Exact Code segment size for a windows process - windows

The linux file proc/{pid}/status as we know gives us some fine grain memory footprint for a particular process. One of the parameters thrown by it is the 'VmExe' or the size of the text segment of the process. I'm particularly interested in this field but am stuck in a windows environment with no proc file system to help me. cygwin mimics most of the procfs but the {pid}/* files seem to be one of those parts which cygwin ignores. I tried playing around with the VmMap tool on windows sysinternals, but the closest field I got was was 'Private Data Size' on a Private working set. I'm not really sure if this is what I'm looking for.

I would take a look at the vmmap.exe from sysinternals, and see if it displays the information you are looking for, for a given process. If the information you are seeking is displayed there, you could take a look at the api calls the application uses, or ask on the sysinternals forums on msdn. I know this isnt exactly what you were looking for in an answer, but it hopefully points you in the right direction.
If you are talking about the :text segment in the PE itself, you can get that information from the debughlp library, and a number of other ways (there are a few libraries floating around for binary analysis).


What is the ".scatterload" file in macOS?

I've downloaded Apple's TextEdit example app (here) and I'm a bit puzzled by one thing I see there: the TextEdit.scatterload file. It contains a list of functions and methods. My guess is that it provides information to the linker as to which functions/methods will be needed, and in what order, when the app launches, and that this is used to order the binary generated by the linker for maximum efficiency. Oddly, I seem to be unable to find any information whatsoever about this file through Google. So. First of all, is my guess as to the function of this file correct? And second, if so, can I generate a .scatterload file for my own macOS app, to make it launch faster? How would I do that? Seems like a good idea! (I am using Objective-C, but perhaps this question is not specific to that, so I'm not going to tag for it here.)
Scatter loading refers to a way to organize the mapping of your code in memory by specifying which part of code must be near which one, etc. This is to optimize page faults, etc.
You can read about it here Improving locality of reference (HTML)
or here Improving locality of reference (PDF).
.scatterload file is used by the linker to position code in memory layout of the executable.
Except if your app really need tight performance tuning, I would not encourage you to have a look at this.

How do I reverse-engineer the "import file" feature of an abandoned pascal application?

first question I've asked and I'm not sure how to ask it clearly, or if there will be an answer that I want to hear ;)
tl;dr: "I want to import a file into my application at work but I don't know the input format. How can I discover it?"
Forgive any pending wordiness and/or redaction.
In my work I depend on an unsupported (and proprietary) application written in Pascal. I have no experience with pascal (yet...) and naturally have no source code access. It is an excellent (and very secret/NDA sort of deal I think) application that allows us to deal with inventory and financial issues in my employer's organization. It is quite feature-comprehensive, reasonably stable and robust, and kind of foistered (word?) on us by a higher power.
One excellent feature that it has is the ability to load up "schedules" into our corporate system. This feature should be saving us hundreds of hours in data entry.
But it isn't.
The problem is, the schedules we receive are written in a legacy format intended for human eyes. The "new" system can't interpret them.
Our current information (which I have to read and then re-enter into the database by hand) is send in a sort of rich-text flat-file format, which would be easy to parse with the string library of probably any mainstream language.
So I want to write a converter to convert our data into a format that the new software can interpret.
By feeding certain assorted files into the system, I have learned a little bit about what kind of file it expects:
I "import" a zero-byte file. Nothing happens (same as printing a report with no data)
I "import" an XML file that I guess might look like the system expects. It responds with an exception dialog and a stacktrace. Apparently the string <?xml contains illegal characters or something
I "import" a jpeg image -- similar result to #2.
So I think that my target wants a flat-file itself. The file would need to contain a "document number" along with {entries with "incident IDs" and descriptions and numeric values}.
But I don't know this for certain.
Nobody is able to tell me exactly what these files should look like. Someone in the know said that they have seen the feature demonstrated -- somewhere out there is a utility that creates my importable schedules. But for now, the utility is lost and I am on my own.
What methods can I use to figure out the input file format? I know nothing about debugging pascal, but I assume that that is probably my best bet. Or do I have to keep on with brute force until I can afford a million monkey-operated typewriters? Do I have to decompile the target application? I don't know if I can get away with that, let alone read the decompiled source.
My google-fu has failed me.
Has anyone done something like this before or could they point me in the right direction? Are there any guides on this subject?
Thanks in advance.
PS: I am certain that I am not breaking any laws at this point, although I will have to check to find out if decompilation would get me into trouble or not, and that might be outside of my technical competence anyway.
If you have an example file you can try to take a hexdump utility and try to see if there things you can identify. Any additional info that you have (what should in the file) helps with that. Better even, if you know a program that can edit the file, you can use the editor to make minimal changes and then compare the file before and after.
IOW standard tricks of binary file format reverse engineering.
...If you have no existing files whatsoever, then reverse engineering the binary is your only option, and that is not pretty. Decompilation of native binaries is a black art that requires considerable time and skill. Read the various decompilation FAQs on the net.
First and for all, I would try to contact the authors of the program. Source code are options 1,2,3 and you only go with other options if there is really, really, really no hope whatsoever of obtaining source or getting normal support.

How can I quickly search my code using Windows?

