Saving Data on iCloud - xcode

I have been able to sync a plist to iCloud with all the user's level high scores.
I still haven't been able to figure out how to make it so people cannot just go into iCloud docs folder and change those values.
I know Jetpack Joyride saves their game information to iCloud, but when I go into the documents folder, there is nothing in there (do they save it to their own servers?)
Another game I have saves with a "Game.sav" file.
Is there a folder you can save to in iCloud that users cannot access? It would ruin the game if they could change their high score or achievement numbers for Game Center.
Thanks in advance!

Instead of the document-saving feature of iCloud, use the key-value feature of iCloud (NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore). Users can't see that.


How to: upload user files to iCloud + retrieve files from iCloud? (Nativescript)

In my iOS nativescript app, I want users to be able to upload files to iCloud and also retrieve them from iCloud. So it would work like other apps, such as photos, where you can save your photos and retrieve them from iCloud.
The goal is to remove stress on phone storage.
Is this possible?
I earlier asked a question regarding backing up all app data to iCloud (link). It looks like this is possible--users can add the app to an iCloud backup. But this is different than what I am asking here. In that case, a user would have to retrieve all of their phone's data from the backup.
Here, I am looking for a way for users to (1) upload just specific types of files (say, pdf files or media files) to iCloud that they could later (2) download into the app itself.
In other words, they could choose to save and access files using iCloud instead of storing them locally on their phones.
I have seen this question asked earlier on nativescript forums and stackoverflow, but without answers.
So any help is appreciated.

Google Play Developer App Marketing Strategy-Why App download decreased after icon change?

I have an app on google play over 5000000 downloads. And 20000+ downloads every day. When the designer changed the app icon to new good one ,the daily download decreased from 20000+ to 5000- . I don't think it's not good icon. I think may be there is a marketing strategy after icon changing google play changed app position on google play. Any idea about this?
Old Icon
New Icon
It is hard to pin down an exact reason. Maybe it was too similar to another app icon or simply new users didn't like it as much.
You can run A/B tests in the store listings, it's a hidden menu. Click Store Listing and beneath that, you should see experiments. You can run up to 4 icons (for example) and see which gets more downloads. This also works with the promotional video, screenshots, short app listing and full app listing.
There are a lot of customization choices as well.
I would make a few iterations of the logo, with different elements removed. I think the new one is a little too busy. try removing the phone on the left and right and see how users respond.
Run A/B tests on your store listing
Increase installs with Store Listing Experiments
I think that the main reason is people knew the product. If they start looking for it now, they see something that they don't know as it has changed and will not download it as fast as before.
If everyone is used to the icon, your downloads will increase.
There is no ranking part that depends on the icon, so as I know.
I think there are 3 possible reasons:
1) Google dropped your app in the list because at the time you changed the icon, there where other apps added in this category. This made google to re-place and orden the apps. As your app was there longer and had a minor change, it was ranked as "old & going down", so it lost the confident place in the list.
2)Because of the new icon, people are not finding it as quick or they think the new icon is an actual scam version of your app, so they aren't downloading it anymore.
3)Your app simply got less popular. You got pretty much downloads, the rate was high. Maybe you reached all the people that needed this app and there are minus people wanting it.
maybe the download count raises again and you just need to wait a little week. It is very unlikely, but it also could just be a error at Google's side.

How to allow users to delete data from Google play games?

I am currently working on a game with Google play games integration. So far everything works fine. Users can log in, achievements and leaderboards are updated. I also implemented snapshots.
In the game I want to give the user the possibility to delete all his data. With snapshots this works well but I can not find a way to remove the user data from achievements and leaderboards.
For testing unpublished games, you can manage the leaderboard data and perform various operations such as clear / reset leaderboards.
When you are live, you can hide a user so they do not appear in public leaderboards. This will not hide the player from their own leaderboards though.
You can't unfortunately. Or at least a year ago, when I checked that, it was not possible. I doubt this has changed since.

How to make an ipad app impossible to close

I am programming an app for an experiment by the University of Queensland Psych Department. The app needs to be impossible to exit, or at least it would be preferable if it were impossible to exit. This is not a virus- it is for an experiment with the Grute Eylandt Aborigines. Anyways, do any of you guys have any idea how to set the app to be impossible to exit, or even better, to set it so that you have to enter a password to exit it? Furthermore, on a separate subject, do you guys have any idea how I can save the information in the app to the iPhone? This app will not go through the App Store so it does not need to follow App Store rules. Therefore, if there was a way to save "Button (whatever button it is) pushed at (time and date)" to the notes section of the iPhone every time a button was pushed in the app, and/or to save audio recorded using the AudioToolbox framework to the actual iPod library, that would be fantastic. Otherwise I would have to make some sort of db or plist file to save everything with if-then statements, I think. Thank you!
Check-out iOS 6 Accessibility feature:
It allows a parent, teacher, or administrator to limit an iOS device
to one app by disabling the Home button, as well as restrict touch
input on certain areas of the screen
Put the device in a "kiosk" case so keep the home button from being pressed. For storing the data to the device, if it is a small amount of data, use NSUserDefaults, if this will be a large amount of data, I would lean more toward Core Data
Easiest solution on the market -- MOKIMOBILITY has developed software that allows you to lock the home button. It is Mobile Device Management software with a full range of security features. It essentially locks down your iPad so the user is only able to use what you what them to use. It is called +MDM The software can be managed mobile-y from a central interface. Slick software.

What non-user directories can sandboxed mac app read/write to?

I have an app which needs to preserve data between times it runs. I had been using NSUserDefaults for this, but I've had a few users point this out to me: this causes different users to end up with different data, which isn't the way the app should work. It needs a single directory that it can read/write from regardless of which user is running it.
So, I need a non-user specific directory that a sandboxed mac app can read and write to.
(Oh, and if this directory is persistent between updates of my app, that'd be helpful, too!)
Quick barely related question: Is there a way to have a user modifiable resource file in a Mac App Store approved app? I don't want it to be modifiable via my app; I just want to make sure that users modifying it won't cause the system to kill the app for not matching a code signature hash or something.
I don't think that you will be able to read and write in a directory outside of the App Sandbox container without prompting the user to select it using Powerbox and saving a security-scoped bookmark (see App Sandbox Container Directory). From what I've gathered about App reviews lately, you won't even be able to specify a default in the open dialog if you elect to have the user choose the directory.
As for the second question, as I understand it any verification of code signatures is left to the developer. So while MAS apps have a _CodeSignature folder containing a plist with all the hashes of the resource, in my experiments changing them had no effect on app launch.
