Is it possible for Visual Studio to use default colors when pasting into other applications (eg. Outlook)? - visual-studio

I have a custom color theme within visual studio which uses a dark background which looks great, however when I copy & paste into Outlook I would like outlook to use the default formatting, is this possible?
My current workaround is to simply paste into a single cell table, reset the background color on the text to none and apply a background color to the table cell.
Any ideas on a cleaner approach?

Not sure what version of outlook you are using but in 2007 I think that changing your cut and past options in advance editor options will do the trick.
take a look at


Visual Studio Color Themes - Apply only "Text Editor" colors (without the other custom UI colors)

I've found a Visual Studio (2019) theme I like within the Visual Studio Color Theme editor, but I really want to import only the fonts and colors for the text editor, and not all of the customizations for the rest of the Visual Studio environment.
It appears there is no native support within the color editor to export only certain theme attributes when copying a theme to modify. Also, when customizing a theme, it is possible to select multiple individual UI elements, but no way to then restore them to default such that the theme only contains the Text Editor changes.
I tried loading the theme that has the desired text editor colors, then Tools->Export Settings and then only select "Fonts and Colors", but now this also exports the UI customizations rather than just the text editor colors. Right now, the only way I can see to do this is to create a new theme from the stock dark theme, then manually copy each text editor color from the desired theme to the new one...I'm really trying to avoid this, as there are literally dozens and dozens of text editor colors and this would take a very long time.
I also tried exporting the theme, editing the .vstheme file and removing everything except the Text Editor colors, but Visual Studio throws an exception upon import--presumably all of the elements are required to be defined with the XML.
Thanks for any ideas you can come up with!
Okay, I managed to get this figured out in what I believe is the easiest way possible. The update to my question where I exported the .vstheme file to modify manually was definitely the right path. Basically, I exported the theme that contained the current environment colors that I want to keep. I also exported the theme with the text editor colors I want to apply. I then simply replaced the 3 sections for text editor color settings in the "old" theme file with the new color settings from the "new" file. (Collapsing the XML code down to the 3rd level helped a LOT, as there are almost 10,000 lines.)
After this, I simply imported the modified file and voila—only the editor colors are applied.

How do I change Properties Window's Color

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 along with the Theme Color Editor. I have chosen the dard solarized color for the environment. When working with the XAML Designer, when I select a control, the Properties Window displays a solid white color in the bottom half, which is really annoying considering that everything is dark.
Is there a way I can change this color? I tried to search colors in the theme editor plugin, but I couldn't find any setting corresponding to that...
Thank you
So, getting a clue from the link Sam Khan provided, I figured it out. You have to change Cider -> ListBackground color in the theme editor plugin (You can choose the eyedropper to choose a color from the GUI)
As Farzad said, Cider → ListBackground is important as it affects the items, but Environment → ToolWindowBackground is also used by the Properties window, which is the color behind all properties.
Note: This window can't handle transparency on its background, unlike others (for those using MoeIDE or ClaudiaIDE).

change default font SSRS Visual Studio

I have been searching hi and lo, within and outside internet but it seems I cannot find a definitive answer:
Can I change the default layout-items in SSRS reports? If so, how?
So that a textbox does not have Arial 10 as default fontsize but has fontsize 8?
So that tablixes have default properties like 'show column-headers on each page' enabled?
and so on?
I am familiar with custom templates (.rdl) but they do not offer the possibility of changing layout-items like default font and colors and properties of report parts and such.
In VS 2005 there was the StyleTemplate to play with but that is only effective when using the wizard.
It seems it is the same way with VS 2010.
I prefer to hear that it can be done and instructions how to, I would be satisfied with tips how to circumvent the problem of manually changing those properties eacht time and I will be grateful for a definitive answer. Right now it is driving me crazy :)
I am working with VS2010 (latest updates and such) icm SQL 2008, 2008R2 and (local) 2012BI
Thanks for thinking with me!
Unfortunately by design, you are not allowed to set default font etc. There is active defect in Microsoft
I know it's a very old post, but for others in search of an answer, I thought I'd add the following. If I want all my textboxes in a font other than Arial 10pt, I will make the first textbox and set my font styling, then use that as a master textbox, copying it and changing the interior text rather than creating new textboxes each time. It's a hack, but since VS still can't do this in 2015, it's the best we have.
You can always open code(XML)-view and edit font properties there. Eg. search for
<FontFamily> -tag and add <FontSize>10pt</FontSize> as a sibling for <Style>-tag.
Before editing the XML, close report design-view. Otherwise properties of objects are not functioning properly.
At the start of the XML for the RDL file (what you see if you select View Code on the file) there's a tag <df:DefaultFontFamily> which defines the default font. If you change this to the family you want and re-save the XML file, any future textboxes you create will pick up this default font family.
The FontSize property must be in npt format. If this property takes the value from an SQL query that returns an integer, add the expression by adding "pt": (for example, = Fields! DimFont.Value & "pt").

