magento theme install - magento

I have a rather simple question.
I want to install a new magento theme. In the documentation it says to overwrite the default 'app' and 'skin' folders with the theme's 'app' and 'skin' folders.
"8. Upload the "app" and "skin" folders from the template themeXX folder to your Magento root
folder (accept the replacement)"
However, when I am doing that, it prompts me to download magento again thru the magento installation wizard.
To me, it sounds more reasonable to just copy the contents of the 'app' and 'skin' folders of the new theme into the default 'app' and 'skin' folders of the magento framework as they contain some other folders that probably should remain intact.
Any suggestions please?

Did you first install the default Magento in the folder where you want to run it? You will need a running installation of Magento before you can go ahead and install a team.
If it keeps promting you check that you're on the right address in the address bar of your browser. To install magento you would have been redirected to [magento]/downloader/
As a last resort you could open up index.php and remove the code redirecting you the downloader folder, but at this point you might be better off re-installing Magento (remove everything in the directory and follow the install steps again) since something probably went wrong.
After you've installed Magento check if you see the default store interface and can access the admin areas before installing anything else (including a theme)!

There's absolutely no need to overwrite the app and skin folders. In fact, if you do so, you could easily overwrite just about all of Magento's functionality and break your system.
That would be why you're getting a new installation prompt.
What's the theme you are installing, and what's the link to the page where they give that information?
Generally a theme will be packaged will a folder structure that looks like this:
and so on.
This content needs to be merged as you said.
Many of these folders already exist, for instance app/code/, app/design/frontend/base/, skin/css/, skin/js/
Just copy any new files or folders.

#george i know it's been a while since anything has been said on here, but i just want people to know for future reference that you only have to add to the app/design/frontend/default/[theme name] and skin/frontend/default/[theme name] folders like sg3s stated. i lost about 4 hours to this tonight b/c i bought a theme and they didn't specify that you only need to add to the folders not overwrite them.


Can't get child magento theme to work correctly, no changes are made

I'm using Magento Ver. and I'm trying to make a child theme of a free theme I've downloaded. I already try to create the following folders copying all files I need from the original theme
Also tried to make a folder called 'custom' inside of the main theme folder where is 'default' folder. Make all changes in DESIGN section of CONFIG ADMIN SESSION. I tried to do some changes to footer.phtml (just for be sure it's working), and no changes are made at all.
What I'm doing wrong?
It worked by changing the System->Config to 'custom' folder inside of parent theme folder.

Uploading Aheadworks blog extension to my custom Magento theme

I'm fairly new to Magento and am having trouble uploading the Aheadworks blog extension to the correct directories. I am using a custom theme for my site, let's call it "themex". The directions state "Navigate inside step_1 directory. If you use a different from default theme - be sure to rename step_1/app/design/frontend/default/default and step_1/skin/frontend/default/default folders to your store's values."
I've located the 'step_1' directory but I'm not quite understanding the latter part of the directions. Am I renaming the 'step_1' directory to "themex" and uploading it to the root directory? Please be as descriptive as possible in your response.
Their instructions are badly phrased, but I'm pretty sure it means that you need to upload the files to app/design/frontend/default/themex
Magento theme files appear in the app/design/frontend/ folder.
The "base" folder here contains the core layout files, and the "default" folder contains the file overrides for other themes. As such, your theme's layout files will appear under app/design/frontend/default/themex (possibly app/design/frontend/themex/default depending on how the theme works)
Magento will first look for design files here first, and then look under app/design/frontend/base if the override does not exist.
Make sure you back-up any files, and if their files over-write any of your theme files then run a comparison on them to make sure they are not over-writing any of your theme's functionality.

