Swing Animations: is there a GUI library animation like jquery (javascript) but for java? - user-interface

Is there a library available to animate and make java GUI look nice, with animations and transitions like jquery does?
something like css hover, make a panel animate, round the corners of panels so that they look more sophisticated... etc. etc.
So far my exploration has taken me to try java css by Ethan Nicholson, which appears to have been discontinued from the java.net site? and does not appear to have been loaded anywhere else.
And then there is the Chet Haase work on the timing framework for animating swing, and other nice stuff using the SwingX framework.
Anyone got any advice on an open source animation library specifically designed for swing components? Or am I dreaming and should I be hauling out the wallet to pay for someone else's hard labour?

Kirill Grouchnikov created an excellent animation library called Trident. More information can be found at http://kenai.com/projects/trident/pages/Home


Applying animation in xamarin.forms

Is there any way I can implement the animation like
https://codemyui.com/circular-water-fill-loading-animation/ in Xamarin.forms?
Is there any way I can implement the animation like ...
The short answer is; Yes.
The longer answer; It depends upon what you really need, only you can answer that.
A "quick way" (at least for me) is to use the Xamarin.Forms' WebView and embed the html/svg/css/JScript into native application projects and setup a javascript interface to control the percentage completion (the water.style.transform element).
You could, of course, re-implement it using something like SkiaSharp, Lottie, etc and create a cross-platform Forms' control, or implement it as a "native" control on each platform.
Note: I'm a big fan of Lottie and would personally take that approach, but they do not support native UWP. Currently supported is iOS, Android, Web.
I edited the colors, etc. on that PEN sample you linked to and added the html/js/css to a Forms' solution, setup a JS interface and the results work in a Forms' WebView (iOS' UIWebView and Android's WebView, did not test UWP Edge, but it should work fine):
The Lottie is my preferred, but you can use a animation with the Nuget XamAnimation. It most hard to create but it's so good too.

GUI style for windows Qt application

How can i achieve this kind of look and feel with colored buttons and rounded corners in dialogs for a windows application?
i dont think it can be done using MFC , will wxWidgets or Qt help ? or any other platform?
You can design whatever the look & feel you are pursuing using QSS. Why don't you take a look at Qt Documentation ? There are plenty of examples & guidance available.
Stylesheet Examples
Stylesheet Reference
Stylesheet Syntax
Customizing Qt Widgets Using Stylesheets
But at times, you will need to override a control to achieve your goal. Like in this question. But I think your required look can be achieved via QSS alone.
The easiest and fastest way to achieve the same UI accross different platforms is to implement it in QML with Qt. Unlike widgets that get automatically styled appropriate to the underlying platform style, QML is entirely platform-independent. You could probably style regular widgets with CSS, or even by reimplementing drawing manually with arbitrary UI API, but it will not be nearly as easy.
It is easy to achieve such a look and feel with any GUI framework.
Choose the framework you are most comfortable with, RTFM, roll up your sleeves and get started.
On any framework you will find methods to draw bitmaps of any color and shape and to handle mouse clicks on them. What more do you need?
This is what GUI frameworks DO! They also provide a default set of widgets for the bone lazy and the conventional. You aren't one of those people. are you?

Phonegap basics - designing ui for iphone and android

I'm developing an application both for Iphone and Andriod using Phonegap.
I came up with all kinds of plugins JQuery, JQTouch and more,
What is the recommended way of doing this?
Meaning-designing a generic UI (tabbars, tables, navigation bars etc') for both Iphone,Android that will "feel" native?
If you want your application to look as native as possible I'd try jQuery Mobile.
The documentation is brilliant and all of elements look native to the iPhone. It's also incredibly easy and quick to build up your UI as all of the design and colour scheme has already been done.
I've used this in an Android application that I've made and I've so far received very positive reviews.
You may also want to look out for Kendo UI which is out this month! Again, very similar to what jQuery mobile is about with a few exceptions. It has great support for graphs and data, and promotes native Android look and feel.
Sencha Touch has just released version 2 and it is a good JS toolkit as well.
I feel I have to put my hat in the ring for jQTouch. Although the version downloadable from their site is a bit oldish, if you get it from GitHub it is currently maintained and works well on both iOS and Android. https://github.com/senchalabs/jQTouch
Also, if you want the fixed headers or footers with scrollable elements in-between, DataZombie's fork of jQTouch includes iScroll which does a great job of this. https://github.com/DataZombies/jQTouch
I am also in the process of developing a theme for jQTouch that will allow apps on Android to feel quite a bit more "native" than the other js kits as they all seem to have a very iOS-cenrtic navigation style (e.g.: back buttons on toolbars instead of relying on the hardware back button, etc). Even if you don't want to wait for my theme, making your own is pretty easy on jQTouch. I would not call myself a designer and I managed. ;)
Feel free to choose one of the other answers, but keep jQTouch in mind. I tried and tried other JavaScript frameworks and it was the only one that made it possible to look good on both platforms.
jQuery Mobile works awesomely.. and with the theme roller coming soon it will be pretty good.
Kendo Mobile UI - Pre release rip.. I have a working Eclispe project here.. markup is identical to jQuery mobile.. but this is faster, nice native looking apps. Take a look

