GUI style for windows Qt application - windows

How can i achieve this kind of look and feel with colored buttons and rounded corners in dialogs for a windows application?
i dont think it can be done using MFC , will wxWidgets or Qt help ? or any other platform?

You can design whatever the look & feel you are pursuing using QSS. Why don't you take a look at Qt Documentation ? There are plenty of examples & guidance available.
Stylesheet Examples
Stylesheet Reference
Stylesheet Syntax
Customizing Qt Widgets Using Stylesheets
But at times, you will need to override a control to achieve your goal. Like in this question. But I think your required look can be achieved via QSS alone.

The easiest and fastest way to achieve the same UI accross different platforms is to implement it in QML with Qt. Unlike widgets that get automatically styled appropriate to the underlying platform style, QML is entirely platform-independent. You could probably style regular widgets with CSS, or even by reimplementing drawing manually with arbitrary UI API, but it will not be nearly as easy.

It is easy to achieve such a look and feel with any GUI framework.
Choose the framework you are most comfortable with, RTFM, roll up your sleeves and get started.
On any framework you will find methods to draw bitmaps of any color and shape and to handle mouse clicks on them. What more do you need?
This is what GUI frameworks DO! They also provide a default set of widgets for the bone lazy and the conventional. You aren't one of those people. are you?


How can I create a desktop GUI application similar to Blender or Maya?

I would like to create a customized Graphical User Interface Window similar to Blender or Maya GUI window. Please refer this below image:
How and where to begin with to design and create a customized GUI window similar to Maya / Blender UI window. Please refer the below image which has video / image preview option and floating buttons and menus:
Being a student, instead of using other desktop GUI applications for 3D purposes, can I able to create a Graphical User Interface window similar to Blender / Maya.
Is it possible to create a Desktop Graphical User Interface application? If it is possible then how to begin with to achieve this?
Blender has custom GUI tooling that uses OpenGL. You could try learning OpenGL (or Vulkan) and start rendering things, but you should know that creating a GUI library will be a huge challenge. You'll need to think about things like dealing with keyboard input, font rendering, text selection...
You'll likely save a lot of time by using an existing GUI library that has solved these problems already, like Qt, Flutter, GTK+. Or you could use the code in Blender, but I'm guessing that it will be harder to find good documentation and community support since it's an internal library.
Desktop applications are usually developed in languages like C# and C++, mostly in any software like Visual studio. Since you need a graphics software, you need a render engine somewhat similar to Blender. Try using OpenGL, or any other render engine of your choice, with these former methods, I mean to combine both the idea of "rendering" and "programming"....It's all about inspirations and ideas!
Imho, it won't be an easy task. If you are ready to take up the challenge.
Dear Imgui will be good starting point.

VB6 Focus Glow Effects

I have a form in VB6 with text fields and I would like to create a focus glow like you see in modern web browsers.
Is it possible to make a Glowing Effect in a Textbox using VB6.0?
Kindly give me some advice or way to accomplish this one! Thanks...
I've noticed you are asking other questions regarding modification of the visuals of your VB6 application, too, but you have to face it: VB6 is old, very old and many of the newer UI concepts are very hard to implement in VB6.
Your best shot to make your old VB6 look better is to use a set of more current controls than the original VB6 ones. (Although better look controls are no magic bullet, it's still possible to screw up the UI by making bad layout decisions, for example)
At work we have made good experiences using CodeJock to polish our UI, but even the latest version (15.0.2 at this time) doesn't have a glow effect for text boxes.
You can enable the text box "glow" in Vista/7 by using a manifest. This manifest creator will handle some of the dirty work for you. Note that the effect will only appear in your compiled app, not running from within the IDE.

Swing Animations: is there a GUI library animation like jquery (javascript) but for java?

Is there a library available to animate and make java GUI look nice, with animations and transitions like jquery does?
something like css hover, make a panel animate, round the corners of panels so that they look more sophisticated... etc. etc.
So far my exploration has taken me to try java css by Ethan Nicholson, which appears to have been discontinued from the site? and does not appear to have been loaded anywhere else.
And then there is the Chet Haase work on the timing framework for animating swing, and other nice stuff using the SwingX framework.
Anyone got any advice on an open source animation library specifically designed for swing components? Or am I dreaming and should I be hauling out the wallet to pay for someone else's hard labour?
Kirill Grouchnikov created an excellent animation library called Trident. More information can be found at

Does Qt Extended Support

I am evaluating Embedded Linux GUI toolkits for an upcoming project and have put together a must have “feature list” to help me with the decision:
Color gradients in graphics (for menu headers buttons, icons, etc…)
The ability to draw complex wave graphics with say a background grid, notations.
The ability to swap between to landscape and portrait orientation.
Qt Extended seems to be a popular toolkit with a wide user base. Can anyone tell me if the above features are available in Qt Extended? Any links to tutorials or documentation would be great!
Yes, either through a custom style, a style sheet or by implementing custom widgets (depending on how exotic you want to get)
Sure, you can draw anything. For what you're after, check out Qwt.
Yes, but you might have to apply some magic of your own here. The screen driver does support this, so it can be done. Also, the Qt for Symbian port does this on the fly, so looking at their solution and then applying it to your scenario might work.

What is the best GUI library for blackberry java development?

What do you think is the most comprehensive and stable GUI library for Blackberry java development? I am currently using J4ME, anyone has any other experiences? A good GUI library should also have support for like grid controls, etc.
I donot think we have anything more advanced graphically.
I had to code for makin a grid control I remember.
Even the controls which exist doesn't look very good.
So I try making/using my own Custom modified controls everytime according to the theme.
The only way that I have found to do it is to roll your own, use the currently available TextField, LabelField etc. as the base and then make it look how you need it.
