visual studios 2012 after opening one file, I cant find the previous file I had open in the Document Well - visual-studio

Anyone know how to make the document well act like vs2010? Every time I open a file in the solution I lose the previous file unless I pin it. I want it to act like a stack.

I you double click a file you have the same behavior as in VS10. You can deactivate the preview function in solution explorer (i believe one of the right buttons - unfortunately I have no VS12 by the hand at the moment, so I can tell the exact position).


VSCode: Preview file in tab/panel

When previewing a file by clicking on it once in VSCode, is it possible to preview other files in the explorer by using the arrow keys, similar to Visual Studio? When I do it, it just selects the file, but doesn't preview it (unless I use my mouse). I'd provide a picture, but the upload isn't working right now, sadly. :(
I feel like that used to be a thing and I broke it at some point, but I could also just imagine it due to VS. has exactly what I was looking for!
Short summary: Up/Down + Space will enable you to preview a file, but you can also use 'multi-command' to macro it to just Up/Down (without having to press Space when selecting files this way).
Credit goes to Mark for answering it in the comments, just adding it here so the solution is marked. <3

Visual Studio 2012 Highlight all open files in solution explorer?

Is there a way to make all files that are open in visual studio be highlighted in the solution explorer?
(I know there is a filter that you can filter it to show only open files but this dos me no good sense I am looking for a file that may not be open, I am not even sure what the name of the file is until I open it up and say there it is.)
Example Imagined GUI result: (Different colors are fine)
(image of what i am thinking, can not post image right now)
Solution Explorer
+More stuff
+MyOpenFile.cs (Highlighting)
+MyOtherOpenFile.cs (Highlighting)
+MyCurrentlyOpenFile.cs (Highlighting, maybe a different color)
(the one with the red under line could be the active tab)
I don't know if this happens to any one else, but I have been doing it a lot for years now. While working on something I go to open up a file in the solution explorer and it turns out that the file is already open, and so visual studios just sets that file as the active tab. If I were working In just one window that would be fine, but I have few tab windows open beyond the main window and they are normally on a diffident monitor, so when the tab becomes active I do not see it at all, because it is not on the main window. This is even worse when I go to preview a file.
Icing on this cake:
-If it would have an option to highlight the parent nodes of open files, i the example "controllers" and "content" folders would be highlighted as well.
-If there was something that would do this for vs 2010 as well would be great.
I am looking for all most any thing at this point, an extension, a style sheet some where to edit, or as a last resort a good reference to a "How to code Extensions for Visual studios" website.
As a point Of clarification I am not looking for a way to locate a specific file in the solution explorer, I am looking for a way to make the files that are open look visually different, so that I know to look around a bit before thinking that VS2012 is crashing or the file is messed up.
try an extension called VS commands. It will help you locate the files in solution.
Or this extension:

Opening Solution with Visual Studio 2008 is broken

Some of the the Solution icons are broken and appears as follow.
I can simply load this using Visual Studio and I manually confirmed the content of the solution file to make sure that there's nothing wrong. But still some of the icons appears as above and I can't open on double clicking.
I can simply open the proper solutions which displays the solution icon as follows.
How to fix this issue?
You can always try recreating the solution from scratch. It only takes about a minute. Rename the existing solution and create a new empty solution and add the projects one by one. Once the new solution is in place, use a diff tool to figure out why the old one is acting strangely. My guess is that someone tried editing it manually and they hosed some of the formatting.

Visual Studio: quick access to most used files

The solution I work on is quite big so it can require a lot of clicks to get to the desired file. I spend 90% of the time working with 8-10 files from this solution so it would be really convenient to have some kind of "Favorites" in my solution so I could jump to the most used files quickly. "Recent files" doesn't cut it, so maybe you know some extensions for VS2010 that do that? Google didn't provide any good options so I decided to give it a shot here and ask what do you use.
Thanks in advance
It's not quite what you asked for, but it'll help endlessly:
In vanilla VS2010, hit Ctrl-Comma (by default) for the "Navigate To" window. You can type a partial file, class or method name and it'll show you a list of where that appears in your solution, and you can open directly from there.
The DevExpress plugins also have a "Recently Used File" window (Ctrl-Shift-Period by default, I think) that does similar, but only shows files you've recently used (not classes or methods). I have to say, though, I've not used that since I've had VS2010.
Wow! A question since 2011 that is still valid to date.
From View Menu click Bookmark Window
open your favorite file
click any line - preferably the beginning of the file
from the Bookmarks Window, click the icon "Toggle a bookmark on the current line."
Very convenient!
Haven't tried this particular feature of the PowerTools myself, but it could do the trick:

Why do Visual Studio 2005+ bookmark keyboard Shortcuts go to bookmarks in other documents?

Prior to Visual Studio 2005, the bookmark feature worked perfectly. Then starting with VS 2005, I noticed that requesting the "next" or "previous" bookmark stopped working correctly. Sure it will take you to a different bookmark, but it takes you to a bookmark location that is the least relevant or most obscure based on your current location. Even when I'm sitting on a book mark, and I can "see" the next (and previous) book mark, Visual Studio will still take me to some random far-off bookmark (in an entirely seperate project and file if it can help it).
In fact, the only way I can truly get to the "next" bookmark in my document, is to ensure there are not more than two bookmarks in the entire solution (and both must be located in the current document).
I'm trying to understand how this went so wrong, and if there is some simple configuration setting I can make that will correct the problem. I'm now using Visual Studio 2008 (which has the same problem). I've not tried this in 2010 yet.
I've discovered that the order which bookmarks are traversed, are the order they are created in. There is a "bookmarks view" where that order can be manually re-arranged. However, in the past the order was always ascending line-number, which was much more useful. So now the question is, how do I modify the behavior?
I think starting with 2005 the CTRL-K+CTRL-N and CTRL-K+CTRL-P shortcuts were changed from "move the caret to the next bookmark in the current document" to "move the caret to the next bookmark".
You can get the old behaviour back by editing the keyboard shortcuts to assign CTRL-K+CTRL-N and CTRL-K+CTRL-P like so:
