How can I substract 253 from 175(175-253) through 2's complement method? - algorithm

For 2's complement, substraction process by computer.
but in fact 176-253=-77
is anybody tell me what's wrong here?

With 8 bits you can only represent numbers from -128 to 127 inclusive in 2's complement. Both your numbers lie outside that range. You would need at least nine bits to do the calculation you want to do.
In 2's complement the most significant bit (MSB, the first bit from the left), indicates the sign, 1 for negative numbers and 0 for non-negative numbers. The value:
is not -253, but is 3.
Doing your calculation in 9 bits yields:
176 = 010110000
253 = 011111101
253(inverse) = 100000010
253(complement) = 100000010+1=100000011
-253 = 253(complement) = 100000011
176+(-253) = 010110000 + 100000011 = 110110011 = -77
Note that all the negative numbers have MSB=1 and all the non-negative numbers have MSB=0.


Conversion of decimal fraction to floating-point binary reprecentation

Let's assume that we have normalized floating point numbers with an exponent range of [-3,3] and a precision of 4 bits. Below you see 4 decimal numbers and the corresponding binary representation. How can I convert these decimal numbers to binary? How to go from binary to decimal I know, but not vice versa.
0.11 (decimal) = 1.000 * 2^-3 (binary)
3.1416 (decimal) = 1.101 * 2^1 (binary)
2.718 (decimal) = 1.011 * 2^1 (binary)
7 (decimal) = 1.110 * 2^2 (binary)
Just go out from the definition of both mantissa and exponent. The exponent is the easiest part. The mantissa is nothing else than a sum of two's negative powers: 1 + ½ + ¼ + ⅛ … , some of which are multiplied to one, some — to zero.
To determine exponent's value, find the biggest power of two that, when being divided (multiplied for numbers in [0,1) ) to, gives a value in range [1, 2).
For 0.11, it is -4 (not -3 as you state), as 0.11 * 2⁴ = 1.76.
For 3.1416, it is +1 because 3.1416/2¹ = 1.5708
Then you'll have a number m in range [1,2) left to convert to a binary fraction. Start with r = "1." as a result, then subtract 1 from m and multiply it by two.
If the result is more than one, write "1" to the end of r and subtract 1 from m, otherwise write "0" to the end of r. Continue multiplying by two and optionally subtracting 1 from m, while simultaneously writing "0" and "1" to r depending whether you had to subtract 1 or not. Stop when you have enough digits in mantissa.
I guess you can figure out how to do desired rounding mode yourself.

Why this exponent got calculated in this way at this example?

Number: 0.1101112 × 2^–3 (the first bit is included in this example in the mantissa)
where 8 bits are used for the characteristic, and the exponent bias is
2^7 – 1
Their solution:
The sign bit is 0. The characteristic is –3 + 2^7 – 1, represented as an 8-
bit binary number. The simplest way to calculate the characteristic
here is to find the 7-bit 2’s complement of the binary representation
of 4 (= 3 + 1), and adjoin a leading zero:
Binary representation of 4: 0000100
2’s complement: 1111100
Characteristic: 0111 1100
Why: my solution was get the 8-bit instead of the 7-bit complement
1111 1100 then add it to 128 8-bit representation 1000 0000
Which get me 1 0111 1100 then ignoring the ninth column I got the same answer,
but i did not get the approach of the author.
Your explanation is highly appreciated
The idea behind the original approach is to rewrite the expression
–3 + 2^7 – 1
2^7 - 4
The lower seven bits of this expression are the 7-bit two's complement of 4 (i.e. the representation of -4 in 7 bits). Since the number is obviously in the range 0-127, then eighth bit must be zero.

