Visual Studio 2012 Highlight all open files in solution explorer? - visual-studio-2010

Is there a way to make all files that are open in visual studio be highlighted in the solution explorer?
(I know there is a filter that you can filter it to show only open files but this dos me no good sense I am looking for a file that may not be open, I am not even sure what the name of the file is until I open it up and say there it is.)
Example Imagined GUI result: (Different colors are fine)
(image of what i am thinking, can not post image right now)
Solution Explorer
+More stuff
+MyOpenFile.cs (Highlighting)
+MyOtherOpenFile.cs (Highlighting)
+MyCurrentlyOpenFile.cs (Highlighting, maybe a different color)
(the one with the red under line could be the active tab)
I don't know if this happens to any one else, but I have been doing it a lot for years now. While working on something I go to open up a file in the solution explorer and it turns out that the file is already open, and so visual studios just sets that file as the active tab. If I were working In just one window that would be fine, but I have few tab windows open beyond the main window and they are normally on a diffident monitor, so when the tab becomes active I do not see it at all, because it is not on the main window. This is even worse when I go to preview a file.
Icing on this cake:
-If it would have an option to highlight the parent nodes of open files, i the example "controllers" and "content" folders would be highlighted as well.
-If there was something that would do this for vs 2010 as well would be great.
I am looking for all most any thing at this point, an extension, a style sheet some where to edit, or as a last resort a good reference to a "How to code Extensions for Visual studios" website.
As a point Of clarification I am not looking for a way to locate a specific file in the solution explorer, I am looking for a way to make the files that are open look visually different, so that I know to look around a bit before thinking that VS2012 is crashing or the file is messed up.

try an extension called VS commands. It will help you locate the files in solution.
Or this extension:


Switch from Compare Files in Visual Studio to normal file view

When I compare a file with its unmodified version in Visual Studio from Team Viewer, the Compare Files view is opened. The head version of the file is displayed on the left, the working copy on the right.
Is there a way (preferably a keyboard shortcut) to quickly switch from the Diff viewer to the normal file view of the working copy?
The fastest way I have found is using the following shortcut:
CTRL+', S to Sync Solution Explorer with active Document
And then simply Enter to open it.
The best I have found is to use CTRL + O, [file_name], Enter.
In my 2017 version of Visual Studio will bring up the "Open File" pop up window in the directory of the file you are currently looking at. You'll then need to retype part of the file name in order for Windows to suggest files for you to open.
I don't think it's quite what you wanted but at least you can do it without having to resort to using your mouse!
Note that you don't necessarily need to type the whole of the filename in as you can use the down key to toggle through suggestions offered.
This combination works for me:
Ctrl+Alt+L to open Solution Explorer on respective file
Enter to open the file

visual studios 2012 after opening one file, I cant find the previous file I had open in the Document Well

Anyone know how to make the document well act like vs2010? Every time I open a file in the solution I lose the previous file unless I pin it. I want it to act like a stack.
I you double click a file you have the same behavior as in VS10. You can deactivate the preview function in solution explorer (i believe one of the right buttons - unfortunately I have no VS12 by the hand at the moment, so I can tell the exact position).

Can I get VS2010 to look at VSS when I click Open Project?

My VS2010 environment has the start page come up if I'm not opening a solution. From there, I can open one of the several items on the recent projects list or I can open a project from the link/button in the upper left. When I do that, I get an Open Project dialog that's pointed at my C:\workingvss (which is a convention that everyone on my team follows for where our code lives locally). But I virtually always want to browse to the project in a VSS database and I have to scroll up in the left-hand pane of the dialog to bring 'Microsoft Visual SourceSafe' into visibility. It seems dumb that I can't make it just start at the top of the pane, but if there's a way, I haven't been able to figure out how.
So I'm turning to you. Is there something I can do to avoid this click and drag every time I want to open a project?
I realize it's defaulting to the Projects location parameter set through Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General. But I think I need to leave that as is because I do want my stuff saved to that location during checkout.
I also think that if I removed ten (in my case) folders from the root of my C:, the left pane would show my VSS option, but I don't think that's even possible in this machine's case and not a reasonable solution in any case.
My question is related to, but not a duplicate of, How to change the default open file dialog path.
Thanks for your time!
This isn't a great answer, but it's my current no-tech work-around. If I make the Open Project dialog large enough to accommodate all of the lines it wants to display, then my VSS line is visible and I don't have to navigate to it. Luckily, Visual Studio remembers the size from use to use.

