joomla extension UPS - virtual mart - set delivary method - joomla

We have purchased the extension to put in our website.
We have configured the module and our UPS account. The issue we are facing is regarding the Delivery method. We want to show “UPS Ground, UPS 3 Day Select, UPS 2 Day Air, UPS Next Day” in the shipping.
In joomla configuration page, when we search for these options in delivery method, those are not coming but others are coming like "Worldwide Express, Worldwide Express Plus, Worldwide Expedited" which are for international delivery.
What we are missing so that we can get options like "2nd Day Air AM, 2nd Day Air, 3 Day Select" in the configuration panel. We searched everything but not able to find it. Can you please help me?

Thanks to Jobin.
We have updated "Additional Information" tab from "shop" options and set the vendor information as per USA.


App Not available in some countries

I just released one app yesterday. It's showing up in my country.
But I found out that it's not showing in some countries. How I can check that it's available in all the countries or not. What I need to do if I want to make int available in all the countries >
Depends on your app, maybe this helps. Otherwiese, have you read the localiaztion guidlines (like it is suggested by google to do so before releasing an app)? As far as I remember you are asked in the developer console in which country you want to rlease you app, but maybe this was only for payed apps.
Maybe this question is related to this one: This item isn't available in your country
quoting durbnpoisn answer:
Check your listing in the Developer control panel.
There is a listing for where the app is available (Pricing &
Distribution section - Manage Countries). The checkbox for whatever
country needs to be checked on. Otherwise, it's locked out.
For convenience, there is a box at the top that says "SELECT ALL
For what it's worth, if the country in question is not on the list,
there is nothing you can do about that. There are a number of rules
and regulations about where Google Play can distribute stuff. You have
no control over that.

how to restrict user to access a particular category in magento?

I created a website for online shopping and i want to give my admin panel to some vendors so that they insert their own products related with a particular category they are dealing with.
For ex :- In electronics category,there are various options like cameras, mobiles etc.
1.So, i want one vendor who is related with mobiles should be allowed only to enter his related products(only mobiles) from admin panel.
2.And he should not be allowed to see or update the products in other categories like cameras.He will only be given access to update his related category.
How can i achieve this?
This is not out the box and multi-user done properly is an Enterprise Edition feature, even if you want to do it 'multi-store' instead of 'category'.
You will probably find someone has written a module to support the functionality you are after, however, what you are after goes against the overall design of Magento Community Edition.

Related Products - What am I doing wrong? (they're not showing up in sidebar!) [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I have several products in my store. I have 4 products specifically that I have assigned "Related Products" to. When I load my store, and add or view products, the Related Products box is not showing up anywhere on any of the pages. - Add a product and click continue shopping. There should be the Related Products box under the My Cart box, but it's not :-(
Also, the cross sells and upsells functions are not working either I notice, even though I have all of them assigned properly in the product settings.
Any ideas?
This is a problem that we have run into as well with our store. Try this:
Go into catalog > manage products
and select one of the products that is not working correctly. Then go to it's
Inventory > manage stock. Try clicking the "Use Config Settings" until it is selected. Save the edits and view your product page.
On our store view this was all that was necessary to fix the problem. Somewhat unnerving considering the fact that if the box was already checked we simply had to uncheck and check it again (no effective change at all) and the related products would show up...
EDIT (for others viewing post):
System -> Index Management - Reindex Data worked for OP

Magento for Non-Ecommerce websites?

Should I use Magento for a product brochure style website with no need for e-commerce?
This may seem odd but I'm in need of some feedback as my client has decided to convert their entire portfolio of websites from PHP/symfony to Magento just so "it's all on the same platform" and "'one day' we may sell these products online".
An example of a 'product brochure style website with no e-commerce' would be something like this (random google search):
All shopping cart functionality would need to be turned off within Magento as it's just a brochure site.
If just now you need a Product Catalog, I don't recommend to use Magento, because if "one day' we may sell these products online" you (or another developer) will stuck upgrading magento to latest stable release and undoing all changes to make sales work again.
Just my opinion, but, you can do this with no big problems (now). Just disable Mage_Sales module and remove all "Add to cart" buttons from tempalte.
Yes, you can use Magento for non-transactional site. Mainly if you need it for flexible product management then that's good choise. You will need to amend all tempaltes and remove 'add to cart' buttons, disable some modules like Mage_Checkout, Mage_Wishlist, Mage_Sales... etc.. there is a lot of things to switch off.
But if you need something more powerfull from CMS point of view then I would choose soemthing else (Drupal, Concrete5...)

Drupal Event/Calendar Module not storing event time

I have installed a fresh copy of Drupal 6 on an Xampp server. Within that install is a collection of modules for creating an event calendar. There's actually a great instructional video at for getting all the necessary fields up.
So far everything is working except... the events won't store the time as stated in the edit field. No matter what I do in the edit mode as admin or otherwise the time always says 12pm and the event on the calendar says "All Day".
I know this is pretty obscure but I figured why not try and ask. Thanks.
What Date module are you using for the event dates? Is there an "All Day" option that is accidentally selected?
(I would just put this in a comment... but I don't have enough reputation to comment on questions yet :) )
I had the same problem, the solution is to make sure your sitewide time settings are properly configured. You can find them under /admin/settings/date-time.