Multiplication by power series summation with negative terms

How can I calculate a floating point multiplicand in Verilog? So far, I usually use shift << 1024 , then floating point number become to integer. Then I do some operations, then >> 1024 to obtain a fraction again.
For example 0.3545 = 2^-2 + 2^-4 + ...
I have question about another way, like this. I don't know where does the minus (-) comes from:
0.46194 = 2^-1 - 2^-5 - 2^-7 + 2^-10.
I have just look this from someone. but as you way, that is represented like this
0.46194 = 2^-2 + 2^-3 + 2^-4 + 2^-6 + 2^-7 + 2^-10 + .... .
I don't understand how does it know the minus is used it?
How do we know when the minus needed to it? Also how can I apply to verilog RTL?
UPDATE : I understand the concept the using minus in operation. But Is there any other way to equation or methodologies what to make reduce expression what multiplying with power of 2?
UPDATE : how can we use this method in verilog? for example, I have leaned 0.46194 = 2^-1 - 2^-5 - 2^-7 + 2^-10. then this code was written like this in verilog. 0.011101101 ='hED = 'd237. So the point of the question is how can we apply it to application in verilog?
UPDATE : Sir Would you please check this one? there are a little difference result.
0.46194 = 0.011101101. I just tried like this
= 2^-1 - 2^-4 + 2^-5 - 2^-7 + 2^-9. = 0.462890625
Something different. What do I wrong?
Multiplication of a variable by a constant is often implemented by adding the variable to shifted versions of itself. This is much cheaper to put on an FPGA than a multiplier circuit accepting two variables.
You can get further savings when there's a sequence of 1-bits in the constant, by using subtraction as well. (A subtraction circuit is only equally expensive as addition.)
Consider the number 30 = 11110. It's equal to 16 + 8 + 4 + 2, but it's also equal to 32 - 2.
In general, a sequence of multiplicand 1-bits, or the sum of several successive powers of two, can be formed by adding the first power of two after the most significant bit, and subtracting the least significant bit. Hence, instead of 16x + ... + 2x, use 32x - 2x.
It doesn't matter if the sequence of 1-bits is part of a fraction or an integer. You're just applying the identity 2^a = 1 + ∑2^0 ... 2^(a-1), in other worsd ∑2^0 ... 2^a = 2^(a+1) - 1.
In a 4 bit base 2 number can have these values:
Base 2: Unsigned 4 bit integer,
2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
8 4 2 1
If we have a 0111 it represents 7. If we were to multiply by this number using a shift add architecture it would take 3 clockcycles (3 shift and adds).
An optimisation to this is called CSD (Canonical Signed Digit. It allows minus one to be present in the 'binary numbers'. We shall represent -1 as one bar, or T as that looks like a one with a bar over the top.
100T represents 8 - 1 which is the same as 0111. It can be observed that long runs of 1's can be replaced with a the 0 that ends the run becoming 1 and the first 1 of the run becoming a -1, (T).
An example of conversion:
But if passed in two section we would get :
We have taken a number that would take 8 clock cycles or 8 blocks of logic to compute and turned it into 3.
Related questions to fixed point values in Verilog x precision binary fixed point representation? and verilog-floating-points-multiplication.
To cover the follow up question:
To answer the follow up section about your question on CSD conversion. I will look at them as pure integers to simplify the numbers, this is the same as multiplying the values by 2^9 (9 fractional bits).
256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
128 + 64 +32 + 8 +4 +1 => 237
Now with your CSD conversion:
256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 0 0 T 1 0 T 0 1
256 -32 + 16 - 4 + 1 => 237
You can see your conversion was correct. I get 237* 2^-9 as 0.462890625, which matches your answer when converted back to fractional. The 0.46194 that you started with must have been a rounded version, or when quantised to 9 fractional bits gets truncated. This error is known as quantisation error. The most important thing here though is that you got the CSD conversion correct.

An efficient algorithm to compute the number of '1' bit in a long decimal integer that is represented in string?

