Conditional loading of Chrome based on working internet (WLAN) connection - windows

I have a thin client running stand alone on Windows XP embedded which will be used as a information screen. Information shall be pulled from the internet (through a website) when a WLAN-connection has been succesfully established. So what I'm looking for is a way to on Windows launch, check for a working internet connection. If the connection is OK, I want to launch a website from internet in Google Chrome. If no working connection has been found, I want to launch a local website in Chrome. In pseudo-code:
if (working internet connection)
launch Chrome with internet
launch Chrome with local website
Maybe this is possible with a piece of Visual Basic? Or is there some other scripting possible? The script shall run on system startup.
In an advanced version of this script I would eventually like to create a local copy of the website automatically when there is a working connection.
All this because the WLAN connection is quite unrealible in the place where this will be used.
Thanks in advance!

This, from Randy Birch's VB.NET site, should do it:


Connection timeout issue in Visual Studio Code

I have been facing some weird connection timeout issues in Visual Studio Code.
I am writing a simple web crawler to read a website using the requests and beautifulsoup4 packages in Python. I don't have any problem opening the URL in my web browsers (opens fine in Edge and Chrome), but when I say request.get(url), then the request always times out. Also, when I try to install some additional packages using pip, it always times out. But the corresponding PyPI page opens fine on my web browser.
The funny thing is - I am facing this issue only when I work out of my company's office. I don't have this issue at all when I am working from my home. There shouldn't be a system-wide firewall or a network firewall, because if there is, then the sites shouldn't be opening on my browsers too, right?
I went to VS Code Preferences and checked the settings there. There's no proxy set up. There is nothing specifically that would block network requests from inside VS Code. Here are some screenshots showing what VS Code Settings looks like.
I looked online and couldn't find much, since every question out there is regarding timeouts in SSH connections, which isn't relevant to me here. This official site here gives a bunch of URLs that need to be allowed by the firewall for VS Code to be able to connect to the network, but I don't know where to add them.
Is there something that I am missing? Any leads on how I can debug this issue? Or is it something that I'll have to take up with my company's network administrator?

Is there an easy way to run,use & display desktop programs on web browser from my own computer without uploading on other server or using online app?

For example there is a calculator app inside my computer so can i run ,use and display calculator app on web browser from my computer but only by using server like xammp or other offline software without uploading on others server or using online app ? please provide easy solution.
You can try OnlineVNC?
I'm not sure if it fits your criteria though. It's a server part that you install on your PC so that you can remote it from a browser.

Microsoft products cannot connect via https

We're having a problem here that a few hours on Google would suggest is very common but mostly unresolved.
Since upgrading to Windows 8.1, no Microsoft product can connect to any site via a secure channel, specifically TLS channels.
Internet Explorer 11 can connect to http web sites (e.g. msn), but will not connect to any https web sites (e.g., google). Attempting to connect to an https site results in 'This page cannot be displayed'. Other browsers, for example Firefox and Chrome, can connect to https web sites perfectly well.
On its own that wouldn't be an issue, we could just use Firefox (which is our default browser anyway), however every single Microsoft product uses the same settings and transports as Internet Explorer, and so none of those can connect to secure sites either.
This means that Windows Update won't work, and that we cannot register any Microsoft software (e.g. Office, Visual Studio, etc). Attempting to do so results in 'A communication error has occurred.'
Sometimes it gives an error code, for example attempting to activate Office gives 'A communication error has occured. Please verify that you have connectivity to the Internet and try again (0x80072F8F).
Googling that code suggests checking the BIOS date and time (we did, all correct) and resetting Internet settings (we did, to no avail).
We had the same problem crop up on Windows 7 after a Windows Update, which we fixed by going into Internet Options and disabling TLS 1.0 and re-registering some DLLs, however that hasn't fixed the issue here.
Other things we've tried are:-
Disabling SPDY/3
Disabling SSL 2.0
Every combination of enabled and disabled TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2
Disabling Enhanced Protected Mode
Clearing SSL state
Uninstalling Internet Explorer 11
As I mentioned at the start, this only affects Microsoft products, anything from other companies or anything we write ourselves works perfectly, which would suggest there's some specific settings or code that Microsoft use that is the root of the issue.
Anyone else had this and managed to solve it?
I had this same problem with IE and this is what fixed it for me.
You should open a Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following commands:
regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s
regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s
regsvr32 Wintrust.dll /s
regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s
Restart your computer and try accessing the HTTPS sites again with IE. These commands re-register the Dynamic-link library files which are called when you connect to an HTTPS site using Windows programs.
Here is the Windows support page which had this info:
I had this same problem with trying to access domains in Powershell over HTTPS, but Google Chrome could access the HTTPS sites just fine on the same machine, so I knew it was a Windows-system issue and not a networking issue.
Hope this helps. Good luck!

Is there a way to open windows explorer from IIS 7?

In the developpement sever everything is working perfectly but when deployed on IIS 7.5 the windows explorer is not displayed
I'm using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument);
is there another way to do that?
P.S: I tried all the proposed solution to run System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument); but I didn't succeed
This is not possible. You're code is running server side and you only have access to the server side process (if you have sufficient permissions, which normally shouldn't be the case).
You cannot open the client-side explorer, because you don't have access to the client's filesystem. You could include a link to file://C:/Windows/Explorer.exe as mentioned in the comments, but this will only work if the client really has windows installed on the C-drive and the windows-folder is named like that.
All in all, this is not a supported scenario.

WindowsPhone App data connection FAILS in MarketPlace published App but WORKS in Visual Studio development (same XAP)

Tearing my hair out(!)
My last App update has been accepted and released by MarketPlace but the remote server data connection does NOT work/connect from the downloaded App (from MarketPlace).
However, the same App (the accepted XAP) when I'm running it from Visual Studio, using the same remote server address works just fine.
WHY!... Has anyone else ever run into anything like this?
Here's the remote path:
I can load that to a browser and retrieve the XML
When I'm in Visual Studio I can connect via that path and retrieve the file and consume the data
BUT!! The exact same XAP which has been accepted and distributed by Windows Phone marketplace FAILS.
Is it possible that MarketPlace does something (encryption?) to the XAP that would corrupt the path string?
Any thoughts or experiences would be very helpful!
The best way to verify that the app is actually sending out a request is to use a debugging proxy to check the requests. This is a very simple process. Here are the steps-
1) Download and install Fiddler and set it up to act as a proxy to remote hosts from Tools->Fiddler Options->Connections
2) Download Connectify and run it to setup a wireless hotspot from your laptop
3) Connect your windows phone to this wifi network and set the proxy as (Your Computer Name) and the port as 8888
4) Now run your app and see what request your app is sending out. You can also check what response is being given.
Let us know your results so that we can help you further.
