Joomla menu displaying without decorator - joomla

Since a few time Joomla menu in backend administrator is displaying without a decorator.
No errors are thrown by PHP, so I can't understand why is doing this way.

Ok I digged in
Inside the #_menu table , there was a voic with a 'level' value very high like 4559099066767 .
The 'level' voice, is the level of nesting of category. That causes an infinite loop inside the code, giving the result as the screen.
My version was 2.5.9


UFT is waiting the entire object sync timeout before clicking a webelement

Alright, in my web application there's a dropdown that UFT picks up as a 'WebElement' instead of a 'WebList'. The options available in this dropdown are all just 'divs' and the data within the div is dynamic. Has anyone had to deal with this before? I even tried using the absolute xpath within the object repository, but that seems to be inconsistent. Whenever I run my test the first time it interacts with the dropdown it will wait the entire object sync timeout before selecting the element. Then I have it going back to select another item from the dropdown and it goes instantly. This isn't the approach I want to take with this as the abs xpath could break at any time. I've been reading blog posts etc from as far back as 2008, and tried every person's suggestion but I can't reliably click a dropdown and select something. I can give more detail if needed, but any help here would be appreciated.
When UFT waits the object synchronization timeout and then succeeds to perform the action it's usually because it has been using smart identification. Look in the report to see if this is the case (or just disable smart identification and see what happens).
If this is the case, you should try to fine-tune the description to succeed on the description and not resort to smart identification.
I got it! This behaviour was being caused by the 'browser' being different in that part of my code. I think this happened due to some of the same items being added into the OR from different pages.
Instead of having:
Browser("Browser1").Page("Page1").WebElement("Element I want").
It was:
Browser("Browser2").Page("Page1").WebElement("Element I want").
Once this was corrected in the OR everything worked as expected.

Why does my MVC component for Joomla 3 have an empty sidebar?

I am changing my Joomla 2.5 component into a Joomla 3 component. However, it turned out to be one big obstacle course with hardly any documentation for it as far as I could find...
In Joomla 3 (using 3.5.1 at time of writing) the originally horizontal submenu goes vertical into the sidebar.
I called JHtmlSidebar::addEntry( "Item", "index.php?option=com_example", false ) to add a submenu item. Then called echo JHtmlSidebar::render() in the view's template file.
I do get a sidebar that can be opened and closed, but there are no items in it...
I downloaded the Hello World example component from It has a sidebar but it's a mess: in its Messages view there is a sidebar with items in it but not the collapsable one and in its Categories view the collapsable one appears empty and over the other sidebar:
It also uses JSubMenuHelper (instead of JHtmlSidebar), which is deprecated...
I then tried to find out how it is done in Joomla's core com_installer, which has a nice collapsable sidebar with submenu items, but did not find more than what I already described above...
Anyone who can tell me how to get a proper sidebar? Thanks a lot already!!
And as it is so often: just after I posted my question I found the answer...
In admin/controller.php I defined a method addSubmenu() in which JHtmlSidebar::addEntry() is called. I called addSubmenu() from the method display(), but I accidentally did that after calling parent::display(), so no entries where added yet when that method was executed.
Now calling addSubmenu() before calling parent::display() and getting a very nice sidebar as result.

Building a native Joomla 3.1 component with refereing com_weblinks component

I'm going to develop joomla 3.1 component.
I have checked lend tutorial. And some people ask us to go through com_weblinks component which is fully written in new MVC style.
Can you please explain img and alt attribute in menu tag and its contents submenu section in weblinks.xml.
And also can you explain link in com_weblinks_categories (option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks)? How it work? What is the purpose of extension parameter?
Note that all & must be escaped to & for the file to be valid
XML and be parsed by the installer
<menu link="option=com_weblinks" view="links" img="class:weblinks"
<menu link="option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks"
view="categories" img="class:weblinks-cat" alt="Weblinks/Categories">com_weblinks_categories</menu>
And also anyone explain this check condition and parameters and its pattern in controller.php
$this->checkEditId('com_weblinks.edit.weblink', $id)
Thanks a lot
When it comes to articles, banners, weblinks, newsfeed, contacts etc, they use categories. The categories component is not only used for articles but all of the mentioned above. So when you go to view the weblinks, the URL will be option=com_weblinks however when viewing the category, it will use the parent component that's used for it option=com_categories. The child extension is then defined after like so:
As for the checkEditID function, have a look at this. It's basically a method to check whether or not the ID is in the edit list.
If you look on the Joomla 2.5 menu, you will see small icons on the left hand side of each menu item which I believe img="class:weblinks-cat" is supposed to be used for, however they don't show on Joomla 3.1. I'm not sure why but can always find out why.
Weblinks is most definitely not written in the newest mvc style used by Lendr, if you are coming from 1.5 it is written in the style you should use for 2.5. That style (now known as legacy) also works in J3, but if you extend the base classes you need to rename them.

How can I make the columns at joomla frontpage to work?

I am currently developing a website in joomla, all tho I have learned a lot there is this thing I wanted a help:
I wanted to know how can i make the columns to work at joomla frontpage, if I go to Main Menu-> Home-> Parameters (Basic) and set intro to '6' and columns to 2, I don't get results from the articles, they are still in the same way as before, not even if I post another articles it works, how can I make it work?
I have solved my problem by studying the template and re-creating a joomla frontpage, after that i could set the columns by geting CSS height and width in dpi and editing then on the module properties

How to hide an active category in Magento without disabling the URL?

Hey, we're running Magento and would like to hide active categories from the navigation. When we do this, the parent category's URL 404s but all the children categories' URLs are still valid.
magentostore.ex/brands/company is valid
magentostore.ex/brands is not
We would like magentostore.ex/brands to point to a page, but we don't want a tab saying "Brands" in our top-level navigation.
How can we hide the parent from navigation while keeping it active? Thanks!
Be very careful of rushing into an upgrade to - there were some major changes, particularly to the Sales_Order modules. Any extensions that you have related to Orders may break.
One option is to create a version of the Mage_Catalog_Block_Navigation file under app/code/local (do not edit the core directly!) and override the drawItem function to exclude that category from the navigation. It requires writing some PHP, but not particularly difficult to copy/paste the existing code and add your condition.
Something like this at the top of the function should work (keep in mind that this function is recursive... and check your regex!!)
return '';
Well, it's a bit of a cop-out, but we just upgraded to from and the "Include in Navigation Menu" option has been returned to the Category properties. This solves our problem. We can now keep the category from appearing in the top-level navigation while retaining the possibility of a landing page. EDIT: JD's solution is a better solution.
Have you tried going through the CMS and making a page with a SEF URL Identifier of "brands" ? That should achieve what you would like, if I'm understanding correctly.
