undock/move Component Tray in Windows Forms Designer - visual-studio

Working with 16:9 screens, I always have an empty space to my right in Forms Designer.
On the other hand, this Component Tray is always overlapping the forms.
Is there a way to undock or move it to fill that wasted space?
I haven't found any other questions regarding this.
Thank you in advance and please excuse my bad english.
Edited: obviously I know I can drag its edge to fold the thing down.

Finally I created my own Add-In to dock that ComponentTray to the right as well as sorting its components alphabetically.
If you, like me, want to use your wide screen in all its glory, please post a comment below and gladly I'll give you all details.
After the testing phase, I'll upload the thing to VS Gallery.
EDIT: Here's the link to the VS extension. Feel free to use and enjoy it.
Best wishes.


Ipad GoodNotes 5 Icon in toolbar: what is it used for?

There is the following icon in goodnotes 5. i searched the entire help but was not able to find its usage. Please let me know if you know what this icon is used for. Doesn't seem to do anything.
The presenter icon (the one with the Bluetooth symbol on the left top) is used during presentations. If you are planning to share the screen of your iPad then you can use this to point out various elements on your drawing screen.
I hope this might help you.
just found out, It is used during presentation screen sharing

JavaFX 2.0 custom Window frame buttons

I want to add a button to my applications window frame. At the moment I have the regular windows look: "minimize, maximize and close". I were thinking that I should make a whole new window frame with my own buttons, but what I really need is just an additional button that has the functionality of "Log out". Kinda like Skype: http://cloud.addictivetips.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Compact-View.jpg
I have been searching the web for some pointers and hints, but I've gotten no longer.
So if anybody has any comments or code that would help me, it would be greatly appreciated!
The JavaFX Ensemble Sample application demonstrates custom buttons for "minimize, maximize and close", you can get it's source code here.

where does the About button go on iPad app?

My iPad app uses a splitView. Where should I stick a button to bring up an about dialog?
It all really depends on your UI and where best it would look. I don't think there's any established rules on what should go where and stuff, aside from the Apple UI guidelines (which are pretty loose in terms of this stuff).
However, to give you a suggestion: assuming you're doing the basic Nav/Tableview for master and regular view for detail, you've got several options:
1) Toolbar along bottom of master for multiple buttons
2) rightBarButton of the navigation controller
3) Toolbar along the top of detail for multiple buttons
Experiment and see what you feel is best. Even better, see what your friends think is best. What you may think as intuitive can be confusing to someone new to your app.

How do you create a second taskbar to use on multiple monitors?

I recently got myself a second monitor and I have been looking at software which offers the possibility to extend the taskbar to the second monitor. Softwares such as UltraMon and MultiMon offer such possibility.
I'd be interested to know what is the method they are using to replicate the tasbar? More precisely:
Is the second taskbar completely generated and managed by the software or is it some sort of extension/modification of how Windows behave?
How are the additionnal buttons on the window handle added? Is there some sort of templating system similar to what Stardock does?
How can you replicate the taskbar feel?
How can you remove open software icons from the main taskbar in order to move them to the software's taskbar?
Would creating a second start button actually be some sort of image of the said button, and the software would require to do POSSIBLE calls to the Windows API? (by possible, I mean I have no idea if such calls exists)
Finally, I'd be interested to know what field of knowledge is required to program such software.
I'd be glad to receive any pointers to articles or information that would lead to answers. If you have in depth knowledge that you'd gladly share, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks to all for your replies.
They completely re-create the experience. DisplayFusion uses the Desktop Window Manager API to capture live thumbnails. Scott Hanselman has a very good rundown on just how close they got and where they're different.
I would imagine there is a lot of ugly code required to get it as close as they've gotten it.

Is there an easy way to recreate the WinForms layout experience at runtime for user positioning of controls

When laying out a WinForm in Visual Studio you get the ability to resize and align your controls very easily with drag handles and border alignment hints.
I'd like to do the same with a runtime control to enable the user to position an image on a page.
For example, if the user has a photo and they want to place it as a background on the desktop I'd like the control to help them move and size the photo thumbnail in a mini desktop visual.
I can do all of this, but my real question is, does anyone know of a way to inherit from the standard WinForms layout editor so that I can choose to use the nice docking, alignment hints and control resizing without coding it all again?
Thanks in advance
I don't know about easy, but you can host the actual winforms designer in your own applications without too many problems.. See here.
