and gray(2*n+1) are 2*gray(n) and 2*gray(n)+1 in some order.

The Wikipedia entry you refer to explains the equation in a very circuitous manner.
However, it helps to start with this:
Therefore the coding is stable, in the
sense that once a binary number
appears in Gn it appears in the same
position in all longer lists; so it
makes sense to talk about the
reflective Gray code value of a
number: G(m) = the m-th reflecting
Gray code, counting from 0.
In other words, Gn(m) & 2^n-1 is either Gn-1(m & 2^n-1) or ~Gn-1(m & 2^n-1). For example, G(3) & 1 is either G(1) or ~G(1). Now, we know that Gn(m) & 2^n-1 will be the reflected (bitwise inverse) if m is greater than 2^n-1.
In other words:
G(m, bits), k= 2^(bits - 1)
G(m, bits)= m>=k ? (k | ~G(m & (k - 1), bits - 1)) : G(m, bits - 1)
G(m, 1) = m
Working out the math in its entirety, you get (m ^ (m >> 1)) for the zero-based Gray code.

Incrementing a number, when you look at it bitwise, flips all trailing ones to zeros and the last zero to one. That's a whole lot of bits flipped, and the purpose of Gray code is to make it exactly one. This transformation makes both numbers (before and after increment) equal on all the bits being flipped, except the highest one.
+ 1
+ 1
^<--------This is the only bit that differs
(might be flipped in both numbers by carry over from higher position)
n ^ (n >> 1) is easier to compute but it seems that only changing the trailing 011..1 to 010..0 (i.e. zeroing the whole trailing block of 1's except the highest 1) and 10..0 to 11..0 (i.e flipping the highest 0 in the trailing 0's) is enough to obtain a Gray code.


Is there an algorithm to bit shift every n-long bits from a number without overflow?

For example, if I have a number 0101 1111 and I want to shift every 4 bit long section to the left to get 1010 1110. While I could just modulo off each section to get two 4-bit numbers, is there an algorithm that doesn't need to do this?
A naive approach
A first naive appraoch is to slice the 4 bit groups and process them individually. The expected result is obtained with the following for the first group of 4 bits.
(((x & 0xf) // take only 4 bits
<< 1) // shift them by 1
& 0xf) // get rid of potential overflow
For the n+1 th group of 4 bits, it's
(((x & (0xf<<(n*4)))
<< 1)
& (0xf<<(n*4)))
Since this is designed, so that there is no overlap around the 4 bits that are processed, you could iterate, and binary-or the partial results.
A less naive approach
Another approach is to simply shift the full x by 1, causing every 4 bit group to be shifted at once:
0101 1111 -> 1011 1110
We can then easily get rid of the overflow, and at the same time make sure that 0's are injected on the left, by clearing every 4th bit in the result of the shift:
1011 1110
& 1110 1110
1010 1110
1110 is e in hexadecimal. So you need to generate a number with as many 0xe as there are 4 bit segments. In your case it's 0xee if it's just 8 bits. It's 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if it's 64 bits. Someone told this answer in the comments. Here you have the explanation.
Caution if your underlying data type is signed, because of the sign bit. Do this processing on unsigned integers to avoid any surprise.
Here is one way.
int bits = 0b1111_0001_0011_0111;
int result = 0;
int m = 0b1111;
while(m != 0) {
result |= ((bits & m) << 1) & m;
m <<= 4;
System.out.printf("%-7s = %s%n","src", Integer.toBinaryString(bits));
System.out.printf("%-7s = %s%n","result", Integer.toBinaryString(result));
src = 1111000100110111
result = 1110001001101110

Why this exponent got calculated in this way at this example?

Number: 0.1101112 × 2^–3 (the first bit is included in this example in the mantissa)
where 8 bits are used for the characteristic, and the exponent bias is
2^7 – 1
Their solution:
The sign bit is 0. The characteristic is –3 + 2^7 – 1, represented as an 8-
bit binary number. The simplest way to calculate the characteristic
here is to find the 7-bit 2’s complement of the binary representation
of 4 (= 3 + 1), and adjoin a leading zero:
Binary representation of 4: 0000100
2’s complement: 1111100
Characteristic: 0111 1100
Why: my solution was get the 8-bit instead of the 7-bit complement
1111 1100 then add it to 128 8-bit representation 1000 0000
Which get me 1 0111 1100 then ignoring the ninth column I got the same answer,
but i did not get the approach of the author.
Your explanation is highly appreciated
The idea behind the original approach is to rewrite the expression
–3 + 2^7 – 1
2^7 - 4
The lower seven bits of this expression are the 7-bit two's complement of 4 (i.e. the representation of -4 in 7 bits). Since the number is obviously in the range 0-127, then eighth bit must be zero.

