Why is flutter.dev not reachable? - windows

I cant seem to access flutter.dev site, I tried from different browsers, devicesand networks but always get
This site can’t be reached
flutter.dev took too long to respond.
Tried tracert flutter.dev and only got to homerouter and started to timeout
I have am currently on a fresh install of windows 10.
any help please?

First of all, check if flutter.dev is reachable from other devices as smartphone, pc, etc. If other devices could reach flutter.dev from the same network, check DNS settings, look at "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts". Perhaps you are using something for local development e.g dnsmasq, in this case, all .dev domains could be pointed to your local machine.
I hope, that my answer will be useful.


Accessing Vagrant box from external network

Before posting this, I've done some research and tried different solutions. The question is how to configure a system so that it would be possible to SSH into it's vagrant box from external/different network?
I have a Windows machine at home. I have installed Vagrant and now able to access the contents both via HTTP and SSH from any device connected to very same network.
What I want to do is to be able to get a laptop, go to a nice little café just across the river, sit down and work on my project which sits in that Vagrant box on my home desktop PC.
I am quite terrible in networking and not sure what is the solution. Do I need to make my home desktop a server? If so, which steps should I take? Do I need to do configure something in my router software? Or do I need to create some kind of VPN stuff where Vagrant thinks I am actually requesting it's contents from the same home network or perhaps I just better give up and setup a droplet in the DigitalOcean instead?
To moderators: please don't shut this question because the answer is an opinion based. I am happy to listen to these opinions and I want to know which steps to follow to achieve what I want.
Why not just copy your Vagrantfile to the laptop and spin up an instance there? It would be much less work, faster, and importantly much safer than opening up your desktop computer to the world.
I think your own suggestion of a remote server is also a valid option, although not quite as simple as just using the laptop.

Cannot Use Dropbox on macOS after Using VPN (Lantern)

In China, I use VPN to connect to Dropbox, Google, Youtube... Now, I have come to the USA, but I found I cannot use Dropbox without VPN I used in China (Google, Youtube are ok)
I cannot open www.dropbox.com, and cannot connect to Dropbox via the Dropbox software on my macOS. The VPN I used in China is Lantern (it is not an a.d.)
I try to find the solutions, like resetting the network of macOS, but it didn't work. Could you help me with this problem? I would like to provide any information if you need. Really thank you :-)
Yes, finally I solve this problem. It was caused by VPN. Because it modifies my host file of macOS. I delete all lines about Dropbox in the host file, and then I succeed :-)

Can't access microsoft.com and skype.com web site after installing VS2013 Preview

Recently i installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Preview Ultimate on Windows 7. Everything went smoothly except now i can't access www.microsoft.com and www.skype.com anymore. Tried latest IE10 and FireFox, both show blank page when accessing the above mentioned web sites. Firefox in its left bottom corner shows that it is waiting for ajax.aspnetcdn.com.
I'd really like not to reinstall OS on my machine, so i'd appreciate any idea how to fix this. For myself i tried to stop Firewall service and disable MS Security Essentials runtime protection, neither helped.
PS: I can access www.microsoft.com and www.skype.com from another machine in the same local network
UPDATE: i am using tfs.visulstudio.com as my TFS server and it opens fine if i am not signed in. But once i am trying to log in it opens blank, like browser is waiting for something (the same as for microsoft.com and skype.com). Something related to live ID?
Don't think this is the website to post this kind of question but try uninstalling VS2013 preview because you think that's causing the problem. Search in Google for people getting similar problem. I also don't think it is VS2013 because I can't think of anyway of how VS2013 would somehow disable you from going to a certain website. Make sure the sites weren't down at the time or if you're having something kind of Internet server issues.
skype is owned by microsoft, so you can't enter both microsoft pages. This could be related with some kind of ISP (Internet Service Provider) and not with VS2013, or you can try rebooting your router. Last thing i would do is traceroute both address and see where they fall.
I wanted to write this as a comment but I don't have enough reputation yet. Anyway, obviously trying to uninstall the program and trying again would be a good start as already mentioned, but you should also look inside your hosts file for any weird redirections some virus of malware might have set up. It's located at "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and you can open this inside notepad (might require notepad to be run as an administrator). Check to see if skype.com or microsoft.com are in there and are pointing to a different IP address. If they are you can just remove them and save the file (might require a restart to take effect). If still no luck you should try a livecd of a linux distro to make sure the problem is definitely inside your windows somewhere.
Let us know how it goes.

Connecting to localhost IE10

I have two computers and one is the development computer.. i run fiddler2 on the development computer to be able to connect to the localhost dev server from a remote computer.
when i try to connect to localhost on the 2nd computed that is only the "viewer" of development server. i get site cannot be found, thou i see all connections when i visit ordinary pages like google and yeah google...
any one know the solution to this problem, iam currently running on the view computer win8 with ie10, ohh yeah it work totally find with firefox with a manually proxy setup towards the dev-comp.

What sites the XCode access when we will publish a app

In my company, we have a stupid firewall. It block all itunes.apple.com sites and to publish an app, we have to use our internet. To publish a app, we have to go in this screen in Organizer and press "Share"
Was asked me: what things you have to unblock to publish an app? With my limited knowledge I use the Wireshark and discovery that the program first access the site:
But and after, there are a special port, or a magic thing that the firewall can block? Or it have to unblock only site with itunes.apple.com for http and https? I really don't know find it :(
I'd try something like Little Snitch to find out, it will pop up a box every time a program tries to access something on the internet - giving you the address and port number.
I find it pretty useful for this and testing connectivity issues in debugging.
