Is there a way to open windows explorer from IIS 7? -

In the developpement sever everything is working perfectly but when deployed on IIS 7.5 the windows explorer is not displayed
I'm using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument);
is there another way to do that?
P.S: I tried all the proposed solution to run System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument); but I didn't succeed

This is not possible. You're code is running server side and you only have access to the server side process (if you have sufficient permissions, which normally shouldn't be the case).
You cannot open the client-side explorer, because you don't have access to the client's filesystem. You could include a link to file://C:/Windows/Explorer.exe as mentioned in the comments, but this will only work if the client really has windows installed on the C-drive and the windows-folder is named like that.
All in all, this is not a supported scenario.


Can't access and web site after installing VS2013 Preview

Recently i installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Preview Ultimate on Windows 7. Everything went smoothly except now i can't access and anymore. Tried latest IE10 and FireFox, both show blank page when accessing the above mentioned web sites. Firefox in its left bottom corner shows that it is waiting for
I'd really like not to reinstall OS on my machine, so i'd appreciate any idea how to fix this. For myself i tried to stop Firewall service and disable MS Security Essentials runtime protection, neither helped.
PS: I can access and from another machine in the same local network
UPDATE: i am using as my TFS server and it opens fine if i am not signed in. But once i am trying to log in it opens blank, like browser is waiting for something (the same as for and Something related to live ID?
Don't think this is the website to post this kind of question but try uninstalling VS2013 preview because you think that's causing the problem. Search in Google for people getting similar problem. I also don't think it is VS2013 because I can't think of anyway of how VS2013 would somehow disable you from going to a certain website. Make sure the sites weren't down at the time or if you're having something kind of Internet server issues.
skype is owned by microsoft, so you can't enter both microsoft pages. This could be related with some kind of ISP (Internet Service Provider) and not with VS2013, or you can try rebooting your router. Last thing i would do is traceroute both address and see where they fall.
I wanted to write this as a comment but I don't have enough reputation yet. Anyway, obviously trying to uninstall the program and trying again would be a good start as already mentioned, but you should also look inside your hosts file for any weird redirections some virus of malware might have set up. It's located at "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and you can open this inside notepad (might require notepad to be run as an administrator). Check to see if or are in there and are pointing to a different IP address. If they are you can just remove them and save the file (might require a restart to take effect). If still no luck you should try a livecd of a linux distro to make sure the problem is definitely inside your windows somewhere.
Let us know how it goes.

standalone web application

Is there way to run web application as standalone desktop application? Could be web application written using PHP, MySQL and Apache converted to standalone application which meets following requirements:
1. Application should be called as http://myapp.localhost.
2. Application should have desktop icon which directly opens browser with application's URL.
3. Source code of web application should be hidden from users.
4. Installation for end user must be as easy as possible.
Now I do steps 1-2 using xampp and manually creating shortcut. I was interested in some wrapper, installer which do above steps automatically. But I have no idea about 3rd step.
Regarding item 3, see Can you "compile" PHP code?. This would allow you to develop in PHP and deploy the application via an installer.
There are several installer packages which would allow you to automate these steps, depending on your development environment.
PHP and MySQL require to have a web server running. That means you will need to copy the code over to the client's machine and then run the web server locally still on the client's machine.
If that's what you want, look into the Microsoft IIS Express (here).
In short, IIS is a web server that can host and run a server side web application, written in ASP.NET or PHP.
Here are the steps you need to take:
Install IIS express on the client's machine (one-time process, and I think quite acceptable - treat this as a runtime installation).
Create a designated (hidden) folder for the source files of the web application that you want to deploy (one-time process).
Create a windows batch file (bat or cmd) that starts the IIS (as described here) and then opens the website's URL so that the default browser starts. This file will serve as a shortcut, so you can place it on the desktop or wherever appropriate (one-time process).
Deploy your web application to the hidden folder from step 2 above (repetitive process - deploy to the same folder when you want to upgrade the clients to a new version).
Please have in mind that I am basing my suggestion on your requirement to host and run the application locally (on localhost).
However, if there's an option to run the application on a separate machine (not a localhost), then you could simply place a desktop shortcut to the network or internet address URL that would open the default browser without problems.
i would suggest Pouchdb and Adobe Air This way you can code with html and javascript and package it with Adobe Air.
I'm afraid it's not that simple.
If you want to use this approach (and I highly discourage it), you will have to deploy a webserver of some sorts on the client. You should be able to run the Apache/IIS Express and MySQL/SQLite executable and start a simple webserver and database.
If you'd also like a icon, you can create an installer that creates this icon and points to the URL you wish.
I'm afraid that's not possible. PHP is and always will be a scripting language. You might be able to obfuscate it somehow, but anyone who can download your application will be able to de-obfuscate it.
Again, you can create an installer. Inno Setup is pretty good from what I've heard.

ActiveX Flash-Player can't access web-content?

I have a ActiveX control hosting a flash-player which is in turn running a flash file trying to access data from a web-address.
In an old Windows Application version of my application everything works fine and the flash file is able to access the web-content.
However, in a newer Console Appliction version of the application it can no longer access the web-content.
Any ideas what might be causing this? Is there some kind of difference between a Windows Application and a Console application in terms of security/permissions that might affect an ActiveX hosted flash-player?
I'm using Windows 7.
First of all - how did you manage to get an ActiveX into a console application? :) I think ax needs window handles and all such things...
Anyways, there are different kinds of sandboxes from the Flash player perspective, what you are seeing is the "local not trusted" kind. In order to "trust" the SWF that issues the request you would need to use this page to confirm that the location where SWF comes from can communicate to the internet.
Doing so may be a hindrance for the user, but if this is the case, you could write the trust files on your own. Example

Edit office document on server

We are going to develop a client-server application where all the office documents will be stored on the remote server.
The problem is that users need to edit these docs very often.
The standard solution is:
edit locally
But it is very inconvenient and would cause high traffic, cause docs are very large.
Is there any solution to edit documents right on server?
E.g. some remote OpenOffice installation which we can connect somehow?
Thanks in advance!
Unless you can give your users RDP sessions on Windows or VNC (or X windows?) sessions on Linux you're going to be stuck with downloading the document to edit locally (in one form or another) then upload again.
There may be some HTTP/browser based solution but because it's HTTP you're going be to pulling all of the document back to the browser to edit then posting back to the server, it pretty much defeats the purpose.
As pointed out by Kev, one solution would be some sort of remote access software to access a copy of running on the server. There is for example a VNC viewer that will run as a Java applet in a browser ( ), that might do the trick.
Another option would be a server-based office package, a la Google docs. There are some available, but none with the full feature set of, so this is probably only an option if you can restrict to that feature set. If you can, it could work quite well.

Prefered method to map a remote filesystem in windows?

For a current project, I need to allow users to access their files remotely from Windows. I'm looking for a solution with an explorer integration (using Shell Namespace Extensions).
I first try using WebDAV and the built-in client in Windows but the client is not of equal quality in all Windows version and adding SSL and/or authentication is not working as espected.
I am not attached to WebDAV, it can be any protocol. I prefer open-source project or a commercial one with a SDK license (must be integrated in a product).
Have you tried "sharing" the filesystem? If your server runs Linux, you could try samba. I haven't tried Windows in a while, but I seem to remember that the Explorer did ftp as well.
I'm assuming plain HTTP is a no go here.