Fishpig's Magento WP Integration -- WP not using Magento Theme/Package

I've successfully installed Fishpig's Magento WordPress Integration extension. I followed the instructions where you install via Magento Connect and had no problems. This is by the way all on the development server which does not have Caching or Compiling enabled.
The Magento cart is installed in the webroot directory and WordPress is in subdirectory "wp" as stated in Fishpig's instructions. The Full Integration blog path is /blog.
When I visit the blog's page it is not using the Magento theme. I even set it to use the same layout (same as CMS's homepage) We have a custom Magento theme. Maybe there is something we are doing incorrectly Magento theme wise for Fishpig's extension not to work. Screenshots to come eventually but the host (DataGram) is down due to the flooding Downtown. Should be back hopefully today.
To clarify... WordPress is using its own database. In the Shop's admin panel->WordPress tab I setup Full Integration and set the path to "wp" and the blog path is blog.
So, now if I visit for example... you are in the shop and if you visit you are in the fully integrated blog.
Bottom line is it seems to be configured fine in the admin panel. I am not requesting the blog page from the wp directory (I.E: but from the fully integrated page (
Our problem could be similar to what this person is experiencing:
Magento - FishPig Integration - Not getting correct template for /blog
Have a great weekend all!
Best Regards,
Huzzah looks like I got things working :-)
The culprit was that this file:
^^ was pointing to the wrong template filename. Corrected and was good to go. Modified line was number 66.
Funny thing is that on the top of that XML file it states:
Option 1 - local.xml (recommended)
Create a file named local.xml in your custom theme's layout folder. You can then make changes to the layout there by
using the relevant layout handle. This allows you to leave this file intact and recieve new features
when upgrading the extension.
Option 2 - copy this file
Copy this file and it's contents to a new file in your custom theme's layout folder named wordpress.xml.
Each time you upgrade, you will need to check with your copy of the file and
the copy in app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/wordpress.xml for changes and merge any you find"
Now, as stated in my Original Posting I installed FishPig extension using their instructions:
^^ Therefore I don't know why it is setup using Option 2. That wordpress.xml is in our theme's layout directory.
I feel I should also state the other changes I did even though it doesn't seem like it contributed to making it work. Just doing for completeness:
-- Renamed the subdirectory /wp to /wordpress and changed all references to to within the DataBase using
-- Removed .htaccess from /wordpress folder
So bottom line is looks like it is working normally. We are now set for working on redesign for site.
Have a look at this.
I also used Fishpig and it is working.
What do you mean by visiting the blog page? Do you request the blog page from the wordpress directory?
If so, it doesn't change its design.
You have to request the blog within your shop.

Remove a magento theme - Rollback to default

This is my first time working with Magento and here is what happend: I spent two days reading the documentation and tweaking the settings to fit my needs. I then installed this theme:
The problem is that the theme didn't work the way I was expecting and now I'd like to rollback to the default theme and completely remove everything added by this theme to my installation.
Unfortunately, I didn't backup the installation and database before I installed the new theme and I have no idea where to start.
Thanks in advance.
1. Switching back to default theme
Go to the admin area and then system > configuration > design
Change "Current Package Name" to 'default' and make sure all inputs under the "Themes" section are empty. This will return you to the default theme.
2. Completely remove everything added by this theme
I take it from your question that you are not using any form of source control. Might be an idea to look into this for the future :)
Magento 1.7 has introduced backup and rollback features so you may also want to check that out.
If this is the case, backup everything before you start removing files and directories as described below
Anyway, to completely remove all files and directories added when you installed the module, unfortunately it will simply be a case of manually finding the files and directories deleting.
The easiest way to do this will be to find the original source code you received when you purchased the theme and removing the corresponding files from your site. When removing directories be careful to only remove those specific to the theme - It will have been sent to you structured so that you can easily drag straight in to your web root - so will contain some other directories required by Magento, simply to give it the correct hierarchy.
At the very least there will be files and folders specific to the theme located in the following directories:
and also most likely some more in the following:
I know the result for this can be different for everyone, but in case someone else comes across my specific case, it was the N98 folder under app/code/community/N98 that caused the problem. Particularly their CustomerGroupCheckout plugin as shown here:
Removing the N98 folder brought back the configuration page.

Magento - Editing phtml files in adminhtml folder having no effect

When I make a change to “app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/page/head.phtml” or other files in the adminhtml folders, the changes I make have no effect on the site. The site seems to be using old versions of my files but I have no idea where it is getting them from. I have deleted the cache multiple times and logged in/out of admin. I’ve also managed to turn on path hints in the admin panel and can see that the correct files are being used but the code in the files is incorrect. If I rename the file to _head.phtml then as you'd expect, the styling, js and meta tags etc go missing but when I make a simple edit to that same file the change is not reflected.
I recently upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.7 - Am I missing something?
