What is the best GUI library for blackberry java development? - user-interface

What do you think is the most comprehensive and stable GUI library for Blackberry java development? I am currently using J4ME, anyone has any other experiences? A good GUI library should also have support for like grid controls, etc.

I donot think we have anything more advanced graphically.
I had to code for makin a grid control I remember.
Even the controls which exist doesn't look very good.
So I try making/using my own Custom modified controls everytime according to the theme.

The only way that I have found to do it is to roll your own, use the currently available TextField, LabelField etc. as the base and then make it look how you need it.


Xamarin.Forms - Choose list

I don't know what is the real name of what I want to do, but I would like to make a list similar as this website link (Standard Select part at the top), does anyone can help me? I know it's something easy but I can't find what I want to do it for Xamarin. Maybe I don't search in the right direction, I assume it too!
There's no 1-1 implementation of a dropdown control in Xamarin.Forms but you'll get very close by using the Picker control.
Please notice that the default Picker control doesn't support binding so you might want to look for an extended version with that support.
There is no such thing built in Xamarin.Forms. You can choose one of the controls described in documentation.
To implement what you are looking for you will have to use Custom Renderer with control like this from Android. Of course for iOS you will have to use something different because there is no such control on iOS platform, but you can use this.
Have you looked at the Syncfusion AutoComplete control?
I think this is the closest you will get to what you are looking for.
They also provide a free community licence for developers

GUI style for windows Qt application

How can i achieve this kind of look and feel with colored buttons and rounded corners in dialogs for a windows application?
i dont think it can be done using MFC , will wxWidgets or Qt help ? or any other platform?
You can design whatever the look & feel you are pursuing using QSS. Why don't you take a look at Qt Documentation ? There are plenty of examples & guidance available.
Stylesheet Examples
Stylesheet Reference
Stylesheet Syntax
Customizing Qt Widgets Using Stylesheets
But at times, you will need to override a control to achieve your goal. Like in this question. But I think your required look can be achieved via QSS alone.
The easiest and fastest way to achieve the same UI accross different platforms is to implement it in QML with Qt. Unlike widgets that get automatically styled appropriate to the underlying platform style, QML is entirely platform-independent. You could probably style regular widgets with CSS, or even by reimplementing drawing manually with arbitrary UI API, but it will not be nearly as easy.
It is easy to achieve such a look and feel with any GUI framework.
Choose the framework you are most comfortable with, RTFM, roll up your sleeves and get started.
On any framework you will find methods to draw bitmaps of any color and shape and to handle mouse clicks on them. What more do you need?
This is what GUI frameworks DO! They also provide a default set of widgets for the bone lazy and the conventional. You aren't one of those people. are you?

How can I create an iOS-style toolbar in my Mac Cocoa application?

Several iLife '11 applications on the Mac use iOS-style black toolbars. For instance, the toolbar at the bottom of this screenshot of iPhoto:
(source: pocket-lint.com)
This sort of look is available in the iOS SDK as "UITabBar."
I am wondering if there is an easy way to achieve this in my ordinary, non-iOS Mac application. If not, what would be the best way to go about creating this effect?
There's nothing that will give you this view out of the box. You'll need to build it yourself.
The simplest method would be to create a custom view with a gradient background and place monochrome buttons in it.
Better would be to create a set of classes similar to NSToolBar that handle positioning, highlighting etc. Even better, build it and then open-source it :-)
However, you'll have to build it yourself. Apart from NSButton there's not much that will help in the pre-existing objects.

VB6 Focus Glow Effects

I have a form in VB6 with text fields and I would like to create a focus glow like you see in modern web browsers.
Is it possible to make a Glowing Effect in a Textbox using VB6.0?
Kindly give me some advice or way to accomplish this one! Thanks...
I've noticed you are asking other questions regarding modification of the visuals of your VB6 application, too, but you have to face it: VB6 is old, very old and many of the newer UI concepts are very hard to implement in VB6.
Your best shot to make your old VB6 look better is to use a set of more current controls than the original VB6 ones. (Although better look controls are no magic bullet, it's still possible to screw up the UI by making bad layout decisions, for example)
At work we have made good experiences using CodeJock to polish our UI, but even the latest version (15.0.2 at this time) doesn't have a glow effect for text boxes.
You can enable the text box "glow" in Vista/7 by using a manifest. This manifest creator will handle some of the dirty work for you. Note that the effect will only appear in your compiled app, not running from within the IDE.

How to make or use a standard Image Viewer for WP7

I want to make an app that shows pictures. But I want to be able to zoom in and out with gestures. I fixed this by including a toolkit into my project. But my actual question is, can I use or is there a control that's already created for me to show pictures like the picture library of the WP7 phone itself. I thought there wasn't but the Facebook app has a similar way of showing the pictures. Did Facebook rewrite the whole thing or is there a control somewhere that someone made?
The SlideView control in Telerik's RadControls for Windows Phone sounds like what you're looking for.
Have you tried a MultiScaleImage control? It's designed to work with multiple layers, but if you only specify one layer, it might suit what you're trying to do.
