Subview content being mysteriously offset in Interface Builder? - xcode

I'm experiencing a weird behavior in Interface Builder. I almost feel like it's a glitch, but I'm hoping that I'm just misunderstanding something, or that someone knows what weird AutoLayout behavior I'm experiencing, or something. I'll try to describe it as best I can...
I've got a ViewController in Interface Builder, with nothing but a UITextView. Nothing unusual about the TextView, I just dragged it in from the sidebar, and it's the first thing I added. But here's the thing: the text is offset by about 50 points. There's nothing in the Size Inspector that would explain it, the text is just spaced down. BUT, if I click and drag it around, the text pops back up to the top. Then I drop it in a new place, and the text is offset again.
Here's where it gets really weird: if I drag a UICollectionView into that same ViewController, it's fine (the default cell is right up in the top left corner), but as soon as I delete the TextView, the default cell gets moved 50 points down in the CollectionView! Now I have a CollectionView with an offset cell, and if I drag a new TextView back on, it's fine, but deleting the CollectionView adds the offset back to the new TextView! The location of the views is irrelevant (either at the time of adding or later), the older view will always be offset.
And, just for an extra dose of weird: whichever view is offset, if I click and drag it to move it around, the other view will be offset until I drop it in its new location. Oh, and deleting the ViewController entirely and starting again does nothing. The behavior remains.
What black magic is this?! This is the 8th ViewController I've added to my Storyboard (12th if you include abstract ViewControllers like TabBarControllers etc), and none of them had this issue. Why would this forced-offset exist, and how do I stop it? Is this some weird permutation of AutoLayout or something? Or does this sound like a genuine glitch, and I should post on a tech support forum?
EDIT: Just to be clear: the offset does appear when the app is run in the Simulator. IB shows that the frame isn't changing, the content is being offset within the frame, but whatever it is, it DOES show up in the final app.

The answer turned out to be turning off "Adjust Scroll View Insets" on the ViewController.
Sort of a weird behavior for the ViewController to present like that, adjusting a single ScrollView without any regard for its position or size, but at least it was an easy fix.


Why does this simple autolayout collapse in IB?

I have a window with a textview in a scrollview and two buttons. I have added constraints at all sides, leading, trailing, top, and bottom. For the buttons I have fixed width and height, and distance to bottom and edge.
I want it to look something like this:
And this is what Interface Builder keeps giving me:
It also keeps offering to fix ambiguities by adding missing constraints, but actually clicking the button has no effect. No constraints are added. The error (and the offer to fix it) remains.
I've tried added the constraints it is asking for, although I can't see why they would be needed and at least the buttons already have (fixed) width constraints. But I keep getting errors and the window keeps getting shrunk to nothing.
When actually running the program, the window looks fine. But I suspect these autolayout errors have something to do with this problem: NSTextView in magnified NSScrollView breaks on resize
The project is here:
(The branch helpviewtest is a cut down test case created specifically for this problem.)
You have a Text view embedded in a Clip view embedded in a Scroll view, none of which have an intrinsic content size.
IB has no idea what's going to go on at run-time.
So, while everything looks great when you run this, your code will have supplied enough information to lay things out as desired.
To get it to "look right" in IB (and avoid the errors/warnings), you can give the ScrollView a Placeholder Intrinsic Content Size:

NSTableView in NSScrollView doesn't autoscroll when dragging

I'm currently implementing drag and drop rearranging in a table view in my OS X app. While normal scrolling works fine, autoscroll while dragging it totally broken.
If I grab a cell and start dragging, autoscroll just tells the table to scroll to the top. If I manually scroll using the trackpad during dragging the table continually pops to the top. If I drag one of the top cells, the table will not autoscroll down when dragging near the bottom.
I subclassed NSScrollView and overrode the scrollClipView method. I see that it's being called by some internal autoscroll method with the coordinates of (0, 0).
Since I can't see what that internal method is doing, and Goggle and SO are turning up nothing, I'm a bit stuck.
Has anyone run into this issue before? From past experiences, I have the feeling it's something AutoLayout related, but I have no idea what. Or maybe it's something completely unrelated.
Any ideas on how to further troubleshoot?
I ran into the same issue. In my case, the problem was that I set the height of the NSTableCellView to 10,000 in Interface Builder so that the horizontal separators wouldn’t be displayed for empty rows below the actual rows.
However, the actual height of my NSTableCellViews loaded at run time was 43px.
So as soon as I started dragging a cell to re-order it, the NSScrollView was trying to scroll 10,000 pixels at a time instead of 43 at a time.
This seems like a bug, because my NSOutlineView subclass does implement the following method to dynamically set the height of each row.
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, heightOfRowByItem item: Any) -> CGFloat
Apparently that method is ignored by the autoscroll mechanism during drag and drop operations, and only the value set in Interface Builder is used.
So I just changed the height of the dummy NSTableCellView to 43px in Interface Builder, and I’ll just live with the horizontal separators being displayed for empty rows.

