confluence4r add - ruby

We use Jira/Confluence as our wiki site. I've had a difficult time trying to figure out how to use the add. I'm guessing i'm missing something very obvious. When I go to this site: to download the confluence4r file, not sure what I'm supposed to do thereafter. The file contains a module which makes sense why it doesn't do anything when running it. But should I being using the gem install functionality in some way? When I simply try to use it in a ruby script, i get the following error:
conf.rb:15:in `<main>': uninitialized constant Confluence (NameError)
Where I am supplying the information required per the script (URL, user & pass contained the correct values when used):
server ="")
server.login("user", "pass")
puts server.getSpaces()
Any information how to get the working is appreciated.

Confluence4r isn't distributed as a rubygem, it's just a ruby script you can drop onto your filesystem and reference directly.
If you put Confluence4r.rb in the same directory as your own script, you'd need to require it like this:
require './confluence4r.rb'
You shouldn't need the "confluence" and "confluence-client" rubygems to use confluence4r; it's just a very thin wrapper around the Confluence XML-RPC API.


Debug a ruby Gem? Openshift Origin

I am curious of something.
I am using an opensource system called Openshift Origin.
It's produced by redhat. It is fairly large and the code is found here:
The thing I want to do is debug it. I'm trying to print values by inserting "puts #" in the code, but nothing is being displayed and when I attempted to write to a tmp file I had the same problem!
I am just trying to display what values the member variables are actually getting from the config files. Thanks in advance
By default, Rails (what OpenShift uses to serve web requests) will not write puts to where you expect. Use Rails.logger.debug("...") which will write to /var/log/openshift/broker/production.log

Ruby Gems Documentation

I'm just trying to understand how to use particular ruby gems. For example, take this reddit gem. It says to have this code to start:
require 'snoo'
# Create a new instance of the client
reddit =
# Log into reddit
reddit.log_in 'Username', 'Password'
# Send a private message to me (Paradox!)
reddit.send_pm 'Paradox', 'Snoo rubygem rocks!', "Hey Paradox, I'm trying your Snoo rubygem out and it rocks. Thanks for providing such an awesome thing!"
# Log back out of reddit
Great but in the documentation you can see that the Client class doesn't have very many exciting functions. The exciting functions are in the Account class but there is no way to get to it...because if I try something like this
reddit =
I get this error:
`initialize': undefined method `new' for Snoo::Account:Module (NoMethodError)
Okay so there's no new method but how do I make an Account object and use its functions like log_in?
Snoo::Account is a Ruby Module, and has been mixed in to Snoo::Client already by the gem. All the functions of Snoo::Account are already available to you on the reddit object.
The synopsis documentation in the readme doesn't make this very clear. But otherwise the documentation on the gem looks good to me.
Taking a short look at the source code on github makes me believe this is a fault in the documentation, as client clearly includes the functionality of many other modules, including the Account module you would like to access. In your example code, try the following methods to confirm it for yourself:
reddit.is_a? Snoo::Account
I assume the documentation software didn't catch the includes as they were executed using a block.

Use of link-Checker (ruby)

Has anyone used the link-checker gem?
I don't want to use it in a project I want to write a small script to test links on a web app.
I cant seem to figure out how to use it. Trying to require it doesn't work but saying gem 'link-checker' does result in true.
I'm getting nowhere trying to play with it in IRB. Can someone let me know what I am missing?
Did you read the documentation? Link-checker is a small script designed to check links already.
That page shows examples of it running from the command-line, not from inside IRB or Ruby code. In other words, it is a command-line app, not code you require:
Just give it the target that you want it to scan. For example, if you have an Octopress site then your output HTML is in the public directory, so call it with:
check-links 'public'
Or if you want to check the links on a live site, then give it a URL instead:
check-links ''
If you don’t pass any target, then the default is to scan the “./” directory. If you have a Jekyll site that you deploy to GitHub Pages, then you can check the links with just:

What is the origin of

Where is the origin of and where is it doccumented? I have looked in the Ruby docs at the process module and I cannot figure out how this is declared.
The code I am trying to replicate is in the Ruby God gem in lib/god/conditions/memory_usage.rb:66:
process =
System::Process isn't part of Ruby, it comes from God (the gem) itself. You can view its source if you want.
It's referable as System::Process in the file you reference because you're already in the God module, so Ruby resolves it within that namespace.

What does the World() method do in ruby?

I'd like to know what does the following line do:
Because I'm getting
uninitialized constant Cucumber::Rails::Capybara::SelectDatesAndTimes::XPath (NameError)
And I don't understand what it is supposed to do to tell what's wrong :-)
EDIT: I gisted my Gemfile: and my gem list on windows vista 32-bit ( and ubuntu maverick 32-bit Both are running ruby 1.8.7. Notice that I'm using this fork of cucumber-rails: because my ultimate goal is to get these datetime selectors to work with capybara.
I also found that on Linux I get another error message:
Unable to find '#<XPath::Union:0xb6e078b8>' (Capybara::ElementNotFound)
The World() method isn't one from Ruby, it's one specifically from Cucumber, regrettably they haven't even documented it.
In this case, it looks like something it missing from your Environment, maybe Caprybara, please give more info, and share your Ruby/Rails/Cucumber/Bundler/etc versions, and your Gemfile.
World is just an instance of Object that you can use in every step definition, its like a library that you expose without the need to import (or require in every step definition file).
see more at:
(Note that I'm still learning, so this may be wrong.)
A world-level method involves multiple objects versus a class- or object-specific method.
If you are having an issue with calling a world method, then check to see if the world method is specifying an object that can't be found.
