tfs31001 : cannot connect to tfs - visual-studio-2010

I installed VS 2012 and connect to TFS but because of the framework 4.5 problems I had to uninstall framework 4.5 installed VS 2010 but now I cannot connect to TFS.
I added the server, but gives error when I try to connect to project collection.
I uninstalled VS 2012.
I cannot delete the local workspace and I think that might cause the problem. I get error:
TF31001: cannot connect to team Foundation Server at SERVERNAME. The server returned the following error: Field not found: 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.IntegrationServiceIdentifiers.SyncService.'
PS: My teammates can connect to the server.
How can I get over this issue?
Thanks in advance

Did you already tried to go to the TFS through a webbrowser by surfing to it from your machine? And did you installed this piece of software to your visual studio 2010

This may appear like a strange answer but have you tried clearing your Temporary Internet files and cache? I've had a couple of problems over the years with TFS and have found this works for me generally with connectivity issues. Reference:


Build Controller failing to start on TFS 2013 "Service cannot be started. The handle is invalid”

After cloning a 2010 TFS server, upgrading the clone's OS to 2012R2, upgrading SQL Server to 2012 SP2 (11.0.5343), uninstalling TFS 2010, and upgrading to TFS 2013 with update 5, we are running into issues starting the Build Service on the clone.
I've removed the agents and build controllers referencing the other original server through Manage Build Controllers, in Visual Studio 2013.
I've tried to use the TFS 2013 upgrade wizard and it fails when attempting to start the build service so I tried to unconfigure: "tfsconfig.exe setup /uninstall:TeamBuild" and reconfigure through the TFS 2013 upgrade wizard but it yielded the same result.
The TFS database server, Build Server, controller, and agent are located on the same box
For measure, I've even deleted the agents, controllers, and Unregistered and Registered the Build Service in the Team Foundation Server Administration Console as both the batch account used on the original server but that failed so to rule out authentication, I used my domain account (I'm a Local Admin, SQL Server Admin, and TFS Admin) but still had the same result with both accounts.
The Windows event log states “Service cannot be started. The handle is invalid”.
I'm not sure what else could be missed does anyone have any pointers?
There were over 100 Microsoft patches/updates applied over the weekend and the issue went away. Microsoft confirmed that the issue was related to the OS, not the TFS configuration or installation/upgrade.
Thanks for all your suggestions. Hopefully this will help someone else out if they are in the same situation and spinning wheels to find the answer. Keep your systems as up to date as possible!
Try to remove build service by going to Team Foundation Server Administration Console, select server name, and click Remove Feature, to remove build service feature, then re-configure it.

Sharepoint 2013 Farm Visual Studio cannot connect

I have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and SharePoint Designer installed on my local machine. I have a SharePoint installed on a server farm that i have full read and write permissions on. My problem is when i try to create the project the wizard to connect to the SharePoint will not show up and it says i need it installed on my local machine. I have read many forums posts such as
along with others these are just the ones still open in my browser. I would love some help or a proper tutorial because the ones i am finding are no help and im not seeing anything besides a error message saying i cannot create a project until i install foundation or server for sharepoint
This is a case where the error message means exactly what it says. You must install SharePoint on your development machine in order to use Visual Studio for local SharePoint development. You can develop on Windows Server 2008/2013 (most common solution I've seen), install SharePoint on your Windows 7/8 machine (which is painful to do but possible), or set up a remote environment for development after signing up for an Office 365 Developer Site.
After hours of searching I found a work around for anyone who is running into this problem... You need to make a web reference to the SharePoint site then you can access the XML and do it that way. Microsoft hides the option its under service reference then you click web reference add the URL and a easily called name add it and your good to go.

Cannot connect to TFS in VS2013 anymore

Over the last few days, I have had a LOT of trouble trying to get VS2013 Ultimate on my PC to connect to my TFS servers...
I will give you a quick rundown on what is happening... I did an update to VS2013 (on my PC only) to 'Update 4' a few days back and that seems to be when the problem started...
At first when I would try and 'connect to team foundation server' I was getting an error (and yeah typical end user, I didnt note what it was), I just assumed that there was a problem with that server, because we have had a few issues with it.. it wasnt until I tried to connect to a different server, that I got the same error. Thats when I realised it wasnt the server that was the problem.
I have done a bit of investigating... I can open VS2010 and connect to both servers no problems at all...
I can open VS2013 and VS2013 on my laptop (which I havent updated yet), and I can connect to both server no worries... so it is definitely NOT the TFS servers...
I found a few threads on here that all said to clear out the cache files in Team Foundation version 5.0 (and I also did 3.0 because it was there), no difference.
I went back into 'connect to team foundation server' and actually removed both of the servers from the list, in the hopes that adding them back in would fix the issue... but no... it now gives me the following error:
TS31002: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server: http://xxxxxxxx:8080/tfs. Team foundation server Url: http://xxxxxxxxxx:8080/tfs.
Possible reasons for this failure include:
The name, port number or protocol for the TFS is incorrect. (have checked and they are all correct)
The TFS is offline (definitely not... )
The password has expired or incorrect (I dont even get that far down the track to enter the password)
I decided that I would do a system restore, back to when I installed the update... did that, except for some reason I can only back 4 days, and the update was done prior to that..
I went into control panel and uninstalled the updates... made no difference
I ended up uninstalling VS2103 completely, restarted PC, reinstalled VS2013... went to connect to TFS... same problem...
I really have no idea at all how to fix this... can anyone at all help???