How do I make Visual Studio 2012 always open source files on second monitor?

I am trying to improve how I use VS on multiple monitors. I want to have Solution explorer, team explorer and all my error windows, deployment windows, package explorer etc on one monitor.
I want any files I am editing to open up maximized on second monitor.
I can easily move a source file and make it full screen on second monitor but any new files I double click on in the source explorer always open in a tiny pane on first monitor with my solution explorer etc.
This explains how to open a second solution explorer and dock it with my source control file
So I can use that to open files in the second window. However I wanted the source control file full screen so wanted the solution explorer only in the main Visual Studio and only to have one.
This is probably obvious but seem to be missing how to make it happen
There may be a more elegant way but you could try to move your main window to the 2nd monitor and move all of the other panels out of the actual vs window onto your first monitor.

Plugin for Visual Studio to Mimic Eclipse's "Open Type" or "Open Resource" Keyboard Access

If you've ever used Eclipse, you've probably noticed the great keyboard shortcuts that let you hit a shortcut key combination, then just type the first few characters of a function, class, filename, etc. It's even smart enough to put open files first in the list.
I'm looking for a similar functionality for Visual Studio 2008. I know there's a findfiles plugin on codeproject, but that one is buggy and a little weird, and doesn't give me access to functions or classes.
Vs11 (maybe 2010 had it too) has the Navigate To... functionality which (on my machine) has the Ctrl+, shortcut.
By the way it understands capitals as camelcase-shortucts (eclipse does so too). For instance type HH to get HtmlHelper.
This isn't exactly the same as Eclipse from your description, but Visual Studio has some similar features out of the box (I've never used Visual Assist X, but it does sound interesting).
The Find ComboBox in the toolbar ends up being a sort of "Visual Studio command line". You can press Ctrl+/ (by default) to set focus there, and Visual Studio will insert an ">" at the beginning of the text (indicating that you want to enter a command instead of search). It even auto-completes as you type, helping you to find commands.
Anyway, to open a file from there, type "open <filename>". It will display any matching files in the drop down as you type (it pulls the list of files from the currently open solution).
To quickly navigate to a function, in the code editor press Ctrl+I to start an incremental search. Then just start typing until you find what you are looking for. Press Escape to cancel the search, or F3 to search again using the same query. As you are typing in the search query, the status bar in the lower left corner will contain what Visual Studio is searching for. Granted, this won't search across multiple files (I've never used Eclipse much, but that sounds like what it does from your description), but hopefully it will help you at least a little bit.
If anyone stumbles upon this thread:
There's a free plugin (created by me) for Visual Studio 2008 that mimics the Eclipse Ctrl+Shift+R Open Resource dialog (note, not the Open Type dialog). It works with any language and/or project type.
You can find it at Visual Studio Gallery.
Some of the neat features are available in Visual Assist X, though not all of them. I've asked on their forums, but they haven't appeared as yet. VAX gets updated regularly on a rough 4 week period for bug fixes and a new feature every couple of months.
If you are looking for an add-in like this to quickly navigate to source files in your project:
try the Visual Studio 2005/2008 add-in SonicFileFinder.
Resharper does this with the Ctrl-N keyword. Unfortunately it doesn't come for free.
Visual Studio doesn't have anything like this feature beyond Find.
Found this thread while searching for Eclipse's Ctrl+Shift+R, and after seeing the Visual Studio Gallery, found the DPack Tools (they are free, and no, I'm not endorsed in any way by them).
But it's exactly what I was searching:
- Alt+U -> File Browser (a la Eclipse Ctrl+Shift+R)
- Alt+M -> Code Browser (Method list in the actual class)
It has more features, but I'm happy with these ones.
I have been using biterScripting along with Visual Studio to do more flexible searching and manipulation.
It can search the entire workspace.
It can find things using regular expressions.
AND, ABOVE ALL, it can make bulk changes. For example, want to change the name of a class from CCustomer to CUser, I can do it in just a few command lines - Actually, I have written scripts for things like this I do often. I DON'T HAVE TO CLICK ON EACH INSTANCE AND MANUALLY DO THE CHANGE.
And, it is inexpensive ($0). I downloaded it from .
I'm also comming from the Java Development side and was looking for the CTRL+T feature in the Visual Studio. The other answers refer to open file, but since in C# the class name and file name can be different this is not what i was looking for.
With the Class View or the Object Browser you can search for Objects and Classes
[View]->[Class View] or [View]->[Object]
