Push segue to scrollview display error - xcode

maybe this is a rather simple question. I don't know. I searched the forums for an answer but couldn't find one. I have two views. From a tablecell I push to a second view which contains a scrollview (960 x 455). This scrollview is centered when loaded.
Whenever I push into this view, the left part of the scroll which shouldn't be visible right away shows up for a few seconds. The same happens when I push back. Is there a way to push into the second view and only show the center of the scrollview?

I would have thought that this is occurring because the view is being loaded and then afterwards the position is being set which can take a while when the view is first being loaded as their other things being processed before setting the position.
I am presuming you are using interface builder if so I recommend setting the UIScrollViews visible/hidden property to true in there then in the viewDidLoad method setting it's position to centre after which you can set it to be visible again.


Auto layout fails in UITableViewCell

My constraints are not working inside a UITableViewCell, although there are no warnings and the layout is working in interface builder if I change between devices and do rotation.
What did I do:
I created a UITableViewCell called SearchResultCell. I want to layout a button on the right hand side and two labels on the left and the labels should horizontally fill the entire space until the button.
Initially, I just placed the views there and - no matter which constraints I defined - in the simulator all views always appeared at the top left corner.
Then I tried embedding them into stack views. The two labels into a vertical stack view which I then put together with the button into a horizontal stack view. Then I defined constraints such that the outmost stack view should fill the entire superview, i.e. I set bottom, trailing, top, and leading constraints to 0.
My constraints
Again, in interface builder it is always shown correctly:
Layout works correctly in interface builder
However, once launched, these constraints do not seem to be applied.
How it looks like in simulator
The only (slight) improvement is that now the button is beside the label thanks to the stack view. But no matter what I try, I cannot get the constraints working inside this UITableViewCell.
What am I doing wrong here? I don't see it.
Did a lot of more digging and finally came across this - indeed, it was my problem as well: Autolayout is ignored in Custom UITableViewCell

How can I make the top and bottom elements of my view controller stay in place, while the middle has elements to vertically scroll through?

I'm working in Swift 3 and XCode 8.
I tried to find the answer to this question, but maybe I don't know how to ask it properly. I'm trying to have a title bar at the top of a view controller and have a back and next button at the bottom of the view. The content in between is longer than the space that exists, so I would like the user to be able to scroll the middle, but keep the top and bottom elements anchored in place.
I've tried to use a container with another view controller that is larger than the container to make this happen, but it just resizes the child view controller.
If I'm not explaining something properly, please let me know and I will try to give more information about what I've missed.
I'm making a few assumptions about your Views:
Navigation Bar for your title
Toolbar to hold your Back and Next buttons
Try the following:
Place a Navigation Bar as seen below. Do not set any constraints.
Place a Toolbar as seen below. Again, do not set any constraints.
Place a Scroll View in the centre of your View Controller and expand it so that the top and bottom are aligned with the navigation bar and toolbar respectively. Again, do not set any constraints.
Highlight all of the Views in the View Controller and place them in a Stack View.
Pin the Stack View to the Superview. These are the only constraints that are set in the example below.

A control in NSTableCellView is being moved to right automatically after resizing or scrolling

