Locating OEPs in Packed EXE Files - debugging

Are there any general rules on how to realiably locate OEPs (Original Entry Points) for packed .exe files, please? What OEP clues are there to search for in debugged assembly language?
Say there is a Windows .exe file packed with PC-Guard 5.06.0400 and I wish to unpack it. Therefore, the key condition is finding the OEP within the freshly extracted block of code.
I would use the common debugger OllyDBG to do that.

In the general case - no way. It highly depends on packer. In the most common case packer may replace some code from OEP by some other code.

This depends solely on the packer and the algorithms its using pack and/or virtualize code. Seeing as you are using ollydbg, i'd suggest checking out tuts4you, woodmanns and openrce, they have many plugins (iirc there is one designed for finding oep's in obfuscated code, but i have no clue how well it performs) and olly scripts for dealing with unpacking various packers (from which you may be able to pick up hints for a certain type of packer), they also have quite a few papers/tutorials on the subject as well, which may or may not be of use.
PC Guard doesn't seem to get much attention, but the video link and info here should be of help (praise be to Google cache!)

It's hard to point out any simple strategy and claim that it will work in general, because the business of packer tools is to make OEP finding a very hard problem. Besides, with a good packer, finding the OEP is still not enough. That being said, I do have some suggestions.
I would suggest that you read this paper on the Justin unpacker, they use heuristics that were reasonably effective at the time, and that you might be able to get some mileage from. They will at least reduce the number of candidate entry points to a manageable number:
A study of the packer problem and its solutions (2008)
by Fanglu Guo , Peter Ferrie , Tzi-cker Chiueh
There are also some web-analysis pages that can tell you a lot about your packed program. For example, the malware analyzer at:
Here's another one that is currently down, but has done a reasonable job in the past, and I presume will be up again soon):


PIC Programming

I truly apologize if my question is too amateurish or has been asked before (I searched and couldn't find anything).
I am working on a big project with a PIC MCU (MPLAB), I picked up where someone else stopped and he has no documentation of his code, it's horrible to look at.
The main problem is that I can't find any records online for functions that appear on the code (i.e rdft, I know it performs FFT but I want to know more about parameters structure etc.).
Is there a good online source for library function for PIC?
Or am I missing something and it's pure C written for embedded systems?
Thanks for your help.
With the provided information I cannot help with your particular code.
But answering your question:
Is there a good online source for library function for PIC?
Yes there is you can find it in http://www.microchip.com/doclisting/SoftwareLib.aspx
Where it includes several libraries including some to preform FFT's.
Or am I missing something and it's pure C written for embedded systems?
Well the IC provides several peripherals for different functionalities (SPI,I2C,ADC's, etc..) some IC's also include DSP's where one can implement FFT's making use of dedicated hardware on the IC's.
In the Software Lib's from Microchip you can find several libraries that provide an abstraction layer to access such hardware.
Well it's not easy to answer your questions, but when I program some C-Code in MPLAB X, I have no libraries, for the MCU. Well I program some 8-Bit MCUs like the PIC18F4550 or the PIC18F46K20, etc... But you can use some standard libraries like math.h, strings.h or so to implement. But the rest like an I2C-Port or an RS232-Port I write by my self in small functions. For the 8-Bit MCUs, there are practically no libraries available from Microchip themselves, at least what I know. :-)
My tip for you: Tell us which Microcontroller it is (if it is an 8-Bit or so) and take a look at the data sheet of it. Also, you could make a copy on your desktop of the Code and try to clean it up (with tabs), that it looks readable to you.
Well I don't know how else I could help you. :-)

How do I reverse-engineer the "import file" feature of an abandoned pascal application?

