Table Validation for my DateFrom and DateTo in MS Access - validation

What can I put in my table to validate so my 'DateFrom' is always before my 'DateTo' so that I can get a popup box stating date from cannot be after date to?
I am currently playing with the Validation Rules and Validation text in the Table by using
But it is not validating!

Access won't let you reference another field in the Validation Rule for a field. Use the Validation Rule from the table's property sheet instead.
Make sure to enclose the field names in square brackets as illustrated. Otherwise, Access may enclose them with quotes. And that won't work because the rule would then be based on a comparison of two strings.
Also supply your own Validation Text message if you want something other than the error text Access displays when the rule is violated.


how to specify custom validation for user details like telephone number, last name etc. in Oracle Identity Manager?

I had logged in as xelsysadm in oracle identity manager and created different users, then i tried to create custom validation for fields such as telephone number and last name, but i don't know where to specify the regular expression and in what way the regular expression is to be specified. I had activated the sandbox,customized it and from the options i chose structure(located at the top left corner) and selected the telephone number column which is to be custom validated, then chose the corresponding tag for the telephone number column from right-side, then various display options were displayed such as VALUE, PARTIAL TRIGGERS etc, but i don't know where to specify the regular expression for validation and in what way it is to be mentioned.
I specified the below tag in VALUE field, but the result was not the expected.
af:validateRegExp pattern="/^+(\d+\s?)+$/"
Where to specify and how to specify the regular expression?
I specified af:validateRegExp pattern="/^+(\d+\s?)+$/" in the value field but it is not working as expected.
af:validateRegExp pattern="/^+(\d+\s?)+$/"
I expect the result to be like, when in future on creating a new user there should be strict validation for telephone number field like there must be a '+' sign in the beginning followed by numerical digits.

Oracle-APEX Validation Rules for Empty, half empty & full data fields

So I'm writing up 3 validation rules for CV_DATE_SUBMITTED & CV_DATE_APPROVED
The 1st Validation rule I want to do is set it so that when both fields are empty and the user presses create, it will ignore the validation because both fields are empty.
The 2nd validation rule will be set up so if the user has entered data into the CV_DATE_SUBMITTED field but not for the CV_DATE_APPROVED field because they don't have data for that as yet. When the user presses the create button, it will validate that the CV_DATE_SUBMITTED should be on a date before the present day.
Finally, the 3rd validation rule is set up so if the user has data for both the CV_DATE_SUBMITTED & CV_DATE_APPROVED fields, then it will check that the CV_DATE_APPROVED field cannot be a date after & including the current date, whilst also checking that the CV_DATE_SUBMITTED is not a date after the CV_DATE_APPROVED.
I've managed to complete the 3rd validation rule in the form of CV_DATE_SUBMITTED field having the SQL Expression of TO_DATE(:P19_CV_DATE_SUBMITTED) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
And CV_DATE_APPROVED field having the SQL Expression of
But I have no idea as to how I can implement the 1st & 2nd validation rules & to get them to work with each other.
You either need to have separate validations that are conditional - only executing when the relevant field is empty/or filled in.
Or have few boolean operations
And/or you need to learn about null related functions.

Form validation rule MS-Access 2007

I have a simple form that gets used to enter information into a table. I want to use a validation rule on the form so that information gets entered correctly. I have a datetime object that must be filled out in a non-traditional form so I just want to check the length and make sure it is equal to 16. I have the following in the form which does not work
But when I put the same rule in the table and not in the form it works just fine, any ideas?
Dates should be stored in date data types. In a lot of DBs the date data type is numeric. In MS Access it is a decimal, the integer portion is a date and the decimal a time. It is not difficult to create a query that uses the Format function to modify output to suit an application.
SELECT Format(ThisDate,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss") FROM ThisTable

ReportViewer - how to filter on Multi Value Parameter

I have a report that uses a Multi Value parameter. I have added this to the report and can specify the parameter values in code.
Now I want to filter the data on the report by the multiple value parameter. Eg, I pass in a list of account no's and I want to filter the data on the report so only records with the passed in account no's are shown.
In the tablix properties there is a filters option which looks like the place I need to set up the filters.
I have added a new one, selected the Account Number column on the report. The operator that seems relevant to me is the 'in' operator. So show records that a 'in' this list. However, If i select the 'in' filter the expression text box is disabled. Is this what im meant to use?
Found it:
You should filter on The name of the parameter rather than an expression.
rather than:

Dojo Composite/Group validation

Given 2 text fields that (e.g. House Number, and House Name) on a form, and in order to be valid the user must enter a number or name in the appropriate field before the 'group' of 2 fields is considered valid.
A user could enter just a house number, or a house name, but entering a value in either field marks both of them valid.
Is there a way to do this in Dijit/Dojo? The idea of a composite or group of validation elements would be perfect.
dijit.form.Form has an isValid function that by default makes sure all of its children dijit.form widgets are valid. You can use stock dijit.form.ValidationTextBox widgets in combination with attributes like regexp and required, or descendants like NumberTextBox to specify validation rules.
