Where to find tns.jar for Talend tOracleConnection - oracle

I am working on creating an Oracle connection in Talend.
When I configure the tOracleConnection component, I install the prompted ojdbc.jar with no issues.
When I start to use this connection it shows an error message saying that tns.jar is required to run this component.
I have searched all popular repositories for this Jar but its not available. How can we work around this in Talend. I am using Talend Open Studio version for BigData 6.3.0.

Normally you should be able to download it from Talend Forge but its down at the moment. I am also looking for it but it doesnt seem to be available for download anywhere else unfortunately.
I spoke to our contact at Talend and they are working hard to get TF up again, hopefully today.

Hovering over the "Action" icon in Talend Third Party Module window shows the Maven link it is trying to download: mvn:org.talend.libraries/tns/6.0.0/jar which doesn't seem to be in the Maven Central Repository.
I have tried looking at other components in Talend and I get the same problem, so its not just tns Jar file.
As Andreas has mentioned, the Talend site is currently down, which appears to be a single point of failure unfortunately!
The Solution will be to wait until this site is back up.

i am not sure what specific version it is asking for but did you try downloading jar from java2s.com ? I have downloaded many a times jar from this website, never faced any issue. Below is the link for tns.jar:


why log4j is having a problem parsing url even I have fixed the directory name to English which was Korean

while I'm doing my spring project, I got this error message
**log4j:ERROR Could not parse url [file:/Users/gim/내폴더/Workspaces/Workspace_final/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/fogams/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml].**
so I immediately changed the directory which was named to Korean.
(and it made me to lose all the Workspace that I was working on..so foolish.
but I've re-built it through gitHub)
and now my Workspace directory is
but I still get the same exact error.
so I've tried cleaning server, updating maven project...and never worked.
please help me to find the problem.. thanks
Wich IDE are you using?! For intellij, you'll need to download sources and reload your project
It was kind of mac system error. when I searched,
people said I need to switch the system country, and then
switch it back to my country.
so I did that and re-opened the Eclipse and it worked!

Android Studio cannot re-import module

I'm posting this in hopes to help several folks who may be struggling the same way I am. I was just trying to fix my run configuration for a basic Android project in Android Studio when things went haywire. Ever since 2 updates ago my run config stopped working. It was somehow pointing to an apk path that had been changed. Something in the latest AS updates changes where the apk is built to without updating existing run configs. Long story lengthened…
I tried creating a new run config then tried running the old config. I got an error saying that I probably needed to sync my project with my Gradle build file. I clicked the "Refresh all GRadle Projects" sync-looking button in the Gradle tasks window when everything went awry. My module completely disappeared from the project! I tried re-importing from project settings then I started to get an error:
Could not install Gradle distribution from 'http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.8-bin.zip
I couldn't figure this out because I didn't have this problem earlier and also I noticed my module file had been completely deleted! I tried a few more times before looking at the Android Studio logs which said something about it couldn't unzip the gradle 1.8 bundle or something. I realized it was trying to download something and that I was on paid wifi in an airport so the download couldn't complete. I then payed for wifi so that the download could complete and tried re-importing the project. I STILL got the error! After few more attempts I decided to check under ~/.gradle where I found and deleted "wrapper/dists/gradle-1.8-bin folder thinking the earlier download was corrupt and confusing AS. That seemed to get things going again as the next attempt triggered a download/install of something that allowed me to continue to the next step.
I'm currently still trying to re-import and set the module up again and it feels like a lot of re-work. I eventually got to a point where I was told my version of gradle was too old... (I have Gradle-1.7) I'm just throwing this out there now in case anyone else hits their head the way I just did. It can be an expensive mistake. (I'm still paying for Wifi so I can send this!)
I've finally figured out my issue. My build.gradle was set to use 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.5.+', which is incompatible with the latest version of Android Studio. After duplicating my project folder in Finder, updating to the latest Gradle, and tweaking the plugin version I am finally able to sync my project. I hope this post saves someone else a headache!

Netbeans Project in Difference OS

I have a netbeans project created with LWUIT library on Windows and when I take it and open it on Mac OS I got an error, but when I create the project from start and take the same code and put it in the new project it works fine
Now I get back to windows and want to open the project but I have the same error, but now the project is too big and I can't copy all files every time I move the project
The Error is
C:\Users\AMIRA\Desktop\LGB\trunk\LGB_J2ME\nbproject\build-impl.xml:483: Preverification failed with error code 1.
can anyone help me please ?
I offer you using a SVN server. with this server you can manage all version of your codes and update, revert and all other management and backup commands. user SVN Server and something like Tortoise netbeans plugins.
The problem solved when I copy the files into another new project on MAC machine, and the project builds and run, and I didn't find anyother solution than this

creating setup of a project in VB6.0

i have created a application in VB6.0 which is connected to MySQL through ODBC connection,there are two dsn which connects to application.Now i want to create a setup of the application that i can install on any computer.but how? I tried using Package and Development wizard in VB but it gives me error "access denied ieframe.dll" something like that while installing it AND also after using that wizard,now all my forms are corrupt.I craeted new and i don't want this to happen again.Help me!!
tired googling now!!!
I am not sure of the version of VB6 you are running, I do know that there was an InstallSheild Light version that shipped with Visual Studio 6 Professional. It was an optional install. If you have your original installation media try looking for it. There was also Visual Studio Installer 1.1 that used to be available from Microsoft. I found a link on Web.Archive.org that still works. I have used this to build msi files for VB6 in the past. You need to have Visual Interdev because it gets added as project type to it.
And since you mentioned that the Package and Deployment Wizard corrupted your project, you should make a backup of your data or use some type of source control. It will be a lot less painfull to recover when problems occur.
First of all, I take it that the two DSNs are not relevant to this problem?
I have never seen the error "access denied ieframe.dll", but I would guess that you are trying an installation via internet explorer. I would try creating a standard application installation.
I have to say that I am surprised to hear of "corruption" of your forms. Do you really mean your source code? Or this the forms in the executable. In any case, you really should be using some form of source control.
In any case, if you want a better answer, try giving a step by step run-throught of exactly what you are doing.

Visual-SourceSafe error - unable to finish writing a file

We use Nant to automate our builds. Everything was working fine until about a week ago when the rains caused our power to go out and the build server had to be re-booted. Now, we get the following error whenever we attempt a build:
<message><![CDATA[SourceSafe was unable to finish writing a file. Check your available disk space, and ask the administrator to analyze your SourceSafe database.]]></message>
<stacktrace><![CDATA[ at SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSItemClass.Get(String& Local, Int32 iFlags)
at NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.SourceSafe.GetTask.ExecuteTask()]]></stacktrace>
We ran the Analyze utility on the VSS database and there appears to be plenty of room on the build server, but no luck. Any ideas? I'm at a loss.
My problem was that the current file was empty... I wrote a comment on it and everything worked ok
Ok, here is the resolution. It turns out that somehow, the version of an app.config file that was referenced in the build script was corrupted (all the previous versions, actually), which caused the VSSGet error. Updating the version to the current version fixed the errror.
I had this issue when I tried to migrate a Source Safe database to Subversion, using VSS2SVN.
This error is related to the message
There is a diff chain size mismatch in file '' (bdaaaaaa) at version (versions earlier than that version can no longer be retrieved from the database).
that may be reported by the Source Safe tool analyze.exe.
If you look into the history of the file and try to Get a version that is older than the one reported by analyze.exe, the message of this question is shown.
Microsoft provided hotfix KB927887 for cases where this was caused by XML files toggling BOM inclusion, but I did not try to apply it.
See also Message: SourceSafe was unable to finish writing a file