first question I've asked and I'm not sure how to ask it clearly, or if there will be an answer that I want to hear ;)
tl;dr: "I want to import a file into my application at work but I don't know the input format. How can I discover it?"
Forgive any pending wordiness and/or redaction.
In my work I depend on an unsupported (and proprietary) application written in Pascal. I have no experience with pascal (yet...) and naturally have no source code access. It is an excellent (and very secret/NDA sort of deal I think) application that allows us to deal with inventory and financial issues in my employer's organization. It is quite feature-comprehensive, reasonably stable and robust, and kind of foistered (word?) on us by a higher power.
One excellent feature that it has is the ability to load up "schedules" into our corporate system. This feature should be saving us hundreds of hours in data entry.
But it isn't.
The problem is, the schedules we receive are written in a legacy format intended for human eyes. The "new" system can't interpret them.
Our current information (which I have to read and then re-enter into the database by hand) is send in a sort of rich-text flat-file format, which would be easy to parse with the string library of probably any mainstream language.
So I want to write a converter to convert our data into a format that the new software can interpret.
By feeding certain assorted files into the system, I have learned a little bit about what kind of file it expects:
I "import" a zero-byte file. Nothing happens (same as printing a report with no data)
I "import" an XML file that I guess might look like the system expects. It responds with an exception dialog and a stacktrace. Apparently the string <?xml contains illegal characters or something
I "import" a jpeg image -- similar result to #2.
So I think that my target wants a flat-file itself. The file would need to contain a "document number" along with {entries with "incident IDs" and descriptions and numeric values}.
But I don't know this for certain.
Nobody is able to tell me exactly what these files should look like. Someone in the know said that they have seen the feature demonstrated -- somewhere out there is a utility that creates my importable schedules. But for now, the utility is lost and I am on my own.
What methods can I use to figure out the input file format? I know nothing about debugging pascal, but I assume that that is probably my best bet. Or do I have to keep on with brute force until I can afford a million monkey-operated typewriters? Do I have to decompile the target application? I don't know if I can get away with that, let alone read the decompiled source.
My google-fu has failed me.
Has anyone done something like this before or could they point me in the right direction? Are there any guides on this subject?
Thanks in advance.
PS: I am certain that I am not breaking any laws at this point, although I will have to check to find out if decompilation would get me into trouble or not, and that might be outside of my technical competence anyway.
If you have an example file you can try to take a hexdump utility and try to see if there things you can identify. Any additional info that you have (what should in the file) helps with that. Better even, if you know a program that can edit the file, you can use the editor to make minimal changes and then compare the file before and after.
IOW standard tricks of binary file format reverse engineering.
...If you have no existing files whatsoever, then reverse engineering the binary is your only option, and that is not pretty. Decompilation of native binaries is a black art that requires considerable time and skill. Read the various decompilation FAQs on the net.
First and for all, I would try to contact the authors of the program. Source code are options 1,2,3 and you only go with other options if there is really, really, really no hope whatsoever of obtaining source or getting normal support.

Is there any Haskell-land equivalent to the Ruby-land's Bundler et. al and, if not, how would a project so structured be contrived?