I've got the same problem as in this question, except in Windows. Our product has a 100+ MB code base, and searching for stuff in there takes an awful amount of time (several minutes). It's nice when you can narrow your search to a specific subfolder, but that isn't always possible.
I was wondering if there is some tool that would make it faster, probably by indexing. Accuracy is paramount, if a substring exists somewhere, it must be found, even if the file is not indexed or the index is out of date. Also it would be ideal if .svn folders would be ignored when searching.
Failing that, I was wondering if I could make something like that myself. Is there maybe a ready made indexing engine available for such tasks? I was wondering about Windows Indexing Service (or whatever it is called these days), but so far my experience with it (the Windows standard file search facility) has been rather dismal, with it often missing files that were right in front of its nose.
Yes, I have seen Window Indexing service miss files too, but I haven't checked KBs or user forums for explanations. I'm glad to see it confirmed that it's not just me ;-)!
There look to be alot of file index programs available, I would be surprised if you can't find one that meets your needs (although, see later).
Here are some things to consider:
If your team is using an IDE, isn't there an index feature/plug-in? (none of the SVNs provide Indexing capabilites?). Also, add some tags to your question so this will be seen by other windows developers using the same dev enviorment that you are using.
The SO link you provided mentions several options: slocate, rlocate, and I found mlocate. The wikipedia page for slocate says
Locate32 for Windows Windows analog of GNU locate with GUI, released under GNU license
which seems to meet your main requirement. Looking at the screen shots with the multi-tab interface (one labeled advanced) would give me hope that you can exclude svn (at least from results, possibly from what is indexed).
Your requirement for
if a substring exists somewhere, it
must be found, even if the file is not
indexed or the index is out of date.
seems contradictory. For the substring requirement, I can see many indexing programs ignore c lang syntax elements ( {([])}, etc), and, for example, 'then' is either removed because it is considered a noise word, or that it gets stemmed-down to 'the' and THEN is removed because it is noise word.
To get to 'must be found', and really be sure, you would have to develop a test suite to see what the index program is doing for anything that is corner case. (For a 100 MB code base, not out of the question, especially since you are considering rolling your own).
Finally 'even if the file is not indexed ...'. Well, you either use an index or your don't (obviously). Unfortunately, for your requirement, while rlocate is looking for changes all the time, slocate (on Unix) doesn't seem to. Probably if you read/check on the docs or user forums for locate32 you'll get the answers you need.
Rlocate would give you what you need, but from an rlocate page 'rlocate will work only on Linux with version 2.6.'. mlocate doesn't seem to be have a Windows port either only.
Finally here is a link I found that is interesting about mlocate : mlocate vs rlocate. This is the google cache, because the redhat.com said 'not available'.

Locating OEPs in Packed EXE Files

Are there any general rules on how to realiably locate OEPs (Original Entry Points) for packed .exe files, please? What OEP clues are there to search for in debugged assembly language?
Say there is a Windows .exe file packed with PC-Guard 5.06.0400 and I wish to unpack it. Therefore, the key condition is finding the OEP within the freshly extracted block of code.
I would use the common debugger OllyDBG to do that.
In the general case - no way. It highly depends on packer. In the most common case packer may replace some code from OEP by some other code.
This depends solely on the packer and the algorithms its using pack and/or virtualize code. Seeing as you are using ollydbg, i'd suggest checking out tuts4you, woodmanns and openrce, they have many plugins (iirc there is one designed for finding oep's in obfuscated code, but i have no clue how well it performs) and olly scripts for dealing with unpacking various packers (from which you may be able to pick up hints for a certain type of packer), they also have quite a few papers/tutorials on the subject as well, which may or may not be of use.
PC Guard doesn't seem to get much attention, but the video link and info here should be of help (praise be to Google cache!)
It's hard to point out any simple strategy and claim that it will work in general, because the business of packer tools is to make OEP finding a very hard problem. Besides, with a good packer, finding the OEP is still not enough. That being said, I do have some suggestions.
I would suggest that you read this paper on the Justin unpacker, they use heuristics that were reasonably effective at the time, and that you might be able to get some mileage from. They will at least reduce the number of candidate entry points to a manageable number:
A study of the packer problem and its solutions (2008)
by Fanglu Guo , Peter Ferrie , Tzi-cker Chiueh
There are also some web-analysis pages that can tell you a lot about your packed program. For example, the malware analyzer at:
Here's another one that is currently down, but has done a reasonable job in the past, and I presume will be up again soon):

Windows Task Manager Save or Graph a Process

I've been monitoring some memory usage by specific processes through Windows Task Manager for awhile and at the moment I've just been taking down a bunch of values into a notepad file. This seems pretty inefficient and also not nearly as easy to glean information from at a glance. Plus, it may not necessarily be accurate as with how much the processes change I definitely have missed some information. I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool that could be used to save process information to a file, or maybe even graph specific process memory usage. I don't think it would be worth me writing my own script since I have no idea how to access the task manager programmatically, and I feel like something already must be out there like what I'm looking for. If anyone knows of anything that would be nice.
Use perfmon. It can monitor memory usage metrics for a process and can export the results to a file.
To get a list of all processes with some interesting numbers like working set, private bytes, CPU usage, ... you can enter on a command prompt simply:
wmic process
You can do this on a regular basis and then make some graph out of it. The text file is rather simple a fixed width column format which is easy to parse.
Alois Kraus
