ClassNotFoundException when dragging and dropping MBO [Sybase] - jdbc

I have pinged successfully and managed to connect to the Microsoft SQL server, however when I tried to drag and drop a MBO into the diagram, it's giving the error as below.
I have downloaded sqljdbc4.jar and sqljdbc.jar and put them in the folder listed below(at the server side and my local copy) as advised in other threads / forum.
I have also restarted the Sybase Unwired Platform Services and restarted the server but to no avail. Any help to solve this error would be appreciated.

I have managed to solve it by putting the sqljdbc4.jar in this folder.


Where to find tns.jar for Talend tOracleConnection

I am working on creating an Oracle connection in Talend.
When I configure the tOracleConnection component, I install the prompted ojdbc.jar with no issues.
When I start to use this connection it shows an error message saying that tns.jar is required to run this component.
I have searched all popular repositories for this Jar but its not available. How can we work around this in Talend. I am using Talend Open Studio version for BigData 6.3.0.
Normally you should be able to download it from Talend Forge but its down at the moment. I am also looking for it but it doesnt seem to be available for download anywhere else unfortunately.
I spoke to our contact at Talend and they are working hard to get TF up again, hopefully today.
Hovering over the "Action" icon in Talend Third Party Module window shows the Maven link it is trying to download: mvn:org.talend.libraries/tns/6.0.0/jar which doesn't seem to be in the Maven Central Repository.
I have tried looking at other components in Talend and I get the same problem, so its not just tns Jar file.
As Andreas has mentioned, the Talend site is currently down, which appears to be a single point of failure unfortunately!
The Solution will be to wait until this site is back up.
i am not sure what specific version it is asking for but did you try downloading jar from ? I have downloaded many a times jar from this website, never faced any issue. Below is the link for tns.jar:

Setting up database for TeamCity in Windows 7

I am trying to setup TeamCity 9.1 in my windows machine.
In the Database setup portion, I downloaded the sql driver and copied the
sqljdbc4.jar file to folder "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.BuildServer\lib\jdbc" folder as mentioned in the instruction page.
But still I am getting this message upon clicking Refresh JDBC drivers
The MS SQL Server JDBC driver is not found in the
Download the driver from the Microsoft Download Center and follow the
instructions and place the driver jar file into the
directory on the server.
Any ideas??
Did you correctly modify your file? If you're running TC server as a windows service, make sure you stop the service and make the change and start it back.
I ran into the same issue when setting up TeamCity 9.1. At this point of the installation the folders .BuildServer\lib\jdbc didn't exist under C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile. I reinstalled TeamCity and installed it again but defined the data directory manually as C:\TeamCityData.
When the setup wizard asked for the driver I copied the sqljdbc4.jar file to C:\TeamCityData\lib\jdbc (This time it existed), clicked refresh JDBC drivers and it worked. Hope this would help you
on a normal TeamCity Installation the JDBC jar file needs to be in the "C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\lib\JDBC\" folder where Program Data is a hidden folder in the C drive.
Once you drop the jar file here it should be detected. Let me know how it goes.

Installing and creating instance of SQL Server 2012

I am running SQLManagementStudio_x86_2012_ENU.exe to install SQL Server 2012. I came across a problem and I was hunged on it too long.
I have seen the same problem in SO and they are give a solution for that. I also over come that problem but again stuck again in half way through. So I am going to ask this again(not a spam)
Problem: When I ran above mentioned exe it was installed fine, Then I tried to create a instance of the server. I used SQL Server Installation Center in configuration tools. then I selected new SQL Server and it asks me to select the SQL Server Installation Media. I selected C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server but it was invalied.
then I figured out that it is asking for the Installation media itself. So I extracted the .exe file to a folder and selected that path. that was taken as a valid media.
I refered to this link.
some have mentioned that this was a bug here.
when I clicked next it gives the following error. so that I can not proceed and create a instance. Can some one help me on this.
thanks in advance.
I have tried lot of things to come up with a solution for this. As you can see in the picture, there are only 2 check boxes which are already checked and disabled. This is not the right .exe file to run(I was unable to create a server instance using this). I downloaded the right SQL server installation file from here.
There are several .exe files that gives different functionality enhancements. I chose SQL server with tools which is about 1GB. I did not have to uninstall the existing sql server installation. I installed this and it worked fine. I will post back if I found a way to create a SQL server form the given installation. If you have the same problem as described above, most probably you are using the wrong .exe file.
Good luck with your fix.

RAD 8 does not recognize that WAS has started

I have recently experienced a new problem using RAD 8.0.2. When I launch a WAS server from within RAD, with or without any apps published to it, WAS will start and will show output in the console. I can even access the server from my web browser. However, RAD never recognizes that WAS has started successfully and after the timeout limit is reached, RAD claims that the server failed to start. I have tried this with WAS 6.1 and 7.0 test environments and WebSphere Portal 6.1 external environment and I always get the same result. Naturally, this makes development extremely difficult and I am anxious to get this fixed. Any help would be greatly appreciated! - John
May be an SSL certificate expiration problem, try this
I don't think the issue is with RAD 8.0. I had similar issue which is caused by overridden .Metadata properties. Please follow the steps mentioned below.
Close RAD
Kill Java and Javaw.exe on the TaskManager which runs in the background to run eclipse/RAD
Remove the .Metadata properties from the workspace path( Remember when you remove this properties, the workspace settings and the server will be removed from your workspace)
Open RAD as Administrator, it automatically creates .metadata in your workspace path. But, it would be a default (without the workspace settings).
Need to update the user libraries in your workspace and add the servers again( The server settings would be still available as the Server profile was never changed). These settings would update your .Metadata on your workspace.
Try toggling the SOAP and RMI option to see if that helps you.
Sometimes it has trouble and it always works if you switch the protocols that RAD uses to connect to Test envionment server.
Also as a sanity check ensure that the port numbers that are specified in the server configuration in RAD is correct. There are chances that an incorrect port number could be a culprit too.
I could solve the problem by deleting the server profile "AppSrv1" (Windows -> Preferences -> Servers) and by creating a new one using the profile management tool at the same page.

OracleSetviceSID stops itself

I have oracle version..Some days before everything was well..but after changing tnsnames.ora file(I had just one SID of database,which is located on my computer.Then I have added SIDs of other databases which are located on another servers) OracleServiceSID stops itself after a while and user is automatically disconnected...How to solve this problem?I want OracleServiceSID to remain started...
After searching on the internet I found the following:
Start->All Programs->Oracle..->Configuration and Migration Tools->Administration Assistant for Windows
Collapse the following folders:
Oracle Managed Objects->Computers->Comp_name->Databases->SID<-right click->Start Service
And after that everything works fine...Maybe It is a solution or temporary solution..Not sure..
You should need to investigate why this issue occurred to prevent this issue in future too. Check event viewer for further investigation of issue.