How do you change the background colour for Solution Explorer in Visual Studio 2012? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Change background color of Solution Explorer in Visual Studio
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I really don't like the "Light" theme of VS 2012. I've managed to change a few things to make it better but one thing is still annoying me - the fact that the solution explorer background is a light grey colour. Is there a way to change this back to white? I can't see an entry for Solution Explorer in Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors, so how can I change this? Is it stored in a theme file somewhere?
(Please note I'm not looking to do this programmatically, so this is not a dupe of the existing similar-sounding questions)
I've found that easiest solution is to use this Microsoft-developed Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme Editor and just select the Blue theme to effectively get the VS 2010 colours back:
Saves digging around for hours in long lists of UI elements. You just select another preset theme and you're done :)
EDIT : Here are steps using the VS2012 Color Theme Editor:
Tools --> Customize Colors
New Theme --> create a new theme from one of the ready made themes, hit Create
Hover over your new Custom Theme, hit Edit Theme
Magical Step: Directly under the theme tab, click the 5th button "Show All Elements", here you can find what you're looking for
TreeView --> Background, this changes the color of the Solution Explorer
Environment --> ToolWindowBackground, color for background of Team Explorer (my pet peeve, since the contrast on this UI usually needs tweaking between controls and window)
Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 now includes the old "Blue" theme by default, so if you update to this version you can easily select the old blue theme without jumping throught he hoops above, if that's all you wanted to achieve.
Program Manager Cathy Sullivan is wrong
Use this Utility
Use Category TreeView
Unfortunately at this time you cannot change the background color of Solution Explorer beyond what the Light and Dark themes offer.
Cathy Sullivan
Program Manager, Visual Studio
UPDATE: There is now a theme editor which should give you the exact control you are looking for (which I've noticed is what #Nick G has suggested, so +1 to him, will leave this to acknowledge that.
(further details in hanselman blog)
Preface: I know you specifically said white but after a little adjustment I find the dark really quite good, especially if you have a dark theme. I've switched my previous dark theme (wekeroad) for the rather brashly named but subtle looking Super awesome fun time one.
Tools | Options | General | then change Color theme to Dark.
You can see solution explorer in background above. I would imagine these options might expand or extend in the future.

Visual Studio 2010 element names for theming

I am trying to figure out what the element name for the tooltip is in Visual Studio 2010 so that I can change the style using the extension found here. Anyone know what that is? I am using the default theme which seems to have a white to light grey gradient on it. This is less than optimal since the text for the functions are also white.
alt text
In a more general question (and perhaps better), is there anything that maps the names as they are found in the theme to where they are in the IDE.
After switching through some settings, I now believe it is not the IDE theme and is instead in the settings, but can't find which field it is.
Adianbanks is correct go to Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors. The field you posted looks like Signature Help Tooltip Background. It has been overlooked on several of the dark background themes that I have tried. Also, make sure to change the Item Background color.
If you go to Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors, you need to change the combo box at the top to Editor Tooltip to change this style. In my Visual Studio though, I can only change the font, not the colours,
