Is there a technique to predict performance impact of application - performance

A customer is running a clustered web application server under considerable load. He wants to know if the upcoming application, which is not implemented yet, will still be manageable by his current setup.
Is there a established method to predict the performance impact of application in concept state, based on an existing requirement specification (or maybe a functional design specification).
First priority would be to predict the impact on CPU resource.
Is it possible to get fairly exact results at all?

I'd say the canonical answer is no. You always have to benchmark the actual application being deployed on its target architecture.
Why? Software and software development are not predictable. And systems are even more unpredictable.
Even if you know the requirements now and have done deep analysis what happens if:
The program has a performance bug (or two...) - which might even be a bug in a third-party library
New requirements are added or requirements change
The analysis and design don't spot all the hidden inter-relationships between components
There are non-linear effects of adding load and the new load might take the hardware over a critical threshold (a threshold that is not obvious now).
These concerns are not theoretical. If they were, SW development would be trivial and projects would always be delivered on time and to budget.
However there are some heuristics I personally used that you can apply. First you need a really good understanding of the current system:
Break the existing system's functions down into small, medium and large and benchmark those on your hardware
Perform a load test of these individual functions and capture thoughput in transactions/sec, CPU cost, network traffic and disk I/O figures for as many of these transactions as possible, making sure you have representation of small, medium and large. This load test should take the system up to the point where additional load will decrease transactions/sec
Get the figures for the max transactions/sec of the current system
Understand the rate of growth of this application and plan accordingly
Perform the analysis to get an 'average' small, medium and large 'cost' in terms of CPU, RAM, disk and network. This would be of the form:
Small transaction
CPU utilization: 10ms
RAM overhead 5MB (cache)
RAM working: 100kb (eg 10 concurrent threads = 1MB, 100 threads = 10MB)
Disk I/O: 5kb (database)
Network app<->DB: 10kb
Network app<->browser: 40kb
From this analysis you should understand how much headroom you have - CPU certainly, but check that there is sufficient RAM, network and disk capacity. Eg, the CPU required for small transactions is number of small transactions per second multiplied by the CPU cost of a small transaction. Add in the CPU cost of medium transactions and large ones, and you have your CPU budget.
Make sure the DBAs are involved. They need to do the same on the DB.
Now you need to analyse your upcoming application:
Assign each features into the same small, medium and large buckets, ensuring a like-for-like matching as far as possible
Ask deep, probing questions about how many transactions/sec each feature will experience at peak
Talk about the expected rate of growth of the application
Don't forget that the system may slow as the size of the database increases
On a personal note, you are being asked to predict the unpredictable - putting your name and reputation on the line. If you say it can fit, you are owning the risk for a large software development project. If you are being pressured to say yes, you need to ensure that there are many other people's names involved along with yours - and those names should all be visible on the go/no-go decision. Not only is this more likely to ensure that all factors are considered, and that the analysis is sound, but it will also ensure that the project has many involved individuals personally aligned to its success.


What methodology would you use to measure the load capacity of a software server application?

I have a high-performance software server application that is expected to get increased traffic in the next few months.
I was wondering what approach or methodology is good to use in order to gauge if the server still has the capacity to handle this increased load?
I think you're looking for Stress Testing and the scenario would be something like:
Create a load test simulating current real application usage
Start with current number of users and gradually increase the load until
you reach the "increased traffic" amount
or errors start occurring
or you start observing performance degradation
whatever comes the first
Depending on the outcome you either can state that your server can handle the increased load without any issues or you will come up with the saturation point and the first bottleneck
You might also want to execute a Soak Test - leave the system under high prolonged load for several hours or days, this way you can detect memory leaks or other capacity problems.
More information: Why ‘Normal’ Load Testing Isn’t Enough
Test the product with one-tenth the data and traffic. Be sure the activity is 'realistic'.
Then consider what will happen as traffic grows -- with the RAM, disk, cpu, network, etc, grow linearly or not?
While you are doing that, look for "hot spots". Optimize them.
Will you be using web pages? Databases? Etc. Each of these things scales differently. (In other words, you have not provided enough details in your question.)
Most canned benchmarks focus on one small aspect of computing; applying the results to a specific application is iffy.
I would start by collecting base line data on critical resources - typically, CPU, memory usage, disk usage, network usage - and track them over time. If any of those resources show regular spikes where they remain at 100% capacity for more than a fraction of a second, under current usage, you have a bottleneck somewhere. In this case, you cannot accept additional load without likely outages.
Next, I'd start figuring out what the bottleneck resource for your application is - it varies between applications, but in most cases it's the bottleneck resource that stops you from scaling further. Your CPU might be almost idle, but you're thrashing the disk I/O, for instance. That's a tricky process - load and stress testing are the way to go.
If you can resolve the bottleneck by buying better hardware, do so - it's much cheaper than rewriting the software. If you can't buy better hardware, look at load balancing. If you can't load balance, you've got to look at application architecture and implementation and see if there are ways to move the bottleneck.
It's quite typical for the bottleneck to move from one resource to the next - you've got CPU to behave, but now when you increase traffic, you're spiking disk I/O; once you resolve that, you may get another CPU challenge.

