is it possible to create a Form that will be used by a T4 template -

I was wondering if it is possible to create a form that will be run on the execution of a t4 template. I would like the values inputted into the form to be used by the template to generate code, similarly to add view in an mvc project i.e. right click add view and a form would appear to add a new view.
Also in the add view (example discussed above) would it be possible to edit the form that appears i.e. add a new text box?

Something similar can be done with MVC Scaffolding. Only difference is it uses Powershell as the "UI" and environment. Pretty powerful stuff, you can configure it via command line parameters. Part 5-6-7 contains customization/modification related informations.
No dialog boxes, and forms aout of the box, but powershell (and any command line) is pretty useful if you are a developer. You can queue up tasks, etc...


How to find Oracle APEX Interactive report template

I need to make style changes to Oracle apex IR (apex version 4.2). For that purpose where can i find the template of it. ? is it saved inside table or procedure ?
Interactive reports are held in a region and the region can have a template, but has no effect on its content, such as an IR.
While you can define report templates for classic reports, this is not possible for interactive reports.
You cannot control the structure (html) it puts out.
You can however change the style of it by applying CSS to the appropriate elements. You don't have need to alter the source it puts out. Defining selectors and using your browser tools to inspect everything you can definitely influence the look and feel.
Word of warning though: heavily applying CSS will bring some trouble when upgrading to apex 5, as IRs have been changed a lot. This means you'll have to change selectors quite a bit while also doing more setup on the IR.
If you'd supply more info on the kind of change you'd want to make to the IR, answers could be more specific and concrete.
You can find Oracle Interactive reports template from
Click Edit Report Attributes
Then template is under Layout and Pagination Section
But i doubt you can edit the template in there.
If you are looking for adding a template to be used in your report then follow these steps
Go to the Main Page of your application
Then go to Shared Components
Then Search for User Interface Section
Under this section, Click Templates, this is where you can add template for any type of item(report, region, page, etc..)
Read these article for customizing report template
You can create new template under apex:
Application Builder/Application #/Shared Components/Templates

How to create a batch script to find and replace pages within multiple documents

I have created several Word Templates and Forms (over 100). If any form in a template changes, all like forms in other templates must be updated as well. For example, if another field is added to the form, then I need to update 100 templates with this same added field. So, let's say the templates are saved according to client:
Q://Master Templates/Client Name/Client Template
(Note, the client template may have about 30 or more pages - like a contract and the form might be page 29 in this client, but another client may have 60 pages and the form might be page 20).
Then, there is another folder where the form is a standalone form, or part of a group of forms that are used together. Example:
Q://Master forms/Group Forms
Q://Master forms/Standalone Forms
First question: would it make sense to have a batch script that finds the form in each template or each folder; and then should the script find add replace the extra field, or does it make more sense to replace the entire form in the templates?
Second question: how would / could I do this? Is there a way to write the script to replace the form in each location based on the example above?
Third question: what types of security risks or problems such a batch script can create for an enterprise-wide network?
Thank you in advance for your support.
Probably the best answer is to use the Developer ribbon in Word. Within Word, File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Check the Developer item under Main Tabs.
Next, open one template needing changes and click Record Macro then make your changes.
Now you can open (In Windows Explorer, ctrl + click then right click to open multiple files) the other templates needing the changes and replay the macro to make those changes.
You could even record opening another document then just add the VBA code to open the other templates and play back the recorded macro to make the changes.
Here's the VBA to open a document in Word.
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\"
Documents.Open FileName:="My File.docx"
Now once you get at least something partial, post back and we can help refine that.

How to change InstallShield controls properties dynamically?

I have a custom dialog in my IS installer and I want to change some properties such as Height, Top etc. according to the text written in the text areas (on run-time).
Are there any InstallScript functions that handle those parameters (something like CtrlSetText for changing the text)?
Assuming you are using a Windows Installer project type, you can use temporary tables and data. If you understand the underlying table schema you can use InstallScript to write a custom action that changes this during the installation. For starters see:
Q103295 : Dynamically Add and Remove Values from a Combo Box at Run Time

Codedom at runtime

I am building a code generation tool using vs 2010 visualisation & modelling sdk. One of the things that I need to generate is a simple data capture ui (windows forms, preferably using devexpress layout control), with capture fields & labels for each property in a class.
I can use t4 text templates to do this, but I am conscious that I will be re-inventing the wheel if I do this - a simpler approach would be to add controls to a form constructed at runtime and allow the appropriate codedomseriaizer to generate the form.designer.cs code for me - is this possible?
To summarise, I would like to build a form at runtime, and retrieve a string of the designer.cs file..
Could you not simply leave the runtime generation code in use, and design only the other parts of the form using the designer? This way the autogenerated controls will be automatically updated if new properties are added to the class.

Use a push button to add a section in an InfoPath form?

I'm working on an InfoPath form that's going to be run with InfoPath Forms Services on a SharePoint server. For a number of reasons -- mostly so that the customer can update the form without involving an administrator -- this can't be a form containing .NET code.
The form has a repeating group, and we have users who are a bit confused as to how to add and delete items from the repeating section. I've looked all over the Internets, but haven't been able to find a way to do this without adding a code project to the form.
Is there any way to write a rule or do something else to make a button that adds an item to a repeating section?
Have you considered using JavaScript instead? to add the functionality that you need. Most (if not all) the samples within InfoPath contain a JavaScript code-behind files. these should work within infopath forms services though I have not tried.