I'm trying to implement a counter view that shows items count in NSTableCellView.
The weird thing is it gets moved to right automatically after resizing window or scrolling the NSOutlineView which has the NSTableCellView.
Here is some screenshots of it. You will be able to see the counter view which shows "42" being moved to right after resize the window.
Following is the init state of the counter view.
Following is the state after resize window.
Following is difference between init position and the position after resize window.
Cell Autoresize Property
Count Button Autoresize Property
I'm guessing this is related to scrollview but I was not able to find more clues about this issue. BTW, official Mail App on Mac works as same with this but the difference is the counter of the Mail app is being changed right after launch so it does not being moved after resize window.
Anybody knows about this? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Here is a link that allows you to download the sample project that apple provides and you can reproduce what I'm facing.
Sidebar Demo App that providing by Apple.
You just need to change Deployment target before you run it from Project -> Targets -> Deployment Info section.
If I interpret the autoresizing screenshots correctly, the '42' control is behaving as specified. You've pinned the right side of the '42' counter to right side of the cell. And that is where it stays, glued to the right side of the cell.
The cell is pinned to the left side of the tableview and that is where it stays, glued to the left side of the tableview. You have not pinned the right side of the cell to anything and so when you resize, the right side goes where it pleases, only maintaining the specified width of the cell. If you want to glue the right side of the cell to the width of the tableView or column (not sure which it is), pin it. Do specify a minimum width for the cell. If you don't specify a maximum width, or fixed width, the cell will stretch and shrink with resizing. If you fix the width, only the right view or column will stretch.

Receive touch events after settings StackLayout.TranslateX property

I have a ContentView with a StackLayout with multiple children sized to the full width of the screen. In other words, if the screen width is 320 and I have five children, the inner StackLayout is resized to 1600.
In this ContentView, I have Next and Previous buttons that when clicked, animate the inner StackLayout's TranslateX property. Basically, I'm creating a carousel by translating the StackLayout within the ContentView. I chose this route because I was having layout issues using a ScrollView and a custom renderer when I would modify that layout of the view (by hiding labels, etc.)
However, I've hit a snag. Content that appears after I set the TranslateX property doesn't receive any tap events. I believe I might have to reset some tappable area, but I'm not even sure where to begin with that. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I posted this same question in Xamarin's Forums, and someone there answered. For anyone looking, the answer is here: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/142914/#Comment_142914
If that link stops working at some point in the future for some reason, the relevant answer is:
Hit testing is done based on the actual frame of the control determined by layout, but translation happens after layout. Therefore hit testing does not take translation into account. If you want a view to be touchable then you should update its layout directly rather than using translation.

Subview content being mysteriously offset in Interface Builder?

I'm experiencing a weird behavior in Interface Builder. I almost feel like it's a glitch, but I'm hoping that I'm just misunderstanding something, or that someone knows what weird AutoLayout behavior I'm experiencing, or something. I'll try to describe it as best I can...
I've got a ViewController in Interface Builder, with nothing but a UITextView. Nothing unusual about the TextView, I just dragged it in from the sidebar, and it's the first thing I added. But here's the thing: the text is offset by about 50 points. There's nothing in the Size Inspector that would explain it, the text is just spaced down. BUT, if I click and drag it around, the text pops back up to the top. Then I drop it in a new place, and the text is offset again.
Here's where it gets really weird: if I drag a UICollectionView into that same ViewController, it's fine (the default cell is right up in the top left corner), but as soon as I delete the TextView, the default cell gets moved 50 points down in the CollectionView! Now I have a CollectionView with an offset cell, and if I drag a new TextView back on, it's fine, but deleting the CollectionView adds the offset back to the new TextView! The location of the views is irrelevant (either at the time of adding or later), the older view will always be offset.
And, just for an extra dose of weird: whichever view is offset, if I click and drag it to move it around, the other view will be offset until I drop it in its new location. Oh, and deleting the ViewController entirely and starting again does nothing. The behavior remains.
What black magic is this?! This is the 8th ViewController I've added to my Storyboard (12th if you include abstract ViewControllers like TabBarControllers etc), and none of them had this issue. Why would this forced-offset exist, and how do I stop it? Is this some weird permutation of AutoLayout or something? Or does this sound like a genuine glitch, and I should post on a tech support forum?
EDIT: Just to be clear: the offset does appear when the app is run in the Simulator. IB shows that the frame isn't changing, the content is being offset within the frame, but whatever it is, it DOES show up in the final app.
The answer turned out to be turning off "Adjust Scroll View Insets" on the ViewController.
Sort of a weird behavior for the ViewController to present like that, adjusting a single ScrollView without any regard for its position or size, but at least it was an easy fix.
