change default font SSRS Visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

I have been searching hi and lo, within and outside internet but it seems I cannot find a definitive answer:
Can I change the default layout-items in SSRS reports? If so, how?
So that a textbox does not have Arial 10 as default fontsize but has fontsize 8?
So that tablixes have default properties like 'show column-headers on each page' enabled?
and so on?
I am familiar with custom templates (.rdl) but they do not offer the possibility of changing layout-items like default font and colors and properties of report parts and such.
In VS 2005 there was the StyleTemplate to play with but that is only effective when using the wizard.
It seems it is the same way with VS 2010.
I prefer to hear that it can be done and instructions how to, I would be satisfied with tips how to circumvent the problem of manually changing those properties eacht time and I will be grateful for a definitive answer. Right now it is driving me crazy :)
I am working with VS2010 (latest updates and such) icm SQL 2008, 2008R2 and (local) 2012BI
Thanks for thinking with me!

Unfortunately by design, you are not allowed to set default font etc. There is active defect in Microsoft

I know it's a very old post, but for others in search of an answer, I thought I'd add the following. If I want all my textboxes in a font other than Arial 10pt, I will make the first textbox and set my font styling, then use that as a master textbox, copying it and changing the interior text rather than creating new textboxes each time. It's a hack, but since VS still can't do this in 2015, it's the best we have.

You can always open code(XML)-view and edit font properties there. Eg. search for
<FontFamily> -tag and add <FontSize>10pt</FontSize> as a sibling for <Style>-tag.
Before editing the XML, close report design-view. Otherwise properties of objects are not functioning properly.

At the start of the XML for the RDL file (what you see if you select View Code on the file) there's a tag <df:DefaultFontFamily> which defines the default font. If you change this to the family you want and re-save the XML file, any future textboxes you create will pick up this default font family.

The FontSize property must be in npt format. If this property takes the value from an SQL query that returns an integer, add the expression by adding "pt": (for example, = Fields! DimFont.Value & "pt").


WP7 / WP8 - Apply text styles

As you know, in Windows Phone SDK there are several styles that you can apply to textblocks.
For reference: MSDN
Since you can't always remember the full name of the style, is there an easy way to apply them? Do I really have to go to that link everytime I need to apply a new style?
IntelliSense is not helpful enough? I usually, write StaticResource text and then the list gets filtered with all the styles containing the "text" string. Kind of depends according to your needs. If you want to apply for font style, write "font" and see the list of suggestions.
Now, I'm not sure if my IntelliSense is as yours or is already enhanced by Resharper. If you haven't heard of it, take a look at it. You gotta hit CTRL+SPACE if the suggestion list isn't there, and it will get filled with possible matches. It's a nice productivity tool that does MUCH more and actually is not free but, I guess you could also get it crac... ahem :)
Other than this, I guess a quick bookmark to that web address, does that job pretty well. :)
The easiest way is to ensure you have the visual designer open while creating the view. You can right click on your TextBlock select Edit Style -> Apply Resource ->. From here you will see a long list of available styles to pick from.
I just found out that what I was looking for will be implemented in Visual Studio 2013!
Here you go:

Making TextBox text theme aware

I created a page.i want to change the background of Textbox when theme of emulator is changed to light.The letters cant be visible while changing the there any solution?
If you use the default TextBox control inside Visual Studio it is fully theme aware. If you have set the colours yourself then you need to perform the theme aware changes in code behind.
For more information, please see the following :-
I assume you are referring to TextBlock rather than TextBox (as the latter automatically has style support).
You should never declare a TextBlock without a Style attribute, such as Style={StaticResource PhoneTextNormalStyle}. A full list of available styles can be found on MSDN: Theme Resources for Windows Phone
Also of relevance is: How to: Apply Theme Resources for Windows Phone
NB: Due to the way Mango was designed, backing into your application after changing themes will not apply the new theme. You will need to restart the application to see the changed theme.
Based on your screenshots, you have two choices:
Reskin ("Edit Template" in Blend) each of the controls that you use to redefine a style in which the various colour-related properties are hardcoded
Use an alternate, lighter, background image when in the white theme in order to improve the contrast. I've blogged about how you can define theme-aware resources (and also mentioned it on other SO questions).
Put simply, you can either submit to the theme or force it to remain the way you want it.
We can set a theme as default to our application.When we log in our application the phone theme will be changed to its suitable theme and when we log out change back to original
here s the link .

Custom controls in Visual Studio Lightswitch

Can someone point me to an article or tutorial on using custom controls in Visual Studio Lightswitch? I'm trying to add a rich text box to a page, linked to a string property. When running the app, sometimes the field will show up, sometimes it won't. If it does show the width of the field is small, about 2 characters, but will expand when text is pasted inside. Saving doesn't work, though.
I'm not even sure about whether or not I'm allowed to use controls like these in a Lightswitch app, even though custom controls are obviously supported. Are the custom controls restricted to a certain type or set?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Have a look at the following example,
Also the Training Kit has examples of Custome Controls included.
There is also this tutorial:
Creating A LightSwitch Custom Silverlight Control

Is it possible for Visual Studio to use default colors when pasting into other applications (eg. Outlook)?

I have a custom color theme within visual studio which uses a dark background which looks great, however when I copy & paste into Outlook I would like outlook to use the default formatting, is this possible?
My current workaround is to simply paste into a single cell table, reset the background color on the text to none and apply a background color to the table cell.
Any ideas on a cleaner approach?
Not sure what version of outlook you are using but in 2007 I think that changing your cut and past options in advance editor options will do the trick.
take a look at

Visual Studio 2010 code display colour scheme - where do I find some properties?

I'm working on my own colour scheme for displaying code in visual studio. I can't find some text section name so I don't know where to change its colour. :( Can anybody help me and tell me where do I find them, I mean what is the name of the following sections:
The grey one (documentation tag value and it's quote) - picture below
The olive colour: header of a in vb language document. - <% and underline. (NOTE: image is now broken)
To write my code I use language.
XML Doc comment, XML Doc Quote should be what your looking for. VB user types, User types and keyword also.
You might want to save yourself some time, i just did my color scheme, which i call Steam (based on Steam Platform from valve). It kind of looks like what your going for
I can't post a screenshot since i am new, but here is a download link. You can import it via the tools menu in VS. It includes resharper color settings.
Steam for VS 2010/08
The first one is XML Doc Attribute.
The second one is HTML Element Name.