Upgrading TFS 2008 to TFS 2012

I am currently working on a TFS 2008 to 2012 upgrade. Here is my situation: my current TFS 2008 box is Server 2K3 with SQL Server 2005 backend. I am not entirely sure what my upgrade paths are but I think the following 2 scenarios are the most likely:
Migrate the databases from SQL 2005 to SQL 2012 and then point TFS 2008 at the new SQL Server. From there I can upgrade TFS 2008 to 2012.
Spin up a new Server 2008R2 box and do a clean install of TFS 2012 with a SQL Server 2012 backend.
The network guys would really like me to do option 2 because they want to decommission the Server 2003 box but my concern is how would I get all of the data in TFS 2008 over to the TFS 2012 instance? I have looked around the MSDN and Google but I haven't come across any documents that explain how to do this kind of upgrade.
Additionally are there any pitfalls that I should be on the look out for?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The Microsoft Documentation doesn't make this abundantly clear so for anyone in the future that is in a similar situation this is a great little how to. Some of the screens vary to what you actually see but it is mostly spot on.
Some points
If you spread your Data and Application Tier across multiple servers make sure the user account you specify for 'Report Reader Account' has access to both servers and has the 'Log on locally' permission.
Pitfall: After getting TFS 2012 configured I was getting a strange URL exception when VS2012 attempted to connect to the imported project collection but not when trying to connect to a project collection created from within 2012. A server bounce corrected this problem.
All and all the process is very straightforward and TFS2012 stands up pretty quickly.
There is great documentation on MSDN:

SSIS packages failing to load in VS 2008

I have a problem when trying to load an SSIS package in VS 2008. In the about it says it has "SQL Server Integration Services" installed but on loading a package I get a message that says:
Microsoft Vistual Studio is unable to load this document:
To design
Integration Services packages in Business Intelligence Development
Studio, Integration Services has to be installed by one of these
editions of SQL Server 2008: Standard, Enterprise, Developer or
Evaluation. To install Integration Services, run SQL Server Setup and
select Integration Services.
I thought maybe it was a version problem so I thought I'd look at a new Intergation Services project to play spot the difference. However when I told visual studio to create a new IS project (which was in the list quite happily) it created it and then gave me the above error message again.
To give some idea about my environment I have several version of Visual Studio (2k5, 2k8, 2k10) and several version of SQL server (2k5, 2k8) so I don't know if there is some confusion between versions...
The other thing that I am wondering is if there is a problem with what order things got installed in (ie my VS2008 wasn't installed when SSIS stuff was installed).
I am hoping there is a simple approach to this that won't mean reinstalling things. I can go to our IT to ask them to try to get it working but that would take some time. If it does come to that though I'd like to have some idea of what I should ask them to install since it does seem to be all installed currently...
So if anybody can either a) help me work out precisely what components are installed and what is missing that would be great. Bonus points for helping fix it without needing the install media...
Edit: A thought occurs to me. Coudl it be that I only have 2005 Integration Services installed? If so how can I determine that? And I still am not sure why VS is behaving as it is and letting me create a project but no SSIS in it, even if they were older versions...
Edit: Also it seems that if I load up VS 2005 I can create IS projects but of course can't load up the newer SSIS packages, I assume because they are from a newer version maybe...
Edit: Version information for SSIS in VS 2008:
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 10.0.1600.22 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
The following line can tell you the version of the package:
<DTS:Property DTS:Name="PackageFormatVersion">3</DTS:Property>
3 is for 2008, 2 is 2005 and 6 is 2012.
By the way, how patched is your system? The 10.0.1600.22 does sound like the original installation of 2008. Try to install SP3 and the latest cumulative update - this will bring your installation to 10.00.5788 and the issue might go away.
If you previously had the components from a Express 2008 installation, and then you install an Standard, Enterprise, Developer or Evaluation, instead of actually installing a new instance/components (probably you see Integration Services grayed out) use the Upgrade option of the SQL Server 2008 setup, and then VS will load perfectly the DTSX file.