Is there a theorem like CAP for web development?

When you're building something in a web development scenario you're often thinking of costs/resources, and you're often juggling between three resources:
CPU (Processing in general)
Memory (Storage in general)
Network/Bandwidth (Or maybe even external/server resources)
The theorem here is simple, you can only choose two of these to be low.
If you want low CPU and Memory, you'll have to ask the server to do the work (High bandwidth usage)
If you want low Memory and Bandwidth, the CPU will have to do extra work to create and recreate things on the go.
If you want low CPU and Bandwidth, the memory will have to store more information and possibly duplicated data.
My question here, is there a name for this theorem? Or the managing of these 3 resources? I would like to know more about the theory behind choosing the best options in each scenario and researches related to this.
To be honest I don't know if this is the right community for this question, it is mostly a theoretical/academic question.
It doesn't work this way. For all 3 resources you can achieve low usage percentage by simply adding more resources in most cases. If you have high CPU usage then deploy your app to the server with two times more CPUs. So if you have money you can achieve low usage levels. In CAP it doesn't matter how much money you have.
Also from Wikipedia:
CAP is frequently misunderstood as if one has to choose to abandon one of the three guarantees at all times. In fact, the choice is really between consistency and availability only when a network partition or failure happens; at all other times, no trade-off has to be made

maxed CPU performance - stack all tasks or aim for less than 100%?

I have 12 tasks to run on an octo-core machine. All tasks are CPU intensive and each will max out a core.
Is there a theoretical reason to avoid stacking tasks on a maxed out core (such as overhead, swapping across tasks) or is it faster to queue everything?
Task switching is a waste of CPU time. Avoid it if you can.
Whatever the scheduler timeslice is set to, the CPU will waste its time every time slice by going into the kernel, saving all the registers, swapping the memory mappings and starting the next task. Then it has to load in all its CPU cache, etc.
Much more efficient to just run one task at a time.
Things are different of course if the tasks use I/O and aren't purely compute bound.
Yes it's called queueing theory There are many different models for a range of different problems I'd suggest you scan them and pick the one most applicable to your workload then go and read up on how to avoid the worst outcomes for that model, or pick a different, better, model for dispatching your workload.
Although the graph at this link applies to Traffic it will give you an idea of what is happening to response times as your CPU utilisation increases. It shows that you'll reach an inflection point after which things get slower and slower.
More work is arriving than can be processed with subsequent work waiting longer and longer until it can be dispatched.
The more cores you have the further to the right you push the inflection point but the faster things go bad after you reach it.
I would also note that unless you've got some really serious cooling in place you are going to cook your CPU. Depending on it's design it will either slow itself down, making your problem worse, or you'll trigger it's thermal overload protection.
So a simplistic design for 8 cores would be, 1 thread to manage things and add tasks to the work queue and 7 threads that are pulling tasks from the work queue. If the tasks need to be performed within a certain time you can add a TimeToLive value so that they can be discarded rather than executed needlessly. As you are almost certainly running your application in an OS that uses a pre-emptive threading model consider things like using processor affinity where possible because as #Zan-Lynx says task/context switching hurts. Be careful not to try to build your OS'es thread management again as you'll probably wind up in conflict with it.
tl;dr: cache thrash is Bad
You have a dozen tasks. Each will have to do a certain amount of work.
At an app level they each processed a thousand customer records or whatever. That is fixed, it is a constant no matter what happens on the hardware.
At the the language level, again it is fixed, C++, java, or python will execute a fixed number of app instructions or bytecodes. We'll gloss over gc overhead here, and page fault and scheduling details.
At the assembly level, again it is fixed, some number of x86 instructions will execute as the app continues to issue new instructions.
But you don't care about how many instructions, you only care about how long it takes to execute those instructions. Many of the instructions are reads which MOV a value from RAM to a register. Think about how long that will take. Your computer has several components to implement the memory hierarchy - which ones will be involved? Will that read hit in L1 cache? In L2? Will it be a miss in last-level cache so you wait (for tens or hundreds of cycles) until RAM delivers that cache line? Did the virtual memory reference miss in RAM, so you wait (for milliseconds) until SSD or Winchester storage can page in the needed frame? You think of your app as issuing N reads, but you might more productively think of it as issuing 0.2 * N cache misses. Running at a different multi-programming level, where you issue 0.3 * N cache misses, could make elapsed time quite noticeably longer.
Every workload is different, and can place larger or smaller demands on memory storage. But every level of the memory hierarchy depends on caching to some extent, and higher multi-programming levels are guaranteed to impact cache hit rates. There are network- and I/O-heavy workloads where very high multi-programming levels absolutely make sense. But for CPU- and memory-intensive workloads, when you benchmark elapsed times you may find that less is more.