Note to readers: Bear with me. I promise there's a question.
I have a problem to solve and think to myself "Oh, I'll do it in Ruby."
$ bundle gem problemsolver
create problemsolver/Gemfile
create problemsolver/Rakefile
create problemsolver/.gitignore
create problemsolver/problemsolver.gemspec
create problemsolver/lib/problemsolver.rb
create problemsolver/lib/problemsolver/version.rb
Initializating git repo in /tmp/harang/problemsolver
Remove the comment on s.add_development_dependency "rspec" in problemsolver/problemsolver.gemspec and then
$ bundle exec rspec --init
The --configure option no longer needs any arguments, so true was ignored.
create spec/spec_helper.rb
create .rspec
New tests go into spec/ and must be in files that end in _spec.rb. For instance, spec/version_spec.rb
describe 'Problemsolver' do
it 'should be at version 0.0.1' do
Problemsolver::VERSION.should == '0.0.1'
To run specs--ignorning code-change runners like guard--is trivial:
$ bundle exec rspec
Finished in 0.00021 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
You can't see it, but the message is nicely color coded for quick "Did I screw up?" scanning? The things that are very good about this:
Setup was rapid, almost brainless (though figuring out which commands to invoke is not trivial).
Standardized layout of the source tree reduces the familiarization period with a new code-base, making collaboration more simple and reducing the lull time when picking up a project you've left for a bit.
A heavy reliance on tooling distributes best-practices through the community, roughly at the speed of new project creation.
Adding coverage tools, code watchers, linters, behavior test tools and others is no more difficult.
This stands unfavorably in contrast to the situation if one thinks, "Oh, I'll do it in Haskell."
$ mkdir problemsolver
$ cd problemsolver/
$ cabal init
Package name [default "problemsolver"]?
Package version [default "0.1"]? 0.0.1
Please choose a license:
1) GPL
2) GPL-2
3) GPL-3
5) LGPL-2.1
6) LGPL-3
* 7) BSD3
8) MIT
9) PublicDomain
10) AllRightsReserved
11) OtherLicense
12) Other (specify)
Your choice [default "BSD3"]?
Author name? Brian L. Troutwine
Maintainer email [default "brian#troutwine.us"]?
Project homepage/repo URL?
Project synopsis? Solves a problem.
Project category:
1) Codec
2) Concurrency
3) Control
4) Data
5) Database
6) Development
7) Distribution
8) Game
9) Graphics
10) Language
11) Math
12) Network
13) Sound
14) System
15) Testing
16) Text
17) Web
18) Other (specify)
Your choice? ProblemSolver
ProblemSolver is not a valid choice.
Your choice? 18
Please specify? ProblemSolver
What does the package build:
1) Library
2) Executable
Your choice? 2
Generating LICENSE...
Generating Setup.hs...
Generating y.cabal...
You may want to edit the .cabal file and add a Description field.
"Great," you think, "I was so pestered I bet all the latest Haskell best-practices in software development are just waiting on my disk."
$ ls
LICENSE problemsolver.cabal Setup.hs
Allow me to summarize my feelings: :(
The generated cabal file doesn't even have a Main specified, much less instructions for setting up a rudimentary project. Still, okay. If you fart around for a bit trying to find the right search keywords you'll land on How to write a Haskell program which is okay except:
All of Haq source code gets thrown into the root directory.
The test code for Haq is only in Test.hs, is only QuickCheck and has no facility for continuing the project with split-file tests.
All of this has to be manually written or copied for each new project.
Checking Real World Haskell's Chapter 11 you'll find it doesn't even mention cabal and skirts the issue of project layout entirely. None of the resources that Don Stewart kindly answers with here are addressed in either of the aforementioned and, I'll note, Mr. Stewart doesn't explain how to use any of the tools referenced.
Note that the accepted answer in Haskell testing workflow references a project that's since moved on sufficiently so as not be a good answer but does say
As cabal test doesn't yet exist -- we have a student working on it for this year's summer of code! -- the best mechanism we have is to use cabal's user hook mechanism.
Hey, okay, the cabal documentation! The appropriate section does have examples, but they're awfully contrived but don't fail to give the impression that everyone is on their own and good luck to you.
Of course, there's always test-framework that seems to be nice but it example code doesn't offer anything beyond what's seen in the wiki and is non-scalable in the sense that as soon as my program grows in complexity I'm on the hook to develop ways of dividing up tests into manageable modules. I'm not even sure what's going on with HTF and agree with Mr. Volkov's assessment.
Mr. Jelvis' comment on the linked HTF question was of particular interest to me: the Haskell tool-chain suffers, very badly, from a tyranny of small decisions. I can't actually get down to the task at hand--solving my problem in Haskell--because I'm on the hook for getting my environment just right. Why this is bad:
It's wasted effort. Unless I'm writing a test tool, I will very, very rarely care about how my tests are slurped up, only from where.
It's difficult to learn. There seems to be no singular resource for setting up a project with testing baked in, and the various sources that do exist are sufficiently diverse as to be unhelpful.
It's difficult to reproduce. With so many moving pieces to arrange I'm bound to do it differently each time.
As a corollary, it's idiosyncratic. That means its difficult to collaborate and to pick up dormant projects.
This just plain stinks.
Maybe I'm wrong, though. Does there exist some poorly advertised tool or closely developed tools to do something similar to Bundler+Rspec in the Haskell space? If not, is there a poorly advertised canonical example of modern Haskell testing with all of Mr. Stewart's referenced goodies baked right in? The project created or demonstrated:
should by convention and tooling keep test code separate from application code in a well-defined manner (in Ruby-land, Rspec tests go in spec/, Cucumber features in features/),
should not require end-users to compile and install testing dependencies
should be easily reproducible, desirably in no more than 10 minutes and
should be standardized or have the hope of standardization.
Am I wrong in believing that there's nothing at all like this in Haskell-land?
Edit0: Please note, the Ruby language's community isn't the only applicable comparison. Paul R. is correct in identifying the strong current of configuration over convention. Other languages solve the problem of getting a scalable project structure off the ground in other ways:
C :: This language is venerable and so well-documented that you'll have trouble figuring out which well-documented approach to take. No tooling as such.
Java :: Configuration over convention: you're bound into it at the compiler level. Many tools and very well documented.
Scala :: Strong tool support.
Erlang :: Venerable and loosely documented if you know what you're looking for. Arguably configuration over convention if you're using rebar or are otherwise targeting the OTP.
Paul R.'s solution of using a custom template works great if, like C, there's sufficient documentation to compile such a thing. This still runs into issues that I attempted to identify explicitly in the post, but it's workable. Haskell's best offering--that I'm aware of--is "How to write a Haskell program" but falls short of being more than the equivalent of dumping a lone Cub Scout off in the woods with a flashlight and a flask of water.
Also, yes, Static Types are great and do solve many problems that would otherwise need explicit testing. If they were an end-all solution, or mostly sufficient, even, the snap-framework would not be so thoroughly tested. (Arguably "Copy snap-core." is an answer to my question.)
There's currently no one single way to set up a testsuite. Hopefully, people will standardize on cabal test, which is out-of-the box. In fact, both HUnit and QuickCheck are also provided with the Haskell Platform, and so setting up tests doesn't require downloading any extra dependencies.
You're correct that an old accepted answer doesn't provide information on cabal test. I edited it, and now it does! You're also probably correct that the linked page on the Haskell wiki (also written before cabal test became available) doesn't provide information on current testing best practices. It's a wiki, and I encourage folks to edit it! Note that the page does, however, provide a link to another page that describes how one might structure a more complex Haskell project.
tldr; Use cabal test. I'm fond of test-framework, which you can integrate with cabal test should you so desire. Sorry that cabal test is sort of new and not all the resources we have (generally community editable) have been updated to point to it and describe how to use it. Updating lots of resources and creating tutorials is the job of a community. We should probably do a better job promoting lots of the new awesome tools introduced to the Haskell ecosystem in the last few years.
There are many points here. First, there is a comparison of convention-over-configuration with explicit configuration. In the ruby land, the former is often prefered. In my experience, although it works great for do-a-{blog|social-thing|gem|library}-in-5-minutes-screencast and quick experiments, it has much less value in your real projects (more than 5 minutes) as init time gets quickly amortized. Also, there is a reason why tools provide configuration facilities : there are many different needs and usages. So my advice to your cabal-init problem is : make your own template file. Put stub for everything you need, with great comments, and use it whenever you need it.
Regarding tests, the landscape is quiet different between ruby and haskell. In ruby, one can write foo do { oh dear I am typing nonsense here } and there is no other way to catch this nonsense than actually running the code. So automated tests are absolutely required. In the haskell land however, there is a great static analysis of your code coupled with a very sane paradigm (purely functional non-strict), and after years of using it, I'm still surprised haw hard it is to write nonsense without being immediately caught by the compiler. I do ruby at work as well, and really, 90% of my tests are poor-man manual "static checks".
Still, there is room for wrong design or corner-case errors, that's why quickcheck exists. It will automatically (yes, really automatically) find corner-case errors and help you a lot find design errors. You can still write unit tests with one of existing packages if you need manual checks.
So my conclusion here is : don't be surprised to find shadow everywhere if you shade ruby light on the haskell land. Things are very different over here, and need to be experienced to grab power. That doesn't mean that everything is perfect, actually improving the toolchain is a commonly expressed wish. Just the points you raised are not really problematic, and really don't deserve some vocabulary you picked. Try first, judge after :)

