Elastic search - search_after parameter - elasticsearch

I read this doc to understand 'search_after' and have two question.
I'm curious that where "tweet#654323" comes from. Is this one of
document id or field data?
When I added multiple parameter of search_after, Is that 'and'
condition or 'or' condition?
ex) "search_after": [1463538857, 5147821]

As mentioned in that doc, "tweet#654323" is the _uid value of the document, which is made up of the _type and the _id of the document.
You need as many values in search_after as you have sort clauses and those values must be ordered the same way as in your sort clause. In "search_after": [1463538857, 5147821], it looks like you're sorting by a date field and some other id field.


elasticseach similarity mechanism in array field

My usecase is I have a field called subjects in elasticsearch index which is a list. This field will be having multiple values. For example one doc has ['subject one', 'subject two', 'subject three'] in field subjects, another doc has ['one test', 'one example', 'two'] in field name. So when I search for subject one in field name, I should get the first document first since it is most relevant, but I was getting the second doc first, even though I am sorting the result by _score.
Basically what I want is for when the user searches multiple search terms, and if all the search terms are present in one documents field then that document should get listed first. For text fields and all, it works fine, But for array fields, it didn't. my list field has more data.
Is there anyway that we can achieve this using any ES similarity mechanisms like BM25..
Thank you

How to search result set from a result set in elasticsearch

Im tring to understand the DSL query i needed if i want to make a search from a result set i got. means i have an initial term search, then i want make another query upon the previous result.
lets say i a have 10 documents with a sharing identifier between them, each document has a description field. i want to search first all the documents containing the value 'Hello' in the description and then take their id's, and search the document containing the value 'good by'.
No need to execute two queries, you can use filter context that will filter out the results.filter parameter will filter out documents that do not match, and will also not affect the score for matching documents.
Filter context is in effect whenever a query clause is passed to a
filter parameter, such as the filter or must_not parameters in the
bool query, the filter parameter in the constant_score query, or the
filter aggregation.
Refer this to know more about Query and Filter contexts

Weird results using Search After () elastic search

i am having issues with search after api in elastic search.
please see this link where i posted the full description of the problem
As per the documentation for searchAfter
A field with one unique value per document should be used as the
tiebreaker of the sort specification. Otherwise the sort order for
documents that have the same sort values would be undefined. The
recommended way is to use the field _id which is certain to contain
one unique value for each document.
Since you are only passing gender as sorting criteria, on your next second request it assumes that you are expecting results after Female, which will be results with gender Male.
Try adding _id as sort and searchafter parameter too

Elasticsearch query for what fields have a given type?

I have an elasticsearch (version 1.7) cluster with multiple indices. Each index has multiple doc_types, and each has fields w/ a variety of types. I'd like to get a list of field names for a given field type. This would be a necessarily nested list. For example, I'd like to query for field type "string", and return {index1: {doc_type1.1: [field1.1.1, field1.1.2], ...} -- the leaves of this nested dicts are only those fields w/ the given type. So the hits for this query won't be documents but rather a subset of the cluster's mapping. Is this possible using Elasticsearch?
One solution: I know I can get the mapping as a dict using Python, then work on the mapping dict to recover this nested list. But I think there should be an elasticsearch way of doing this, not a Python solution. In my searches through the documentation I just keep finding the "type filter" which filters by doc_type, not field type.
There's currently no way of achieving this. The _mapping endpoint will return all fields of the request mapping type(s).
However, there might be a way, provided your fields have a special naming convention hinting at their type, for instance name_str (string field for "name"), age_int (integer field for "age"), etc. In this case, you could use response filtering on the _mapping call and retrieve only the fields ending with _str:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/yourindex/_mapping/yourtype?filter_path=*_str

How to query a blank date in elasticsearch

Is there a way in elasticsearch to query for a date type with a blank/empty value? What value gets assigned in the index to blank date fields?
Must I use the missing filter, or is there a way to use a query - a term maybe?
Unless you have a null_value specified on the date field, I believe missing filter is the recommended way.
This answer in elasticsearch discussion group talks about value being null in query is treated similar to the value not present the way elasticsearch looks at it.
