Magento for Non-Ecommerce websites? - magento

Should I use Magento for a product brochure style website with no need for e-commerce?
This may seem odd but I'm in need of some feedback as my client has decided to convert their entire portfolio of websites from PHP/symfony to Magento just so "it's all on the same platform" and "'one day' we may sell these products online".
An example of a 'product brochure style website with no e-commerce' would be something like this (random google search):
All shopping cart functionality would need to be turned off within Magento as it's just a brochure site.

If just now you need a Product Catalog, I don't recommend to use Magento, because if "one day' we may sell these products online" you (or another developer) will stuck upgrading magento to latest stable release and undoing all changes to make sales work again.
Just my opinion, but, you can do this with no big problems (now). Just disable Mage_Sales module and remove all "Add to cart" buttons from tempalte.

Yes, you can use Magento for non-transactional site. Mainly if you need it for flexible product management then that's good choise. You will need to amend all tempaltes and remove 'add to cart' buttons, disable some modules like Mage_Checkout, Mage_Wishlist, Mage_Sales... etc.. there is a lot of things to switch off.
But if you need something more powerfull from CMS point of view then I would choose soemthing else (Drupal, Concrete5...)


Changing Magento theme based on referral URL

I'm a brand-new Magento developer, coming from more general web-dev.
What I'm trying to do is create a "Kiosk Mode" of a website to be displayed within an app. Kiosk mode is a stripped-down version of my existing Magento site for BROWSING only; no customer login, no cart. Don't show "Add to Cart" stuff on product pages, etc. I want the site to draw from my existing product catalogue. My site currently has three store-views, representing three different physical locations with different inventory (business is mainly local pickup).
From what I'm reading it seems like a Theme is the way to go here, but I've got a couple of questions:
1) Can I drive theme from referral URL? I've looked at this page, but the answer seems shaky and I don't want to dive in to the codebase on spec if I can help it:
Change magento theme/storeview based on referring URL?
2) Does everything I'm describing above seem possible using Magento themes? Can I hide cart, change product page layout to remove "Add to Cart", etc?
Many thanks in advance!

Turning a Magento website into an online catalouge without Prices and a shopping basket

Hey im just looking for some advice, my project is to create a website on magento without the price option. This means no shopping basket either but just the option for users to view all the products without having the option to buy it online. Its important that i still keep the feature of selling online for the future but if it was possible to just disable it all.
Id love for some insight onto what people think the best option is for me to do.
You should do three things:
Remove all inclusions for the prices from your theme (just comment them out)
Remove the button in the addtocart.phtml files
Disable onepage checkout via the backend

Magento Home Infinite Scroll does exist?

I've been searching all night long a way to make my Magento HomePage loads it's list of products in infinite scroll mode, but until now I've found zero positive information about that. Is it really that impossible? Does anyone knows a solution?
In you Magento homepage, try to get all the products you want first. May be from some category or some other criteria as you desire.
Then, implement Lazy Loading (loads images/products as you scroll down the page) to your homepage.
As an example, here is the paid extension which does this. But you could do this yourself too.
Yes, its really possible and easy. You can try out Continuous Paging Scroller magento extensions from
Checkout the extension along with the demo that you are looking for.
Extension URL :
Their support is too good! they do offer you coupon code to give further 10% discount. Just initiate chat with their support and extension will go more cheaper for you.

how to restrict user to access a particular category in magento?

I created a website for online shopping and i want to give my admin panel to some vendors so that they insert their own products related with a particular category they are dealing with.
For ex :- In electronics category,there are various options like cameras, mobiles etc.
1.So, i want one vendor who is related with mobiles should be allowed only to enter his related products(only mobiles) from admin panel.
2.And he should not be allowed to see or update the products in other categories like cameras.He will only be given access to update his related category.
How can i achieve this?
This is not out the box and multi-user done properly is an Enterprise Edition feature, even if you want to do it 'multi-store' instead of 'category'.
You will probably find someone has written a module to support the functionality you are after, however, what you are after goes against the overall design of Magento Community Edition.

Using Magento just for checkout

I am wondering if it is possible to use Magento just for the checkout process.
I am making an e-commerce site that has only 1 product and I plan to just display it on my home page with a "buy now" button that would populate the cart and jump straight to checkout. I realize Magento is really overkill for this task, but I like the slick checkout and integration with Paypal Website Payments Pro allowing users to stay on my site throughout. However, that is all I want to use Magento for, not the cms functions or anything else, etc.
Can this be done (if so, how) or is there a better option?
Thanks for any help,
Sure you can! Modify the template to remove most of the page chrome and use the homepage as your single landing page. As you say, this is huge overkill, but certainly possible.
If you selling just 1 product why don't you use Paypal 'Add to Cart button'. Very simple and elegant solution for your need.