Most suitable language for cheque/check printing on Windows Platform

I need to create a simple module/executable that can print checks (fill out the details). The details need to be retried from an existing Oracle 9i DB on the Windows(xp or later)
Obviously, I shall need to define the pixel format as to where the details (Name, amount, etc) are to be filled.
The major constraint is that the client needs / strongly prefers a executable , not code that is either interpreted or uses a VM. This is so that installation is extremely simple. This requirement really cannot be changed.
Now, the question is, how do I do it.
(.NET, java and python are out of the question, unless there is a way around the VMs)
I have never worked with MFC or other native windows APIs. I am also unfamiliar with GDI.
Do I have any other option? Any language that can abstract the complexities and can be packed into a x86 binary?
Also, if not then any code help with GDI would be appreciated.
The most obvious possibilities would probably be C, C++, and Delphi. There are a few others such as Ada (e.g., Gnat), but offhand I don't see a lot of reason to favor them (especially for a job this small).
At least the way I'd write this, the language would be almost irrelevant. I'd have it run almost entirely by an external configuration file that gave the name of each field, and the location where it should be printed. I'd probably use something like MM_LOMETRIC mapping mode, so Windows will handle most of the translation to real-world coordinates (and use tenths of a millimeter in the configuration file, so you can use the coordinates without any translation).
Probably the more difficult part of this would/will be the database connectivity. There are various libraries around to help out with that, so this won't be terribly difficult, but it's still not (quite) as trivial as the drawing part.