I came across this interesting question today. (Note that this is not for my homework or interview, etc.)
Given a decimal number that is represented in string, we want to compute the number of '1' bits for the large number in binary format. Here the string can have thousands of characters, and cannot be represented with one int or long long variable.
For example, countBits("10") = 2 as '10' in decimal can be represented as '1010' in binary format. Similarly, we have countBits("12") = 2, countBits("7") = 3
What is an efficiently algorithm for this? One possible solution is to convert the decimal string to another string in the binary format, and count the '1's. Can we do better?
When converting from a decimal representation to and integer, the *n*th digit from the end of the string represents the number of 1010n ( one zero base ten to the power of n ) that is added to total the integer value. If you then want to represent that integer in binary, you have to raise 1010 which is 10102 to that power and multiply that value by the digit's value.
Because one of the factors of the base you are translating from, 5, is relatively prime compared to 2, the powers of 1010 have increasing long representations in base 2 - 12, 10102, 11001002, 11111010002.
Note that these powers have trailing zeros ( 1010 = 2 × 5 and 2 is not relatively prime with the base we are translating into ), so will only effect 1, 3, 5, and 7 bits of the answer instead of all 1, 4, 7, 10 bits. But the number of bits they effect will still vary with O(N) where N is the length of the input, so to calculate the effected bits will take O(N2) operations.
If the base you were translating from did not have factors where were relatively prime to the base you are translating to - say translating base 16 to base 2 or base 9 to base 3 and counting non-zero digits, then there would be a O(N) algorithm as the sum of non-zero digits in the target base would equal the sum for each digit in the input translated individually, but since that is not the case then you are stuck at an O(N2) algorithm where you translate the decimal representation into binary and then count the bits in the binary representation.
You convert it to binary and use Hamming weight algorithm.
How it works? Suppose you have the number 8, which is 00001000.
The algorithm takes chunks of 2 bits, so it'll have 00 00 10 00.
Now it'll sum each two bits (by having a mask 10101010, multiplying and shifting), which will result: 00 00 01 00.
Now it does the same for each 4 bits (by having a mask 00110011..), so it'll have 0000 1000. After adding each side, you'll have 0000 00001.
The last stage is adding the two numbers, 0 + 1, which is 1 and that's the final result.

Minimum bits required on a chess board

This is an interview question:
What is the minimum representation in bits of two positions on an 8x8 chessboard?
I found the answer
But I am unable to understand what the author is trying to convey when she says:
You can represent 2^n values with n bits. However, you can represent
2^n + 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-2) + ... 1 = 2^(n+1) - 1 values with atmost n
bits. So you can represent 2^11 - 1 = 2047 different values using just
10 bits.
I am not seeking an explanation of what the author is suggesting in his answer, but I am more interested in solving the problem itself. As far as I can think, since there are 64C2 = 2016 ways to represent two pieces on an 8x8 board, the minimum number of bits required should be 11. But someone suggested that one can use just 10 bits to represent the board. How?
The author is saying that you can represent the positions using 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 bit values.
In binary 2016 is 11111100000 (1024 + 512+ 256 + 128 + 64 + 32)
5 bits (00000 - 11111) represent 32 positions
6 bits (000000 - 111111) represent 64 positions
7 bits (0000000 - 1111111) represent 128 positions
8 bits (00000000 - 11111111) represent 256 positions
9 bits (000000000 - 111111111) represent 512 positions
10 bits (0000000000 - 1111111111) represent 1024 positions
A total of 2016 positions.
This could be implemented in languages with bit collections, e.g. C++ bitset, which has a size function to get the length.
Here's an example for a 2x2 board which will hopefully explain this better.
For a 2x2 board, there are 4C2 (6) positions
.x x. .. xx .x x.
.x x. xx .. x. .x
so you could use 3 bits 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101 and 110
But 6 is binary 110 (4+2) so you could use 1 bit (0-1) for 2 of the positions and 2 bits (00, 01, 10, 11) for the remaining 4. So the positions are:
0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11.
To answer the question and receive an integer solution you must evaluation the following equation:
bits = ceil(log2(combination(64,2)));
bits = ceil(log2(64!/(62!*2!)));
bits = ceil(log2(64*63/2));
bits = ceil(log2(32*63));
bits = ceil(log2(32)+log2(63));
bits = ceil(5+log2(63));
bits = ceil(5+5.97728);
bits = 11;
Deriving the equation requires a working knowledge of combinatorics.
combination(64,2) represents the number of ways to choose 2 of 64 possible unique spaces.
