Windows Mobile Custom Textbox - user-interface

I'm trying to replicate the input box shown in the image on windows mobile 5+
but i'm struggling for ideas!
So far the only things I have come up with (I haven't managed to make either work) were to either;
inherit TextBox and paint the textbox
background manually by overriding
make the textbox background
transparent and position the
textbox over an image that looked
like the one in the screen shot
Has anybody done this or know of how this could be acheived?
Thanks in advance

I gave up on this as I have moved away from windows mobile but found that it wasn't possible, due to restrictions in the compact framework, to do this with the existing textbox, you would need to create your own texbox control from scratch!


How can to see off screen content at design time in Blend or VS for Windows Phone 7 or 8

I am designing a long Windows Phone 8 page. It is very frustrating that I can't see most of it in the design visuals.
I was wondering if anyone knows a way of being able to see the content visually, at design time, of either the bottom of the page (i.e. scrolling up in the designer), or preferable to be able to see the whole page.
I know you can turn the chrome off, is there any way to turn the view windows masking frame off?
This also applies to trying to see a whole panorama view too!
Try temporarily collapsing the controls which are above the controls which is getting off screen. Later you can set that control to required dimensions again.
Instead of removing d:DesignWidth & d:DesignHeight from xaml root tag, just set these values high enough such that all of your content gets displayed.

Scrolling issues with SIP (keyboard) open on wp7

I am developing an application for WP7 platform (actually WP7.1 sdk). I have a page with an image and couple textboxes in a Grid encapsulated in scrollviwer, that supports both portrait and landscape orientation. I am facing some odd behaviors that rised my two questions:
Is there a solution or at least explanation why in Portrait mode when I focus on any textbox and SIP comes up I cannot scroll through the page in the rest of viewable area? When I try to scroll it with SIP up it always bounces back to the focused textbox so to select another textbox I have to tap elswere to hide the SIP and select another textbox. (its annoying and user unfriendly) In a landscape mode though, I can scroll through the page easily (without bouncing) and select whatever I want with SIP up. I think it has to do something with a fact that in portrait mode without sip you can see all elements and in landscape you have to scroll down to see some textboxes. But if I look into some system apps I see similar pages and it doesnt bounce to focused textbox with the keyboard up, so I dunno what am I doing wrong.
Is there any workaround to correctly position dropdown from autocompletebox control from toolkit while it is declared inside of scrollviewer? Its position is always messed up, most of the time I tried to solve this it showed up over the textbox itself hiding it.
Thanks for your time.
I already did some research but didnt solve anything :-/
Could you please try my solution ?
I would recommend you to read Alex's article on the subject. I think it should answer your problem just fine.
Not really. And you shouldn't have a AutoCompleteBox in a ScrollViewer.

How to create custom onscreen keyboards?

Im about to start creating a custom onscreen keyboard for my WP7 app. An out of the box SIP will not work since they can't be customized or built from scratch with .NET.
Ideally the keyboard would activate like a SIP. Specifically, appear when the textbox receives focus. Docking to the bottom of the screen would be nice, too.
Any ideas where I could find samples of this?
Also, do you have any recommendations or lessons learned you could share?
I think you'll be making this sample ;)
The challenge with letting textbox take focus is likely going to be the built in SIP is going to appear. ReadOnly is an option, but you'll either lose or need to find a way to retain/mimic the cursor if that visual queue is important to you.

Expression blend slideshow?

I'm specificaally a photoshop web designer and have a limited knowledge of xaml.
I'm trying to create a slideshow effect with images an text within it, similar to
Does anyone know how I would create this by just using Expression Blend. I would prefer not to dip into any code! Would be great if there is some sort of behavior for this?
I'm currently using the states and storyboard. The animation works in sketch preview, but I can't get the buttons to work for the behavior gotonextstate.
Any ideas?
Thanks Judi
I did it for you but don't know how to attache file here so send me your mail to send it to you.
be sure to have the default windows 7 (vista) images fileder to let the sample run fine.
Take care,

Is there an easy way to recreate the WinForms layout experience at runtime for user positioning of controls

When laying out a WinForm in Visual Studio you get the ability to resize and align your controls very easily with drag handles and border alignment hints.
I'd like to do the same with a runtime control to enable the user to position an image on a page.
For example, if the user has a photo and they want to place it as a background on the desktop I'd like the control to help them move and size the photo thumbnail in a mini desktop visual.
I can do all of this, but my real question is, does anyone know of a way to inherit from the standard WinForms layout editor so that I can choose to use the nice docking, alignment hints and control resizing without coding it all again?
Thanks in advance
I don't know about easy, but you can host the actual winforms designer in your own applications without too many problems.. See here.
