Magento catalog image cache not creating? - magento

I am working on magento 1.8 version. I have a problem with catalog images.
Some product images not showing on frontend. Actually they are coming from cache and no image is on that location.
Problem is cache is not creating properly.
I have done following things:-
1. media folder permission:- 777
2. cache clear(after clear cache it shows but after some day it happens again same)
3. Gd library installed
4. increased memory limit to 1024M
Can anyone help me in this issue?

Try to rename cache folder from media/catalog/product.
Also apply 777 permission sub directory also.
Then remove all cache and try it.


Simple image gallery cannot write to cache folder even with permission set to 777

I am using a joomla plugin that shows multiple images inside a gallery. But whenever I add the code for the plugin inside an article I get this error:
Simple Image Gallery Notice: Joomla!'s /cache folder is not writable. Please correct this folder's permissions, clear your site's cache and retry.
So I connected to my website with FTP and changed the permissions of the cache folder located at administrator/cache to 777 (Permission for everything), but I keep getting this message.
What could be the cause of this? And is there a work-around?
Joomla has a cache folder directly in the joomla root. You have to set the permissions of this folder (e.g. /var/www/joomla/cache), but it looks like you set them of /var/www/joomla/administrator/cache.
If you are using centos, you can change selinux to permissive mode. It works.

Magento Image upload missing?

I'm having some issues with a Magento install We recently moved servers and now the image upload option on newsletters and CMS pages are not working. (Product images are working fine).
Media folder is set for 777 permissions as well as subfolders.
I am getting this when trying to add an image:
The create folder button also does nothing, has anyone come across this before or know a solution?
Are you sure it is able to read the /media/wysiwyg directory?
Have you set the base URLs correctly under System / Web?
Have you copied over the js-directory?
Seems Javascript compression in Magento was the issue. Disabling compression made this work! Don't know why.

Product Images & Extensions not showing after Magento upgrade/migration

I upgraded my Magento from 1.5.1 to 1.7 using a fresh install as described here:
For some reason my product images and extensions are not showing. I refreshed/flushed all caches, and reindexed.
Any idea why this might be?
I did run Magento/login to admin before copying the extension and media files over, but I am not sure if that should impact it.
1) check /media and app/etc and /var folders permissions
2) check extensions list at Admin - System - Configuration - Advanced
3) check if you can access some media image by direct url
let me know your results and I will try to help you based on results

Error changes folder permissions

In using jomsocial 2.8.4 and Joomla 2.5.9 we tried uploading an image to his feed using the "multifunction" status box. Which then crashed the site. After investigating it turns out that my root folder /public_html/ permissions were changed to 777 when this error looped and changed permissions from 755 so by the security set in my cPanel, it threw the 500 error..once fixing the permission issue my site was back online but the status he was trying to upload the picture now displays.
The error from the error log before it crashes is:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gamer/public_html/components/com_community/libraries/photos.php on line 11
Any fixes for this?
OK so change the image your uploading to .png to see if its not loading because of extention, next how big is your image. this can also cause upload errors, also check to make your exec times are set up higher then 8mb do like 32mb you can change that in php.ini
Also you can uninstall jomsocial and reinstall it also check jomsocial settings in the backend under media to make sure those are set you what you need.
I have the same problem with my own joomla component.
It doesn't depend on image size. The same image file sometimes uploads properly, and sometimes changes permissions of the /public_html/ to 777.
I've tried yet only jpg files.
It looks like it's Joomla bug, not Joomsocial.
The problem is inside JFile::delete();
// somehow set 777 rights to the /public_html/ directory
if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE.$table->img_orig))

Magento: updated product's image doesn't appear in frontend

I opened a product, deleted it's images and uploaded other 2 instead. They appeared in backend.
I refreshed the cache, deleted the cache of images in System=>Cache Management. I deleted cache of images in media/catalog/product/cache manually. I deleted the cache in var/cache, deleted the cache in var/minifycache (I have Fooman Speedster), updated indexes in index management. I deleted the cache in my browser.
Finally, the previous images still were present. WTF? I hit all the delete/refresh-buttons again and again, 10 times, I deleted all the possible and impossible caches manually from a file system. Result: the new images didn't appear.
I got very angry after 2 hours of trying.
I deleted those old images from the file system.
The new images did't appear, now I have a default image of Magento for a product.
I tried to access the new images directly (e.g., and the images are loaded and found without problems.
The new images are showed in backend fine.
What the hell is happening? How to get rid of it and, finally, to go bad at 5 a.m.??? Thank everybody for helping me.
My only advice is to double and triple check that you've flush all caches possible (Magento Cache, System Cache, and all 8 caches along with media cache). If you're using Zend Full Page cache, empty that too. Go to /var/cache and delete everything in here and do the same in var/sessions (if you're storing sessions in the file system and not the database).
If all of that fails try using a different browser that you have yet to view the site on. If that fails try uploading a fresh copy of your version of magento, replacing all the core files. I've seen crazy things happen with Magento and a upload of a clean copy fixes problems for whatever reason. Hope this helps!
Just ran into this problem myself. Don't forget to look externally as well, such as in the case of varnish/pagespeed/some CDN, and pay close attention to the URLs. I spent about an hour scratching my head wondering why it wasn't working when I was purging the wrong thing ( instead of
just try on command
php bin/magento catalog:image:resize
reindex command
your system will work perfectly.
