Debug a ruby Gem? Openshift Origin - ruby

I am curious of something.
I am using an opensource system called Openshift Origin.
It's produced by redhat. It is fairly large and the code is found here:
The thing I want to do is debug it. I'm trying to print values by inserting "puts #" in the code, but nothing is being displayed and when I attempted to write to a tmp file I had the same problem!
I am just trying to display what values the member variables are actually getting from the config files. Thanks in advance

By default, Rails (what OpenShift uses to serve web requests) will not write puts to where you expect. Use Rails.logger.debug("...") which will write to /var/log/openshift/broker/production.log


Getting current Parse Cloud code release version programatically

Whenever you deploy to cloud code, outputs the new release version.
"New release is named v296 (using Parse JavaScript SDK v1.4.2)"
Is there anyway to get this information programatically within cloud code?
I could not find a way to do that without a small trick:
I capture the console everytime I deploy a new version and then I parse the last line to get the version number. With that information, I update a collection in my Parse environment with this version code.
Whenever I need this information in cloud code (or even in the client), I query this collection to get it.
That's not the best way to do it, but it works...
Note: if, for some reason, you could not capture the console after deploy, you can also use "parse logs" and search for a string like "Deployed v296 with triggers:" and do the same after parsing it.
Hope this helps!

confluence4r add

We use Jira/Confluence as our wiki site. I've had a difficult time trying to figure out how to use the add. I'm guessing i'm missing something very obvious. When I go to this site: to download the confluence4r file, not sure what I'm supposed to do thereafter. The file contains a module which makes sense why it doesn't do anything when running it. But should I being using the gem install functionality in some way? When I simply try to use it in a ruby script, i get the following error:
conf.rb:15:in `<main>': uninitialized constant Confluence (NameError)
Where I am supplying the information required per the script (URL, user & pass contained the correct values when used):
server ="")
server.login("user", "pass")
puts server.getSpaces()
Any information how to get the working is appreciated.
Confluence4r isn't distributed as a rubygem, it's just a ruby script you can drop onto your filesystem and reference directly.
If you put Confluence4r.rb in the same directory as your own script, you'd need to require it like this:
require './confluence4r.rb'
You shouldn't need the "confluence" and "confluence-client" rubygems to use confluence4r; it's just a very thin wrapper around the Confluence XML-RPC API.

What methods exist to auto-generate ruby client stubs from WSDL files?

I'm using Ruby and the Savon gem to interact with SOAP/WS and would like to auto-generate the client request methods from the WSDL in Ruby.
Before I do this, I'd like to know if there's any other Ruby/SOAP library that does this?
Edit: Please note, I already know this isn't available in Savon out the box, in fact my intention is to add in the feature, I'm in the process checking if this exists somewhere else written in Ruby.
Since it's only few days since you asked this question, and I've run into same problem I've decided to create small script to do that.
Download - save as objects.rb for example and run with _bunde exec objects.rb path_to.wsdl_
Let me know if it works ^^
Take a look at Savon's spec, it has pretty rich testing environment
I think ads_common by Google is relevant to you.
google-api-ads-ruby/ads_common at master ยท googleads/google-api-ads-ruby
rake generate can create the client libraries automatically from WSDL.
It is specialized for Google Ads, but this notion would be helpful to create a versatile client library automatically from WSDL in Ruby.

A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active

Whenever two concurrent HTTP requests go to my Rails app, the second always returns the following error:
A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
From there it gives an unhelpful stack trace to the effect of "we went through the standard server stuff, ran your first before_filter on ApplicationController (and I checked; it's just whichever filter runs first)", then offers the following:
which I'm assuming is a generic response and doesn't really say much.
Google seems to tell me that people developing Rails Engines will encounter this, but I don't do that. All I've done is upgrade my Rails app from 2.2 (2.1?) to 2.3.
What are some possible causes for this error, and how can I go about tracking down what's really going on? I know this question is vague, so would any other information be helpful?
More importantly: I tried doing a test run in a "production" environment just now, and the error doesn't seem to persist. Does this only affect development, then, and need I not worry too much?
This is a bug in Rails 2.3.3:
There is a patch for it (but incomplete?) in 2-3-stable:
You have a few options to address the problem:
Revert to Rails 2.3.2, wait for 2.3.4 to come out, probably at the end of August. 2.3.3 has a couple bad issues, so that might be best.
The problem should not happen in production mode, nor will it happen in development mode under the Thin server. If you are having this issue on Google Engines in production mode, the patch is your only hope. If it's only in dev mode, you can just run your local server with Thin instead of Mongrel.
If it is Google Engines, you can move off of Google Engines and host your app another way. This seems like a lot of work though.
Best of luck, this is a really bad bug many people are running into.
I addition to the workarounds mentioned in the other answers, I have encountered two others:
Add "config.cache_classes = false" to your config/environments/development.rb file. This has the unfortunate side effect of requiring you to restart your server whenever you want to see your changes.
Add 'unloadable' inside your controller classes in your engine. See and
I haven't tried the second approach, since I found the other solution first, but there is of course a trade-off between avoiding having to edit plugin code, which may be reverted if a newer version of the plugin is downloaded, and then the ease of development provided by not having to restart the development server all the time in the second solution.
i faced with same problem for my new engine on rails 2.3.4 and i found solution here.
calling unloadable method solved my problem.
Trying running "rake rails:update" to make sure the configs are scripts are up to date. You may have to check the existing ones against a template application.
i had this error and from memory it was one of one of these three things that fixed it.
1) I needed to update mongrel/rack
2) I had an environment variable from restful authentication that i had moved into the production.rb and development.rb files from the environment.rb - shifting it back to environment.rb seemed to help
3) will_paginate was out of date
We called out to an activerecord model in a namespaced module which overrides the "name" class method. Rails expects that the name method returns Product::Categories::MilkProducts::Firstproduct but gets just Firstproduct and throws an error. So if you get this error first check if you redefined
Firstproduct.method(:name).owner should be Module
module Product::Categories::MilkProducts
class Base
class Firstproduct < Base
self.product = Product.first

File uploads using the selenium-client gem

I am using the selenium-client gem with Webrat and Cucumber to test a rails project. I have Cucumber set up pretty much as described here:
My problem is that Selenium is prevented from performing file uploads. Ideally I'd like to be able to replicate webrat's 'attach_file' method. I tried dodging the issue by using selenium-client's 'type' method to type the path to the required file, but this seems to fail.
Does anyone have a sugestion for a workaround using selenium-client (i.e. not the regular Selenium gem)?
The normal selenium can't do this because browser security prevents javascript from writing to input=file elements. This is a security feature so that your password file doesnt get uploaded to hackers if you go to a site thats been hacked. has the details
I finally figured this out.
You need to be using firefox with the chrome backend, and you need to specifiy an absolute filepath.
I ended up creating a helper module to specify the filepath, and a "fixtures" folder containing test content. Here is a gist of the solution I came up with:
Therefore it is totally possible to replicate Webrat's attach_file method!