SAN Performance

Have a question regarding SAN performance specifically EMC VNX SAN. I have a significant number of processes spread over number of blade servers running concurrently. The number of processes is typically around 200. Each process loads 2 small files from storage, one 3KB one 30KB. There are millions (20) of files to be processed. The processes are running on Windows Server on VMWare. The way this was originally setup was 1TB LUNs on the SAN bundled into a single 15TB drive in VMWare and then shared as a network share from one Windows instance to all the processes. The processes running concurrently and the performance is abysmal. Essentially, 200 simultaneous requests are being serviced by the SAN through Windows share at the same time and the SAN is not handling it too well. I'm looking for suggestions to improve performance.
With all performance questions, there's a degree of 'it depends'.
When you're talking about accessing a SAN, there's a chain of potential bottlenecks to unravel. First though, we need to understand what the actual problem is:
Do we have problems with throughput - e.g. sustained transfer, or latency?
It sounds like we're looking at random read IO - which is one of the hardest workloads to service, because predictive caching doesn't work.
So begin at the beginning:
What sort of underlying storage are you using?
Have you fallen into the trap of buying big SATA, configuring it RAID-6? I've seen plenty of places do this because it looks like cheap terabytes, without really doing the sums on the performance. A SATA drive starts to slow down at about 75 IO operations per second. If you've got big drives - 3TB for example - that's 25 IOPs per terabytes. As a rough rule of thumb, 200 per drive for FC/SAS and 1500 for SSD.
are you tiering?
Storage tiering is a clever trick of making a 'sandwich' out of different speeds of disk. This usually works, because usually only a small fraction of a filesystem is 'hot' - so you can put the hot part on fast disk, and the cold part on slow disk, and average performance looks better. This doesn't work for random IO or cold read accesses. Nor does it work for full disk transfers - as only 10% of it (or whatever proportion) can ever be 'fast' and everything else has to go the slow way.
What's your array level contention?
The point of SAN is that you aggregate your performance, such that each user has a higher peak and a lower average, as this reflects most workloads. (When you're working on a document, you need a burst of performance to fetch it, but then barely any until you save it again).
How are you accessing your array?
Typically SAN is accessed using a Fiber Channel network. There's a whole bunch of technical differences with 'real' networks, but they don't matter to you - but contention and bandwidth still do. With ESX in particular, I find there's a tendency to underestimate storage IO needs. (Multiple VMs using a single pair of HBAs means you get contention on the ESX server).
what sort of workload are we dealing with?
One of the other core advantages of storage arrays is caching mechanisms. They generally have very large caches and some clever algorithms to take advantage of workload patterns such as temporal locality and sequential or semi-sequential IO. Write loads are easier to handle for an array, because despite the horrible write penalty of RAID-6, write operations are under a soft time constraint (they can be queued in cache) but read operations are under a hard time constraint (the read cannot complete until the block is fetched).
This means that for true random read, you're basically not able to cache at all, which means you get worst case performance.
Is the problem definitely your array? Sounds like you've a single VM with 15TB presented, and that VM is handling the IO. That's a bottleneck right there. How many IOPs are the VM generating to the ESX server, and what's the contention like there? What's the networking like? How many other VMs are using the same ESX server and might be sources of contention? Is it a pass through LUN, or VMFS datastore with a VMDK?
So - there's a bunch of potential problems, and as such it's hard to roll it back to a single source. All I can give you is some general recommendations to getting good IO performance.
fast disks (they're expensive, but if you need the IO, you need to spend money on it).
Shortest path to storage (don't put a VM in the middle if you can possibly avoid it. For CIFS shares a NAS head may be the best approach).
Try to make your workload cacheable - I know, easier said than done. But with millions of files, if you've got a predictable fetch pattern your array will start prefetching, and it'll got a LOT faster. You may find if you start archiving the files into large 'chunks' you'll gain performance (because the array/client will fetch the whole chunk, and it'll be available for the next client).
Basically the 'lots of small random IO operations' especially on slow disks is really the worst case for storage, because none of the clever tricks for optimization work.

Software performance (MCPS and Power consumed) in a Embedded system

Assume an embedded environment which has either a DSP core(any other processor core).
If i have a code for some application/functionality which is optimized to be one of the best from point of view of Cycles consumed(MCPS) , will it also be a code, best from the point of view of Power consumed by that code in a real hardware system?
Can a code optimized for least MCPS be guaranteed to have least power consumption as well?
I know there are many aspects to be considered here like the architecture of the underlying processor and the hardware system(memory, bus, etc..).
Very difficult to tell without putting a sensitive ammeter between your board and power supply and logging the current drawn. My approach is to test assumptions for various real world scenarios rather than go with the supporting documentation.
No, lowest cycle count will not guarantee lowest power consumption.
It's a good indication, but you didn't take into account that memory bus activity consumes quite a lot of power as well.
Your code may for example have a higher cycle count but lower power consumption if you move often needed data into internal memory (on chip ram). That won't increase the cycle-count of your algorithms but moving the data in- and out the internal memory increases cycle-count.
If your system has a cache as well as internal memory, optimize for best cache utilization as well.
This isn't a direct answer, but I thought this paper (from this answer) was interesting: Real-Time Task Scheduling for Energy-Aware Embedded Systems.
As I understand it, it trying to run each task under the processor's low power state, unless it can't meet the deadline without high power. So in a scheme like that, more time efficient code (less cycles) should allow the processor to spend more time throttled back.