Non-recursive Grey code algorithm understanding

This is task from algorithms book.
The thing is that I completely don't know where to start!
Trace the following non-recursive algorithm to generate the binary reflexive
Gray code of order 4. Start with the n-bit string of all 0’s.
For i = 1, 2, ... 2^n-1, generate the i-th bit string by flipping bit b in the
previous bit string, where b is the position of the least significant 1 in the
binary representation of i.
So I know the Gray code for 1 bit should be 0 1, for 2 00 01 11 10 etc.
Many questions
1) Do I know that for n = 1 I can start of with 0 1?
2) How should I understand "start with the n-bit string of all 0's"?
3) "Previous bit string"? Which string is the "previous"? Previous means from lower n-bit? (for instance for n=2, previous is the one from n=1)?
4) How do I even convert 1-bit strings to 2-bit strings if the only operation there is to flip?
This confuses me a lot. The only "human" method I understand so far is: take sets from lower n-bit, duplicate them, invert the 2nd set, add 0's to every element in 1st set, add 1's do every elements in 2nd set. Done (example: 0 1 -> 0 1 | 0 1 -> 0 1 | 1 0 -> 00 01 | 11 10 -> 11 01 11 10 done.
Thanks for any help
The answer to all four your questions is that this algorithm does not start with lower values of n. All strings it generates have the same length, and the i-th (for i = 1, ..., 2n-1) string is generated from the (i-1)-th one.
Here is the fist few steps for n = 4:
Start with G0 = 0000
To generate G1, flip 0-th bit in G0, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 1 = 0001b. G1 = 0001.
To generate G2, flip 1-st bit in G1, as 1 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 2 = 0010b. G2 = 0011.
To generate G3, flip 0-th bit in G2, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 3 = 0011b. G3 = 0010.
To generate G4, flip 2-nd bit in G3, as 2 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 4 = 0100b. G4 = 0110.
To generate G5, flip 0-th bit in G4, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 5 = 0101b. G5 = 0111.

Algorithm for bitwise fiddling

If I have a 32-bit binary number and I want to replace the lower 16-bit of the binary number with a 16-bit number that I have and keep the upper 16-bit of that number to produce a new binary number.. how can I do this using simple bitwise operator?
For example the 32-bit binary number is:
1010 0000 1011 1111 0100 1000 1010 1001
and the lower 16-bit I have is:
0000 0000 0000 0001
so the result is:
1010 0000 1011 1111 0000 0000 0000 0001
how can I do this?
You do this in two steps:
Mask out the bits that you want to replace (AND it with 0s)
Fill in the replacements (OR it with the new bits)
So in your case,
i32 number;
i32 mask_lower_16 = FFFF0000;
i16 newValue;
number = (number AND mask_lower_16) OR newValue;
In actual programming language implementation, you may also need to address the issue of sign extension on the 16-bit value. In Java, for example, you have to mask the upper 16 bits of the short like this:
short v = (short) 0xF00D;
int number = 0x12345678;
number = (number & 0xFFFF0000) | (v & 0x0000FFFF);
System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(number)); // "1234f00d"
(original32BitNumber & 0xFFFF0000) | 16bitNumber
Well, I could tell you the answer. But perhaps this is homework. So I won't.
Consider that you have a few options:
| // bitwise OR
^ // bitwise XOR
& // bitwise AND
Maybe draw up a little table and decide which one will give you the right result (when you operate on the right section of your larger binary number).
use & to mask off the low bits and then | to merge the 16 bit value with the 32 bit value
uint a = 0xa0bf68a9
short b = 1
uint result = (a & 0xFFFF0000) | b;

Query about working out whether number is a power of 2

Using the classic code snippet:
if (x & (x-1)) == 0
If the answer is 1, then it is false and not a power of 2. However, working on 5 (not a power of 2) and 4 results in:
0001 1111
0001 1111
0000 1111
That's 4 1s.
Working on 8 and 7:
1111 1111
0111 1111
0111 1111
The 0 is first, but we have 4.
In this link ( for both cases, the answer starts with 0 and there is a variable number of 0s/1s. How does this answer whether the number is a power of 2?
You need refresh yourself on how binary works. 5 is not represented as 0001 1111 (5 bits on), it's represented as 0000 0101 (2^2 + 2^0), and 4 is likewise not 0000 1111 (4 bits on) but rather 0000 0100 (2^2). The numbers you wrote are actually in unary.
Wikipedia, as usual, has a pretty thorough overview.
Any power of two number can be represent in binary with a single 1 and multiple 0s.
If you subtract 1 from any power of two number, you will get all 1s to the right of where the original one was.
10000(16) - 1 = 01111(15)
ANDing these two numbers will give you 0 every time.
In the case of a non-power of two number, subtracting one will leave at least one "1" unchanged somewhere in the number like:
10010(18) - 1 = 10001(17)
ANDing these two will result in
10000(16) != 0
Keep in mind that if x is a power of 2, there is exactly 1 bit set. Subtract 1, and you know two things: the resulting value is not a power of two, and the bit that was set is no longer set. So, when you do a bitwise and &, every bit that was set in x is not unset, and all the bits in (x-1) that are set must be matched against bits not set in x. So the and of each bit is always 0.
In other words, for any bit pattern, you are guaranteed that (x&(x-1)) is zero.
((n & (n-1)) == 0)
It checks whether the value of “n” is a power of 2.
if n = 8, the bit representation is 1000
n & (n-1) = (1000) & ( 0111) = (0000)
So it return zero only if its value is in power of 2.
The only exception to this is ‘0’.
0 & (0-1) = 0 but ‘0’ is not the power of two.
Why does this make sense?
Imagine what happens when you subtract 1 from a string of bits. You read from left to right,
turning each 0 to a 1 until you hit a 1, at which point that bit is flipped:
1000100100 -> (subtract 1) -> 1000100011
Thus, every bit, up through the first 1, is flipped. If there’s exactly one 1 in the number, then every bit (other than the leading zeros) will be flipped. Thus, n & (n-1) == 0 if there’s exactly one 1. If there’s exactly one 1, then it must be a power of two.
