How to query a blank date in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

Is there a way in elasticsearch to query for a date type with a blank/empty value? What value gets assigned in the index to blank date fields?
Must I use the missing filter, or is there a way to use a query - a term maybe?

Unless you have a null_value specified on the date field, I believe missing filter is the recommended way.
This answer in elasticsearch discussion group talks about value being null in query is treated similar to the value not present the way elasticsearch looks at it.


Elasticsearch Query where KEY is Null

Im having problems getting a query to return the results i require. Im wanting to search for all documents which have a Field name called 'Title' but only them where the value is null.
By default Elasticsearch does not store fields with null value in its index, so you are not able to distinguish documents without Title field at all from documents where this field contains null. To cope with this issue you have explicitly choose some value that will indicate that field is empty. Look at this article for details.

Elastic search - search_after parameter

I read this doc to understand 'search_after' and have two question.
I'm curious that where "tweet#654323" comes from. Is this one of
document id or field data?
When I added multiple parameter of search_after, Is that 'and'
condition or 'or' condition?
ex) "search_after": [1463538857, 5147821]
As mentioned in that doc, "tweet#654323" is the _uid value of the document, which is made up of the _type and the _id of the document.
You need as many values in search_after as you have sort clauses and those values must be ordered the same way as in your sort clause. In "search_after": [1463538857, 5147821], it looks like you're sorting by a date field and some other id field.

how to find the date range in uri request search in elasticsearch

I have a search in which i need to find the delta of data
http://localhost:9200/index/index_type/_search?q=sampledate[21-02-2015 TO 22-02-2015]
but this search is giving me error
could anybody help?
You can use below query:
GET /index_name/index_type/_search?q=dateCreated:[2016-01-06+TO+2016-01-07]
This will work only if dateCreated is a date field. Won't work with String
We had similar weird issue with this date field in Elastic Search 7.6.1.
We found working solution by removing colon(:) after date fields and surrounding entire date query part with brackets.
GET /index_name/index_type/_search?q=dateCreated:[2016-01-06+TO+2016-01-07]
Above query changed to
GET /index_name/index_type/_search?q=(dateCreated[2016-01-06+TO+2016-01-07]) This should work

How to add a numeric filter on kibana dashboard?

I have a field that contains numbers. I want a filter that shows all logs that are less than a constant value.
When I try to add a new query filter, all I can see is a query string option.
If you are talking about the query field a syntax like this works:
Will find just records with a field value less than 10. Found this by experimentation one day -- don't know if it's documented anywhere.

Search by ignore value case checking

In my index I have inserted fields without changing the case of values(Upper case or Lower case), like in my elasticsearch document a field name contains value Hello World. And i have made name field as not_analyzed for exact match. But in that case, when i search by hello world this document don’t returned by elasticsearch, might be due to case sensitivity. I have tried by using term query and match query but haven't found a luck.
Please suggest, if there is a way.
The only way you can do this in Elasticsearch is by analyzing the field and using token filters. There is a lowercase token filter available that you should use but this can't really be done on-the-fly like SQL where you wrap the field to be queried against in something like LOWER().
To get the effect you desire I would use something like the Keyword tokenizer with the Lowercase token filter. If you set this analyzer to be the default analyzer for indexing and searching then your searches will also be case insensitive too.