Subview that expands with window using NSAutolayout

I'm trying to learn auto layout so I can set up a moderately complicated display the way I want. I'm starting with a simple version. At least I thought it was simple.
I have a content view containing a NSScrollView, and a zoom slider. The scroll view is, of course, just a window into a larger 'canvas' on which the user can do things.
I'd like the scroll view to be as big as the window allows, with the slider underneath.
I've tried many things none of which work, in some cases when I resize the window smaller, the scroll view goes on up over the window's top bar, obscuring the title and the red yellow, green, dots.. this is just a grumble, I won't attempt to describe how I got it.
I'm working with Visual Format Language.
The immediate problem: I can only get the thing to work at all if I put in a hard size constraint on the scroll view.
I've got constraints like #"V:|[ScrollView]-[ZoomSlider(==35)]-| and
With these, nothing shows at all, until I put a hard size on the scroll view:
For example, #"V:[ScrollView(>=70#20)]" and #"[ScrollView(>=140#20)]" results in a little tiny scroll view (as expected) just above the slider.
Window is resizable, all right.
Is there a simple way to make the scroll view resize to occupy the most space possible when I resize the window? The only way I can think of off hand is to produce metrics for the scroll view based on window size, and use a notification to change the constraints when the window size changes. There should be something simpler!
OOps. Thought I knew the answer until I started to write it.
AT least here is a partial explanation of things that were causing me problems.
You can't add constraints that position or size the Window's content view. But apparently you can mess them up by deleting them programatically. Some of my problems were solved by getting rid of
[self.myContentView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
[self.myContentView removeConstraints:self.myContentView.constraints];
This left me with a lot of conflicting constraints. I fixed this be eliminating all content window constraints that I could in IB, then by marking the rest as placeholders.
I've got a ways to go before I understand how to use auto layout, but doing it in code is easier (for me) than doing it with IB

Put a view in the bottom of another view with a fixed size

Sorry folks if my question seems to be trivial, but xcode drives me crazy.
I don't want anything else, just put a view in the bottom of a view controller in XCode by IB, that has FIXED height even if I rotate device. It stay simply in the bottom and its size stays unchanged.
Autolayout constraints changes its size all the time, hides if I rotate etc. I could not find the settings for this simple problem.
I need this (with fixed size, that does not change/hide when rotating):
How can I do that?
Have you tried unchecking autolayout and playing around with autosizing. Try the below setting . It should work.

SplitView not resizing NSTableView in subview correctly

I have a 10.6 app that I am building on Lion with Xcode 4.3
There is a horizontal split view in the main view, containing the following:
The top view contains an NSSearchField with an NSTableView below it.
The bottom view contains a WebView.
I have it working, but when I resize the split view the top view behaves oddly.
What I want to happen is for the search field to remain where it is, the tableview to remain where it is, but to expand if the split view is dragged down. If dragged up, I want the webview to overwrite the search field and table view.
You can see what I mean in this clip:
This keeps the things in the right place when I drag up, but doesn't expand the table when I drag down. The view is expanded, but not the table.
So, I changed the autosizing constraint on the table view / scroll view to make it expand when the view is resized. This is what happens:
When the split bar is moved upwards the table view is moved upwards inside the top view until it overwrites the search field. It doesn't move back when the bar is moved back down.
I cannot find a way to make this work by changing the autosizing constraints. This is usually pretty easy stuff, so either I'm missing something obvious or...?
Has anyone seen this behaviour before when creating SL apps on Lion with Xcode 4.3?
FYI, if I replicate this in a new 10.7 project using auto-layout everything works fine.
When you allow an NSSplitView to make one of its subviews very small so that the subviews effectively overlap you get layout issues and this is one of the reasons that Apple introduced auto-layout (watch the WWDC video about auto-layout and I think they demo this problem near the beginning).
If I were you I'd set a minimum size for the top pane so that, for example, it stops resizing when it is 100px high. You can then allow it to collapse so that the user can still show just the WebView.
