Connecting to localhost IE10 - visual-studio-2010

I have two computers and one is the development computer.. i run fiddler2 on the development computer to be able to connect to the localhost dev server from a remote computer.
when i try to connect to localhost on the 2nd computed that is only the "viewer" of development server. i get site cannot be found, thou i see all connections when i visit ordinary pages like google and yeah google...
any one know the solution to this problem, iam currently running on the view computer win8 with ie10, ohh yeah it work totally find with firefox with a manually proxy setup towards the dev-comp.


Why is not reachable?

I cant seem to access site, I tried from different browsers, devicesand networks but always get
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
Tried tracert and only got to homerouter and started to timeout
I have am currently on a fresh install of windows 10.
any help please?
First of all, check if is reachable from other devices as smartphone, pc, etc. If other devices could reach from the same network, check DNS settings, look at "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts". Perhaps you are using something for local development e.g dnsmasq, in this case, all .dev domains could be pointed to your local machine.
I hope, that my answer will be useful.

Unable to connect to localhost when working in the domain

Working in the local environment I'm quite often getting errors on communication between the visual studio, IIS, IIS-Express and the browser (any combination). Everything is working on closing down the computer and doesn't any more when the computer restarts. Problems have started when the computer joined the domain.
I've spend hours searching for a solution to the problem. It looks as Widows Defender is to blame which is triggering different rules after I've joining the domain. It is enough to switch off the firewall, start any web application and enable the firewall. Simple (yet annoying) but working (what is most important).

How to uninstall this default localhost website from my machine

I installed a Microsoft Navision Demo Server on my machine recently for testing/research purposes. When trying to work on one of my websites I noticed that when I browse to http://localhost/ ; this welcome page is being shown, does anyone know how to remove it? I have removed all Sites in IIS Manager but that hasn't helped. When I browse to I get to see my own website that I am working on though.
Deleting the sites from IIS Manager actually did do the trick. It was a matter of clearing the cached localhost website from my browser.

Wamp server not working on windows 10 and it kils dns upon starting it

im having troubles making WAMPserver work.
Im currently running Win10.
Firstly I installed WAMP and it wouldnt go green, i googled and found that I should disable some windows features - World Wide Web Services specifically.
After I did that WAMP went green but localhost or isnt working. Additionally I cant open any other website except
Im getting error no server response. Even when i turn off WAMP and stop all of its services problem with browsing remains.
Only fix is restart of PC.
So I cant use localhost and it kills my dns. Anyone got some hints what to do?

Conditional loading of Chrome based on working internet (WLAN) connection

I have a thin client running stand alone on Windows XP embedded which will be used as a information screen. Information shall be pulled from the internet (through a website) when a WLAN-connection has been succesfully established. So what I'm looking for is a way to on Windows launch, check for a working internet connection. If the connection is OK, I want to launch a website from internet in Google Chrome. If no working connection has been found, I want to launch a local website in Chrome. In pseudo-code:
if (working internet connection)
launch Chrome with internet
launch Chrome with local website
Maybe this is possible with a piece of Visual Basic? Or is there some other scripting possible? The script shall run on system startup.
In an advanced version of this script I would eventually like to create a local copy of the website automatically when there is a working connection.
All this because the WLAN connection is quite unrealible in the place where this will be used.
Thanks in advance!
This, from Randy Birch's VB.NET site, should do it:
