How to change InstallShield controls properties dynamically? - controls

I have a custom dialog in my IS installer and I want to change some properties such as Height, Top etc. according to the text written in the text areas (on run-time).
Are there any InstallScript functions that handle those parameters (something like CtrlSetText for changing the text)?

Assuming you are using a Windows Installer project type, you can use temporary tables and data. If you understand the underlying table schema you can use InstallScript to write a custom action that changes this during the installation. For starters see:
Q103295 : Dynamically Add and Remove Values from a Combo Box at Run Time


Which is the most appropriate mfc control to use while creating a dialog window to modify values in a database?

I have to modify existing entries in a database. My Addition entry dialog uses edit controls in order to get values and a submit button to update in database.
I have the need to create a modify dialog that should be able to modify entries when needed by user. Is there appropriate mfc control that can be used for my task?
If you do not want to edit directly on the list control, you can use CListCtrl or CMFCListCtrl.
I think MFC does not provide a list control for editing directly. So, if you want to do it, consider using a 3rd party, like the free Ultimate Grid.

how to add file chooser to swing GUI form Palette components IntelliJ IDEA

I already developed an application that train some text files in order to creat a data model which i will use in another class to identify the language of the document.
For now i have written and finished writing two classes one for Training the data models and the other to identify any given document language.
I wrote the code that i can get the file paths as arguments to my main method in order for the user to pass the file names as arguments to my main method.
But now i decided to create a simple GUI form for the application and i need the file chooser But when i choose the GUI form i could not find the file chooser from all the Swing palette components available.
How can i add it?
Note: i am using IntelliJ IDEA 13.0 Ultimate.
File chooser is something that usually pops up based on some button click.
So, what can you do is, inside button listener make an object JFileChooser and play with that.
fc = new JFileChooser();

Orca and Setup Project: show checkboxes form conditionally

I'm creating an installer for my application, using Setup Project in VS 10. The installer has a Checkboxes (A) form in it. My problem is, I want to show that form conditionally, based on one registry entry. How can I achieve this? I'm using Orca to edit my installer file, but what should I change to show this form conditionally? When I edit InstallUISequence>CustomCheckA_SetProperty_CHECKBOX1, the value of the checkbox is changed. I can't see any other property, I could edit to achieve this :(. Please help, thanks a lot! Greetings.
You need to define a registry search to see if your entry exists or not. The search name is actually an installer public property, so you can use it to set a condition.
To hide/show enable/disable controls from an MSI dialog you need to add a control condition, in Control Condition table. Make sure you define two control conditions for the same control, one to hide it if the condition is not met and one to show it when the condition is true.

is it possible to create a Form that will be used by a T4 template

I was wondering if it is possible to create a form that will be run on the execution of a t4 template. I would like the values inputted into the form to be used by the template to generate code, similarly to add view in an mvc project i.e. right click add view and a form would appear to add a new view.
Also in the add view (example discussed above) would it be possible to edit the form that appears i.e. add a new text box?
Something similar can be done with MVC Scaffolding. Only difference is it uses Powershell as the "UI" and environment. Pretty powerful stuff, you can configure it via command line parameters. Part 5-6-7 contains customization/modification related informations.
No dialog boxes, and forms aout of the box, but powershell (and any command line) is pretty useful if you are a developer. You can queue up tasks, etc...

Visual Studio Custom project Item

This is more of a question where to look that how to do it..
What I am trying to do is create a custom project item for VS studio, this will have custom code generators etc and will work in the following way..
When I add my new item lets call its a bob item, a few files will be created, myFile.bob, myFile.vb for example. the bob file will hold XML the a custom tool will to geneate the code in myFile.vb or c# etc.
Like some of the database type i will attach a database connection to the bob file, and the drag and drop from the server explorer stored procedures on to the bob dign screen.
this i wll generate a box which will display the procedure, and its parameters (like dropping a table onto the dbml designer), properties will be available for the whole object and also for each parameter to allow the user to change values.
I also want to be able t drag and drop other procedure onto existing ones to create a call stack.
when I add a procedure and or compile a custom tool will use the XML in the bob file to create a class that contains the code to access our data layer for each stored procedure added to the designer.
I am looking to do this in VB2008 and later in VB2010, so I do I create the custom disgnук page!
I hope this make sense.
