Which is the most appropriate mfc control to use while creating a dialog window to modify values in a database? - user-interface

I have to modify existing entries in a database. My Addition entry dialog uses edit controls in order to get values and a submit button to update in database.
I have the need to create a modify dialog that should be able to modify entries when needed by user. Is there appropriate mfc control that can be used for my task?

If you do not want to edit directly on the list control, you can use CListCtrl or CMFCListCtrl.
I think MFC does not provide a list control for editing directly. So, if you want to do it, consider using a 3rd party, like the free Ultimate Grid.


How to add custom ticker/label with custom text in outlook email compose window just below subject text box?

I want to add custom text in label which will be information to the user who opens email compose window.
I have tried using form regions, but it do not allow adding new forms in IPM.Note at any location. I think there are only 4 ways to add form regions like adjoining, replace, replace all and separate.
Is there any other way using which I can add this label/message below the subject? I know we can do it using add-in express but I do not want to use it.
Unfortunately, the adjoining layout doesn't allow placing a form region on top of the window. The best what you can do is to create an adjucent Outlook window, see Creating Adjacent Windows In Outlook for more information.
And yes, an alternative way is to use Add-in Express which supports the required layout - TopSubpane.

How to create context menus which appear on right clicking in oracle apex report?

I need to display a context menu when a user right clicks on a report
and the user can perform an action on the rows selected. How to achieve this?
I can see there is already an action button on top of an interactive report. Can we customize that?
There's no built in way to do this. I see a few options:
You could hack together your own actions. You would add a Dynamic Event on mousedown on your report, then some Javascript to handle the action.
If it doesn't have to be a right click option, you can add a custom menu to a report. Here's one way of doing it. http://hardlikesoftware.com/weblog/2015/07/13/apex-5-0-custom-menus/
Also, if using the Interactive Grid is an option, that menu can also be customized. See: http://hardlikesoftware.com/weblog/2017/01/24/how-to-hack-apex-interactive-grid-part-2/
If you're willing to use a commercial Apex add-on product, I have used the FOEX add-ons with great success. However, it's not cheap and it would require changing your report to use their report-style (which we like). Then you can add a context menu that's maintained via the Shared Components -> Lists.
I'm just a user, not a shill or employee...

How to change InstallShield controls properties dynamically?

I have a custom dialog in my IS installer and I want to change some properties such as Height, Top etc. according to the text written in the text areas (on run-time).
Are there any InstallScript functions that handle those parameters (something like CtrlSetText for changing the text)?
Assuming you are using a Windows Installer project type, you can use temporary tables and data. If you understand the underlying table schema you can use InstallScript to write a custom action that changes this during the installation. For starters see:
Q103295 : Dynamically Add and Remove Values from a Combo Box at Run Time

Orca and Setup Project: show checkboxes form conditionally

I'm creating an installer for my application, using Setup Project in VS 10. The installer has a Checkboxes (A) form in it. My problem is, I want to show that form conditionally, based on one registry entry. How can I achieve this? I'm using Orca to edit my installer file, but what should I change to show this form conditionally? When I edit InstallUISequence>CustomCheckA_SetProperty_CHECKBOX1, the value of the checkbox is changed. I can't see any other property, I could edit to achieve this :(. Please help, thanks a lot! Greetings.
You need to define a registry search to see if your entry exists or not. The search name is actually an installer public property, so you can use it to set a condition.
To hide/show enable/disable controls from an MSI dialog you need to add a control condition, in Control Condition table. Make sure you define two control conditions for the same control, one to hide it if the condition is not met and one to show it when the condition is true.

Win32 textBox in treeview

I want to add textbox in treeview as child of one of the parent node. Is it possible> If yes how to achieve this?
The native TreeView control isn't going to be helpful at all to make this work. Programming one yourself is a tricky proposition. It is however a very popular UI gadget. Any component vendor sells one, invariably called "TreeList".
You'll have to do some shopping if you want to use such a component from unmanaged C/C++. An ActiveX version of such a control is as close as you can get. Most component vendors have however put that in their legacy bag.
Depending on your requirements, you may be able to use the built-in label editing features of the Win32 tree view. See TVM_EDITLABEL.
To make an item act like an edit control, you could send this message yourself when the item is clicked. You could also use owner-draw techniques to make the item look more like an edit control when it isn't in label-editing mode.
