Product Images & Extensions not showing after Magento upgrade/migration - magento

I upgraded my Magento from 1.5.1 to 1.7 using a fresh install as described here:
For some reason my product images and extensions are not showing. I refreshed/flushed all caches, and reindexed.
Any idea why this might be?
I did run Magento/login to admin before copying the extension and media files over, but I am not sure if that should impact it.

1) check /media and app/etc and /var folders permissions
2) check extensions list at Admin - System - Configuration - Advanced
3) check if you can access some media image by direct url
let me know your results and I will try to help you based on results


Magento Image upload missing?

I'm having some issues with a Magento install We recently moved servers and now the image upload option on newsletters and CMS pages are not working. (Product images are working fine).
Media folder is set for 777 permissions as well as subfolders.
I am getting this when trying to add an image:
The create folder button also does nothing, has anyone come across this before or know a solution?
Are you sure it is able to read the /media/wysiwyg directory?
Have you set the base URLs correctly under System / Web?
Have you copied over the js-directory?
Seems Javascript compression in Magento was the issue. Disabling compression made this work! Don't know why.

Magento catalog image cache not creating?

I am working on magento 1.8 version. I have a problem with catalog images.
Some product images not showing on frontend. Actually they are coming from cache and no image is on that location.
Problem is cache is not creating properly.
I have done following things:-
1. media folder permission:- 777
2. cache clear(after clear cache it shows but after some day it happens again same)
3. Gd library installed
4. increased memory limit to 1024M
Can anyone help me in this issue?
Try to rename cache folder from media/catalog/product.
Also apply 777 permission sub directory also.
Then remove all cache and try it.

Magento installation webpage not available error

I am new to Magento and installing it.
While installation i have put in /www folder. So when i access url in browser like localhost/magento it shows webpage not available though i have followed every step as per the guideline
Is the /www folder your webserver's root? To me it seems that when you type localhost/magento, the installation needs to be in the magento folder on your server.

magento theme install

I have a rather simple question.
I want to install a new magento theme. In the documentation it says to overwrite the default 'app' and 'skin' folders with the theme's 'app' and 'skin' folders.
"8. Upload the "app" and "skin" folders from the template themeXX folder to your Magento root
folder (accept the replacement)"
However, when I am doing that, it prompts me to download magento again thru the magento installation wizard.
To me, it sounds more reasonable to just copy the contents of the 'app' and 'skin' folders of the new theme into the default 'app' and 'skin' folders of the magento framework as they contain some other folders that probably should remain intact.
Any suggestions please?
Did you first install the default Magento in the folder where you want to run it? You will need a running installation of Magento before you can go ahead and install a team.
If it keeps promting you check that you're on the right address in the address bar of your browser. To install magento you would have been redirected to [magento]/downloader/
As a last resort you could open up index.php and remove the code redirecting you the downloader folder, but at this point you might be better off re-installing Magento (remove everything in the directory and follow the install steps again) since something probably went wrong.
After you've installed Magento check if you see the default store interface and can access the admin areas before installing anything else (including a theme)!
There's absolutely no need to overwrite the app and skin folders. In fact, if you do so, you could easily overwrite just about all of Magento's functionality and break your system.
That would be why you're getting a new installation prompt.
What's the theme you are installing, and what's the link to the page where they give that information?
Generally a theme will be packaged will a folder structure that looks like this:
and so on.
This content needs to be merged as you said.
Many of these folders already exist, for instance app/code/, app/design/frontend/base/, skin/css/, skin/js/
Just copy any new files or folders.
#george i know it's been a while since anything has been said on here, but i just want people to know for future reference that you only have to add to the app/design/frontend/default/[theme name] and skin/frontend/default/[theme name] folders like sg3s stated. i lost about 4 hours to this tonight b/c i bought a theme and they didn't specify that you only need to add to the folders not overwrite them.

Product images not getting displayed both in frontend and backend

I have installed magento version everything works fine except the image upload. Images are getting uploaded successfully and saved in temp folder, but not showing up in both backend and frontend. I cant see anything in small-image folder. Tried renaming htaccess in media folder and tried all the possible changes. flash version am using is 11.1. I would be glad if I can get any help on this.
There are a few thing which are worth a shot.
Is your caching enabled? If your admin -> system -> cache management
Have you cleared your cache? In the same place you can clear it out
Have you checked the image url using Firebug or view source? If your url is wrong then you might need to update it in the database, then clear your cache