the best or speedest way to understand uncommented and complex project [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have complex project without comments. The project is programed in Java but have more than one main class, use several .txt files like a template and use several .bat files. I don't know where to start and how to start discovering the project, because I need to make some changes in that project.
As with others I say this is a slow process.
However having done this in the past many times, this is my methodology:
Identify as many requirements that the code fulfils. This may give you the some reasons as to why certain things are the way they are when you look deeper. A common way of finding these is look for any tests that be available. The automated ones are best, but usually they're as missing as the comments.
Find the entry points to the code. These will give you places where you can poke the code to see how different inputs affect the flow. Common entry points are Code Loading 'Main' type functions, service interfaces, web page post backs etc..
Diagram the code. Look for tools that can build black/white box pictures of the code. For me this invaluable. I have on occasion printed out large listings and attacked then with markers and rulers. You're aim to create your own flow chart (mental or other wise) of the code flow.
Using the above (iteratively) build a set of outputs to the code that you think should occur, and add to these the outputs you may already know about such as logs, data files, database writes etc..
Finally if you have time, create some manual tests though preferably in automated test harnesses to verify the above. This where I start to involve the debugger to see detail in the code.
This methodology usually gives me confidence to make changes.
Note this is iterative process and can be done with portions of the code or overall as you see fit. I usually favour a top down approach to start with and then as I gain some insight I drill down till details become overwhelming and then I repeat. However this is just because my mind works in this way - you may be different. Good luck.
Find the main Main class. The starting point.
Start drawing a picture of the classes and the objects they own and the external entities they reference.
Follow all the branches until you can find a logical ending.
I've used UML reverse engineering tools in the past and while a visual picture is good, stepping through the code has always been the hardest and yet best methodology for me.
And, as you step through each piece you can add in your own comments..
I usually start with doxygen, turning on every extracting option (especially EXTRACT_ALL and EXTRACT_PRIVATE), and enable the SOURCE_BROWSER, HAVE_DOT, CALL_GRAPH and CALLER_GRAPH options (you also need to have dot installed). This gives good view of the software. For every function the calls are displayed and linked in a graph, also the sources are linked from there.
While doxygen is intended for C and C++, it also works with Java sources (set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA option).
Auch. I'm afraid there is no speedy way to do this. Comment out a line (or two) -> test -> see what breaks. You could also put break statements here and there and run the debugger. That should give you some indication how you got there (ie. what the hierarchy between the classes is).
Hopefully the original developers used some patterns that you can recognize and make notes. Make lots of notes of everything. Start by trying to understand the high level structure and work down from there.
Be prepared to spend endless hours not understanding what the thing is doing.
Speak to the client and try to understand what the project is for, and what are all the things that it does. Someone somewhere had to put in some requirements for the stuff that's in there, if only in an email.
I would try to find the first entry point in the code closest to where you suspect you'll need to start making your changes, set a breakpoint, and start debugging. Check out the contents of local variables and work your way deeper as you get to become familiar with whats going on. Then, when you have a basic understanding of the area of code you're going to be working with, start fiddling with some small changes. Test your understanding of it. Try diagramming what you see happening. If you can do that confidently, you'll be able to decide if you need to go back and continue learning more about the code, or if you know enough to get done what you need to get done.
A start is to use an automated uml modeling tool (if you use eclipse you can use a plug-gin), and start creating UML diagrams of the various classes to see how they are related in a high level and visualize the code. This has helped many times
If there are log files being generated, have a look at it to understand the flow from the starting point (main class). Otherwise, put debug statements to understand the flow.
Ya, that sounds like a pretty bad spot to be in.
I would say that the best way is to just walk through the program line for line. Try to grasp the big picture in the code, and write alot of notes, both on paper and in comments in the code.
I would say, a good approach would be to generate documentation using javadoc or doxygen's class diagram feature, then as you run the code traverse through the class diagrams generated using doxygen and see who calls what. This works wonderfully for me everytime i am working on such a project.
I completely agree to most of the answers posted.
I can add to use a development tool that reverse engineering the code and create a class diagram, to have an overall picture of what is involved.
Then you need patience. But you will be a stronger and smarter developer when you'll get through...
Good luck!
One of the best and first things to do is to try to build and run the code. It might sound a bit simplistic but the problem when you take over undocumented code is that you can't even build it and run it. When have no clue were to start.
