If Steam can map the guide button on the Xbox 360 controller why can't I - windows

I want to map the Xbox Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller.
I've been searching for a possible solution for some time now and from the looks of my google results it seems that the only way to do so is by using a custom driver.
However, I tried using Steam Big Picture mode today and was surprised to see that Valve has managed to achieve this to open the Steam Overlay. So how come I can't find any information on how to do this? Does anyone have any idea of how they've done it?
I've thought of possible solutions, aside from a custom driver, and I wonder if you could read the raw data from the controller? The button must send a signal so it should be possible detect when it's pressed, right?
Any help is much appreciated.

To mark as answered: #luke answered this in the comments with:
Assuming you are using XInput, it appears that use of the Guide button
is undocumented. However, people have figured out that it apparently
sets bit 0x0400 in the button bit flag. More information.


Apply watermark on screenshot in Xamarin forms

I am creating a xamarin forms app, where i need to implement that if user takes screenshot then, a watermark should appear on that screenshot.
The watermark should appear only on screenshot not in whole app.
If it is possible then please help me.
Any advice or suggestion will be great help for me.
Thank You.
While preventing screenshots is more or less possible on Android (https://stackoverflow.com/a/31406316/16607977) there's no API to detect or manipulate the screenshot. Here's a description of a workaround to detecting screenshots, which boils down to watching the filesystem for new files with "screenshot" in their path - you might try to access and manipulate this file then. If the user does not give you permissions, this won't work.
For iPhone, you might also detect the screen capture (https://stackoverflow.com/a/18158483/16607977), somehow identify the file and add the watermark. I doubt this will be easy without the user's permission.

undock/move Component Tray in Windows Forms Designer

Working with 16:9 screens, I always have an empty space to my right in Forms Designer.
On the other hand, this Component Tray is always overlapping the forms.
Is there a way to undock or move it to fill that wasted space?
I haven't found any other questions regarding this.
Thank you in advance and please excuse my bad english.
Edited: obviously I know I can drag its edge to fold the thing down.
Finally I created my own Add-In to dock that ComponentTray to the right as well as sorting its components alphabetically.
If you, like me, want to use your wide screen in all its glory, please post a comment below and gladly I'll give you all details.
After the testing phase, I'll upload the thing to VS Gallery.
EDIT: Here's the link to the VS extension. Feel free to use and enjoy it.
Best wishes.

Tap actions on Android wear watchfaces

So, I know this is undocumented and unsupported and not recommended etc.
But, I haven't given up on trying to add a button to an Android watchface. If you are familiar with WatchMaker, you know they support this feature!
My guess is that is has something to do with implementing onCommand on the engine, but I have encountered 2 problems with this method:
For some reason the X and Y are always 0 there
I don't know how to disable the default tap action that takes you to the menu.
Anyways, if someone can guess or know how WatchMaker are doing this, please suggest a solution!
You can find an example here
In fact, these WatchFaces add views in the WindowManager that have an onClickListener when visible.

Fluid swipe and scrolling 10.7 style

I'm looking to add two finger "fluid swiping" to my app. Anyone who has used the week view in the Calendar app that comes with OSX will have seen what I'm trying to do.
I have a scroll view, and I want to be able to use swipe gestures and scrolling to move the content view in the horizontal axis of my NSScrollView, ie a day or a week.
The video from WWDC 2011 titled "Scrolling, Swiping, Dragging: Now with more animation" was quite useful, and looks like it will be able to explain what I want to do, but unfortunately the sample code for PictureSwiper isn't provided with the video.
I'm aware that a newer version of PictureSwiper is avaliable, but it uses NSPageController and I'm really looking for the older Lion 10.7 way of handling things as I can't use NSPageController. Is it still possible to find the old PictureSwiper somewhere?
If not could someone explain how the PictureSwiper sample on Lion worked? I'm aware of the App note https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#releasenotes/Cocoa/AppKitOlderNotes.html (search for "scrollWheel:") but that has only gone part of the way to explaining the kind of functionality I am after.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone looking to this for an answer I eventually used one of my "Developer Technical Support" queries that came with my paid Dev account to ask for the old code. A few days latter an Apple engineer emailed me the old Picture Swiper.
Now that I have seen the code the App note makes complete sense! Picture Swiper moves CALayers around, but in my case I just use NSClipView's scrollToPoint:.
Within the scroll handler I just do something like: (gestureAmount * columnWidth) + currentColumnIndexOffset.
Seems to work!

How to trigger the On-Screen-Keyboard in Windows 7 by clicking on an input?

Well, I'd like to show up the On-Screen-Keyboard when the user clicks onto any control which needs a text-input. System-wide.
The reason: I am using a touchscreen for some projects I've been working on and needed to open the On-Screen-Keyboard manually every time me or someone else had to type something.
Are there any possibilities, capturing a system-wide event for that? Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions!
I am currently looking into a solution like this. It's been a feature well implemented on mobile platforms, but nothing on the desktop! Hopefully something will come along as a result of the Touch Centric strategy for Windows 8.
The closest, but most expensive thing I found is M T Soft TS Keyboard http://www.imgpresents.com/mtsts/mtsts.htm?babelfish=translate
