how to find the date range in uri request search in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I have a search in which i need to find the delta of data
http://localhost:9200/index/index_type/_search?q=sampledate[21-02-2015 TO 22-02-2015]
but this search is giving me error
could anybody help?

You can use below query:
GET /index_name/index_type/_search?q=dateCreated:[2016-01-06+TO+2016-01-07]
This will work only if dateCreated is a date field. Won't work with String

We had similar weird issue with this date field in Elastic Search 7.6.1.
We found working solution by removing colon(:) after date fields and surrounding entire date query part with brackets.
GET /index_name/index_type/_search?q=dateCreated:[2016-01-06+TO+2016-01-07]
Above query changed to
GET /index_name/index_type/_search?q=(dateCreated[2016-01-06+TO+2016-01-07]) This should work


Using ranges for timestamp in query string query

I'm using query string query to retrieve data from api where NAME field equals TEST and its being updated TODAY.
Lastupdate field is timestamp format (2019-11-09 10:04:56.530000000)
I tried to do it this way, Which do not throw error but it clearly do not work as well, some of records are from months ago some of them yrs ago and I want to query only today.
/data/_search?q=name:TEST lastupdate:[now-1d/d TO now/D]
P.S I know how can I do it with query dsl with gte lt attributes of ranges but as I will be using this data in Power BI I have to feed json to it via URL so thats why I'm searching ways to do it in URI.
Maybe you're just missing an AND from your query param? Does the following give you your expected results?
GET /data/_search?q=name:TEST+AND+lastupdate:[now-1d/d+TO+now/d]

How should I sort by date results?: Solr

I'm trying to sort results by date. The server is using Solr technology. Earlier, I was using:
urldata.sort = 'last_modified desc';
to sort by date results. Now it seems to be not working. It throws error:
I referred to this answer regarding sort by date in Solr: How to sort by date in SOLR?
I tried to change 'last_modified desc' to 'published_date desc' but it seems to be not working. How should I proceed to solve this error?
The error isn't related to sorting, but that you aren't search a specific field for any particular value. Since there is no default field defined or specified in the URL, Solr has no idea what do with your search.
Try setting df in the URL, query a specific field foo:value or use qf (with (e)dismax) to specify which field Solr should sort.
Ordering, as long as the field is specified as a date field, should work automagically.

Aggregation value error in Elastic Search

I am trying to create a Date Histogram and aggregate a particular field to find the maximum value which is of long type in mapping from my ealsticsearch, but i get the result in floating point number,
for example :
Instead of getting 31032832 am getting 3.1032832E7
However am able to get 31032832 properly when i query my elasticsearch index through chrome plugin sense.
I found out what was the issue! it was giving me double value after aggregation because of this:
while accessing i called myResult.getMax().longValue() which solved my problem.

How to add a numeric filter on kibana dashboard?

I have a field that contains numbers. I want a filter that shows all logs that are less than a constant value.
When I try to add a new query filter, all I can see is a query string option.
If you are talking about the query field a syntax like this works:
Will find just records with a field value less than 10. Found this by experimentation one day -- don't know if it's documented anywhere.

How to query a blank date in elasticsearch

Is there a way in elasticsearch to query for a date type with a blank/empty value? What value gets assigned in the index to blank date fields?
Must I use the missing filter, or is there a way to use a query - a term maybe?
Unless you have a null_value specified on the date field, I believe missing filter is the recommended way.
This answer in elasticsearch discussion group talks about value being null in query is treated similar to the value not present the way elasticsearch looks at it.