Custom UI design in Sencha and othere touch frameworks

Can someone please guide me regarding which touch framework (javascript) I should use to make a tablet app? I am new to this area and I am looking for something which allows me to play with my own UI design comfortably.
I went through sencha as I heard its apt for a tablet app environment but I am (sorry, it might sound odd) not able to make out whether I can use my own UI design to make app in sencha. Or any other framework (stable) allows to use custom UI design?
There aren't any major differences between handsets and tablets, except for the screen size. For example, what you would show in a handset in one long scrolling screen, would be shown in a split-screen on a tablet (I am concentrating on the user-experience here).
Split-screen support in still rare in the jscript frameworks, since webkit browsers didn't fully support scrolling only parts of a page (i.e. an iframe or overflow:scroll divs), this support is only now starting to get materialized with iOS5 (Android already had this since 2.2, but it never worked right).
There have been other jscript solutions (like iScroll), but being client code they are not always bringing the full "experience" to the client.
The JQuery-Mobile docs have a version under testing, you can try that in a tablet/handset to see the differences.
Regarding your "own UI design", if you mean colors/icons/buttons that's possible on any framework. Where the problems start is when you want to create custom layouts, and each framework provides partial support depending on what exactly you want to achieve.
In general, I'd say Sencha totally separates you from HTML design - you build everything using JSON controls and it has an extensive events/rendering code (of course you can write your own controls), whereas frameworks like JQuery mobile work directly on the HTML (you specify data-* attributes for the details) and renders it almost the same (ok, it does adds wrapping layers, but in general it's still pure HTML).
As always, "it depends" on what you want to achieve and what you are ready to give up... ;-)
Sencha Touch (our framework) is particularly well suited to tablet apps because it has an implementation of multiple scrollable areas that works on older iOS and RIM devices, not just iOS5. But, the intention with Sencha Touch is that you create your app using the built-in UI components (carousels, momentum lists, tabs, etc.) or, if you have unique UI elements, then you will need to extend an existing component or build a custom component. If you're expecting to be able to slap some of your own HTML into innerHTML or even a Touch xTemplate, then you will be setting yourself up for failure. But the good news is that there are tutorials on doing your own components, and there are plenty of apps that you can look at the source of, in order to guide your development. Lots of people have built apps with custom UI's
You need some level of JavaScript experience to use Sencha Touch, so if you're coming from a non-JavaScript web design background, you'll have to get down the JavaScript learning curve first.

Canvas or SVG UI Components

I want to build a web app using either canvas or SVG. But I would like to use a library that gives me some pre-made ui components like file menus or forms.
What are some of the libraries out there that could accomplish this with either of these technologies?
Mocha ui uses Canvas and is probably the closest to having good file menus and forms: http://mochaui.org/
Some other things to look at:
http://raphaeljs.com/ - Raphael for SVG
https://bespin.mozillalabs.com/ - Mozilla Bespin premade code editor for Canvas
If you don't want to use HTML for the widgets, then have a look at the pergola framework which is based on svg (has menus, windows, widgets etc).
Take a look at the canvas based framework
Zebra brings fresh view and possibilities to develop WEB based Rich UI applications. The approach sits on top of HTML5 Canvas element what makes possible to render any imaginable UI. Zebra development is much closer to software engineering where you write well structured, supportable, extendable code basing on easy Zebra OOP concept
