App Not available in some countries - google-play

I just released one app yesterday. It's showing up in my country.
But I found out that it's not showing in some countries. How I can check that it's available in all the countries or not. What I need to do if I want to make int available in all the countries >

Depends on your app, maybe this helps. Otherwiese, have you read the localiaztion guidlines (like it is suggested by google to do so before releasing an app)? As far as I remember you are asked in the developer console in which country you want to rlease you app, but maybe this was only for payed apps.

Maybe this question is related to this one: This item isn't available in your country
quoting durbnpoisn answer:
Check your listing in the Developer control panel.
There is a listing for where the app is available (Pricing &
Distribution section - Manage Countries). The checkbox for whatever
country needs to be checked on. Otherwise, it's locked out.
For convenience, there is a box at the top that says "SELECT ALL
For what it's worth, if the country in question is not on the list,
there is nothing you can do about that. There are a number of rules
and regulations about where Google Play can distribute stuff. You have
no control over that.


Easy, simple, attractive way/path/option to signup/register a new user in Joomla 3.9

I'm a volunteer for a not-for-profit project committed to conceiving a "way" to easy (considering the user audience not used to browse websites) and make attractive the registration of a new user on the home page Joomla website 3.9.
After a web search and a look in the Joomla section of the extensions on the related, I've just found that one of the possible options that meet my requirements is a free extension that enables the user to signup with a social account (Twitter, Facebook, etc.): SLogin.
I've found that the category under which I may look for a suitable extension is: Tutorial or website tour. But all of the ones I find on the web are not free.
If I was in the shoes of a user not familiar with registering a new account on a website, maybe I'd expect to find a guided procedure with popup windows or more than one webpage with plenty of information on any single step involved in the user creation.
I wonder if there is a template or extension (free) or any other option (not custom developed) that may do that job; I'm open to any suggestions based on the requirements above.
Try BreezingForms -
I think it allows you (even in the free version) to create custom forms, as complex as you need (multi-page, etc.) and then port them into Joomla! user creation.
You're gonna need to hunt around on their forums/support to find out how to do this exactly because it's been a long time since I've used BreezingForms.
This post on their forum has a user asking the same question and I think they answer it conclusively:
Good luck and have fun!
In addition to the options already mentioned, I've evaluated and finally selected a Joomla template with a slideshow extension on top that repeatedly displays the required number of slides to show how to register and/or login.
One of those slides will feature two buttons that will open a modal window to register or log in.

Google play developer name

I want to know, if I can in play console, use a company name instead of my real name, because, on the store, it displays my name next to my app, which I don't think looks good. So can I just change it to a company name? for example X corporation Is there something i need to keep in mind?
I know it's not a code related question, but I've searched for hours on google, and couldn't find anything useful.
Please help.
If you go to the main page of the console (before you choose your app) and select Developer Page, the top option is Developer Name. I expect changing that will do what you want?
It should not.
I have done recently for changing developer name to my company, then google terminated my account and removed apps from play store.
Google Play on Jan/2022
You can find out it on the Developer page.

Removing About tab in personal msteams application

I have a brief question - is it possibile to get rid of "About" tab in personal msteams application? I would like to have only my custom tab.
It is not possible to remove the About tab for an app. It is by design and is used to display the basic details of the app like its functionality, terms of use and privacy policy. We do not have any plan to allow users to remove this.
I'm not sure why all the downvotes, I think it's a valid question - perhaps people are getting confused and think you're trying to remove a "normal" tab in a channel.
I don't think it's possible to remove an application's "About" tab though - certainly I've not seen where/how to do so, and I think it needs to be there so people can easily access your privacy policy, terms, description, etc.

Why am I unable to add new version for TestFlight external testing?

I have an app that I have out for external testing; I have submitted two (2) different versions without any problems. Now, I am trying to submit another new version (#3), but when filling out the Test Flight Information the "next" button is disabled, preventing me from adding the new version.
Any ideas on how to fix this? or what the problem is?
I've had the same problem and finally got it working. First I had to go into safari, Chrome didn't work. You have to fill out every field for every language you have. Every. Single. One.
Then the next button finally became active.
Also the app description has to be over 10 characters long.
I'm submitting a bug report to apple because whoever made this was an idiot.
This is the workaround:
go to TestFlight for your app using Safari.
enter all of the data for all of your supported languages; it doesn't have to be in the language (I used English for all of the languages, French, German, Japanese, etc). Just make sure you are mindful of the length restrictions!
Next button is then enabled! And you can continue on... :D
I filled out everything, but still no Continue button gets activated. For some languages email and url field will appear for some not. I think something is really badly programmed there
read this news on the dashboard iTunes connect
TestFlight Requires Export Compliance Information
All TestFlight builds now require Export Compliance information. To answer Export Compliance questions and upload any necessary documentation, visit the new Encryption section in Features. Once your documentation is approved, you will receive a key string value to add to your build's Info.plist. Learn more in Resources and Help
in short, if your application has not put that in your encryption info.plist, can also resolve:

Is there a way to export notes taken in Google Play books?

I have taken a series of notes in a book that I read on Google Play books. Is there a way to export these notes all together as a text document or some similar format?
Google has changed this and now if you have Android device you can get your notes on Google Drive. Simply do this:
Open Play Books on your Android device
Go to Settings
Save notes, highlights and bookmarks in Google Drive - turn this ON
This feature is still not perfect. The biggest problem I have is that page number is not recorded properly for most books. Instead, you just have link that opens the page in Google Play Books. Meaning, it'll probably work for you personally, but sharing notes and making sense of notes on different devices is problematic.
It isn't perfect but here is one way to do it. After doing this you will receive a zip file with your book(s) and an HTML (or JSON) file with your notes.
Follow this link to the Google Data Tools
Click the Create New Archive button
Click the Select None button
Go down to Google Play Books and flick the switch on
Hit the down arrow
Either download all or click on the Select Books radio (a popup will appear where you can select none again and search at the top)
After you have chosen your books, go to Next at the bottom
Pick your export options and you're good to go.
there is no such available function at the moment. I have submitted a request already, let's see what google developers say.
It works on some books and not others apparently. I can't produce a summary/review of Guttag's book for my class.I have the print version and just bought the Playbook version.
