How to install IE browser on MAC machine? - macos

How to install Internet Explorer 11 on MAC machine?

I think it depends on your OS version.
If you are using windows OS, you could install IE browser.
If you are using MacOS, it is impossible to launch Internet Explorer on Mac. But, there are other ways to simulate IE for Mac experience. You could mask Safari as different versions of Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, you could also install a virtual machine and launch IE for Mac that way.
More details, please check this article and this thread.


Can't install Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator

So I have a HP laptop, and as many HP users know it's a nightmare to install Hyper-V on it. But I somehow managed. Hyper-V is running on my laptop and I have all the necessary hardware requirements:
SLAT is enabled
VT-x is supported and enabled
I'm running 64 bit Windows 8.1 Professional
I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 3
Hardware D.E.P. is enabled and supported
And yet when I run the Phone Emulator installation I get the following display:
I can't figure out what's going on or why I keep getting the error. Hyper-V is running as shown:
I've spent two days already trying to figure this out and searching on Google for a solution to this problem. Some of the things I've tried:
Flashing my BIOS
Resolving issues with the Realtek BlueTooth driver (this causes issues with Hyper-V)
Reseting my BIOS
Doing a clean install of my whole system
Installing all Windows Updates
Installing all Visual Studio updates
Enabled / Disabled D.E.P.
Any advice is appreciated. If you need the log from the emulator installation let me know and I'll post it here.
I've attempted to install winsows server standard 2012 and tried enababling hyper-v and installing visual studio and the phone emulator there, and that works and I'm able to run the emulators with no problem.
When I tried the same thing back after installing windows 8 again it installs hyper-v but fails to start windows after installing visual studio update 2 with the phone images etc. The only way I can boot back into windows is if I turn off virtualization in bios.
So it turns out that HP Pavilion laptops support all that is needed to run Hyper-V, however it looks as if HP is blocking the SLAT functionality from working properly with Hyper-V thus not allowing it to run correctly. This looks like it's blocked at the BIOS level.
Updating the BIOS doesn't solve the issue.
The way I came to this conclusion is that Windows Server running Hyper-V runs the Windows Phone emulator with no problems, and it's a Microsoft decision to not require SLAT when running Hyper-V on Windows Server while requiring it on Desktop version of Windows.
Seeing how I paid extra for a more powerful laptop to be able to use features like Hyper-V, and to have an experience such as this due to a manufacturer configuration has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Needless to say this is the LAST time I'll ever buy an HP laptop.

How can I test IE10 on Mac?

How can I test web sites in IE10 on Mac?
Currently I am testing IE9 in VirtualBox with Windows 7 installed from Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image. I could not find similar image for Windows 8. IETester does not have IE10 eigher. Is there an easy way to test IE10 on Mac?
That page no longer appears to be up-to-date.
However, Microsoft's developer website provides free download links to test Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer (versions 8 through 11) using virtual machines. You can manage them locally using VirtualBox or another virtualization software tool.
Open Safari and navigate to Safari > Preferences from the menu bar.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" setting, then close the Preferences window.
The Develop menu should now show in your menu bar.
Go to Develop > User Agent.
Here, you have to option to choose different browser options like Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. You can also choose Firefox and Chrome as the User Agent.
Source: How to view websites on your Mac that require Internet Explorer (or a PC)
The modern.IE link doesn't work anymore, but Microsoft has virtual machine downloads available for IE versions 8-11 and Edge.
Off late I heard about this awesome software Sauce labs ( which allows you to test your code cross-browser, cross OS.
All you need is virtualbox (free) and a dev copy of Windows8 (free). I just did it now. I followed this tutorial. It took about 30 mins to do on 1 try.

How to run Windows Phone emulator in VMware

I'm trying to make a simple Windows Phone application on a Macbook Pro. So I'm running Visual Studio in Windows 7 inside of VMware Fusion.
When I try to run the phone emulator, this is what I get.
I looked for settings that I could modify to the virtual machine settings but didn't find any.
Unfortunately this technique will probably not work for you. I had the same issue when I was on my PC and wanted to create iPhone applications. VMWare (and other Virtual Machines) are not fully gfx enabled. You need to check the box that says "Accelerate 3D graphics
What I would suggest is to install Windows 7 on your Mac using BootCamp.

Is Windows Phone 7 programming available on Mac OS X based computers?

I'm eager to start developing for WP7, but restarting my Mac to boot Windows seems pretty annoying. Is there any usable ways of WP7 development on Mac except virtual machines?
Thanks in regards.
VM is not an option, the Windows Phone emulator will not run from within a VM (here's an answer to an earlier SO question stating the reasons for that). The only option is to shutdown and boot Windows, however annoying that may be.
To develop WP7 using IDE such as Visual Studio .NET you have to work on Windows. So the only way is too install virtualisation such as VMWare Fusion or Parallel for MAC.
Hope this helps.
You might be able to use the open source .Net implementation Mono, but in order to actually test your applications and install them onto a WP7 device, you need Zune and that is not available on OS X.
The best option would be a VM to run Windows and Visual Studio.
Visual Studio 2017 is now available on Mac. I haven't play with it yet, but it should at least support developing mobile apps using Xamarin. Another good news is that there is free VS version (community edition):

Windows phone 7 takes forever to deploy

I'm playing around with windows phone 7 development, when I press F5 Visual studio takes forever to deploy the app, I get
Window Phone Emulator is doing complete OS boot.
What would be the problem?
PS: I'm using windows 7 on Mac with Parallels Desktop
The emulator isn't supported running inside or side by side other VM's at this stage. It is implemented as a VM itself. VM's running on windows platforms will be detected by the emulator startup and a specific error message provided. I've noticed several people having the same issue from Parallels on Mac ... presumably the VM detection doesn't work over there to stop the attempt.
System requirements documented here and here for your reference.
Similar to how we have to run a Mac to develop for iPhone without hassles, you'll need to run a PC to develop for Windows Phone 7 - at least for now.
You may also find your issue with the WIndows Phone Emulator is because the Emulator actually the real phone ROM running in a Virtual Machine.
Since your situation is a VM (Windows 7 on Parellels on Mac) this may explain your performance issue. Developers using VMWare have had similar issues plus Virtual PC / Hyper-V does not support Windows Phone 7 at all.
Running virtual machines on virtual machines is a massive performance hit, your only solution may be a cheap PC installation of Windows Phone 7 tools etc on compatible hardware ie Graphics Card / with WDDM 1.1 compatible drivers etc.
For my WP8 deployment, I notice that disconnecting my MacBook Air from the power source will slow the deployment down considerably (so will the debugging and tracing).
Simply plug the laptop back to the power source and everything will become fast again.
Don't kill the emulator between debug sessions. There is no need.
Also - Visual Studio 2010 Express For Windows Phone, which is installed with the tools, is much more responsive as it has less features running.
So if speed is really an issue, that may be an option.
