Makefile to execute a sequence of steps - makefile

I use make to execute a series of process steps. Each step depends on the success of the previous one. Once completed a step, I touch a file with the name of the step into a separate directory.
Here is one example to explain the concept:
#echo "do some actions with $#"
#touch $(VAPTH)/$#
step2: step1
#echo "do some actions with $#"
#touch $(VPATH)/$#
step3: step2
#echo "do some actions with $#"
#touch $(VPATH)/$#
It basically works, however there is a weakness: it checks for targets either in "." and in VPATH. If you erroneously touch ./step1 in the working directory "." make gets confused. I'd like to know if I can avoid any ambiguity on checking the targets/prerequisites, but I'd like to keep using
make step3
and not
make steps/step3
Any other Makefile example to get the same objective is welcome. Thanks in advance for the help!

A fundamental rule of makefiles is that you cannot create targets that are different from what makes thinks they should be. Make puts the name of the target that it wants you to build in the $# variable. Your rule must create a target with that name, or make will not work properly. In your example you're creating a target with the name $(VPATH)/$# which is not the same as $#, so that's not right.
Another rule of makefiles is that VPATH cannot be used (correctly) to find derived targets. It can only be used to find source files.
I recommend you change the variable name from VPATH to something like STEPDIR, just to avoid confusion. Then you can write a makefile like this (note this is untested and may need to be tweaked). Look up Static Pattern Rules in the GNU make manual to understand what I'm doing in the commented part:
STEPDIR := steps
STEPS := step1 step2 step3
# Translate from local to subdirectory
$(STEPS): %: $(STEPDIR)/%
#touch $#
$(STEPDIR)/step2: $(STEPDIR)/step1
#touch $#
$(STEPDIR)/step1: $(STEPDIR)/step2
#touch $#


Issue with Makefile target rule and PHONY

I know this could be done in different ways, but I am actually looking for learning more about makefiles.
I want to be able to call make somefile.txt and run a given script.
In my current folder I have:
# perl -pe "s/#.*//g; s/^\n//g; s/\n/\t/g;" .txt
echo "Hi"
When I call make, I am getting
make: `somefile.txt' is up to date.
I know I would need to use .PHONY, but I am having trouble trying to use it with %.txt.
I already tried things such as
files = *.txt
.PHONY = $(files)
# perl -pe "s/#.*//g; s/^\n//g; s/\n/\t/g;" .txt
echo "Hi"
But that didn't actually work.
The (a) conventional way to do this is to make your real target have a phony one as a prerequisite. Phony targets are always considered initially out of date, so anything that depends on a phony target will also always be considered out of date. "force" is a conventional name for a target used for this purpose.
For example,
.PHONY: force
%.txt: force
echo "Hi at $$(date)" > $#
As demonstrated in the example, this does not require the phony target to have a recipe.
If you don't want to list your targets to be built in your makefile but instead just give them on the command line, you can use this:
The variable MAKECMDGOALS will be set to the set of goals you gave make on the command line.
It's important to understand that a makefile is not the shell, and so just sticking *.txt anywhere in your makefile won't always expand it. Only particular areas of the makefile work with shell globs directly.
If you want to always expand it, you can use make's wildcard function like this:
files = $(wildcard *.txt)

Re-evaluating GNU make makefile variable

I have inherited a large branched project? that requires a volatile set of .a archives $(LIB_FILES) to be included into link target, located in some directories $(LIB_DIRS). I can write an expression like this:
LIBDEP = $(foreach ldir, $(LIB_DIRS), \
$(filter $(addprefix %/, $(LIB_FILES)), $(wildcard $(ldir)/* )))
The problem is that they might not exist at moment of make's invocation and would be built by invoking $(MAKE) inside of another target's rule, which is a prerequisite to the link step.
The problem is actual list of files that should be created varies on external factors determined at their build steps, that I can't hard-code it properly, without turning makefile into a spaghetti mess and said variable is not re-evaluated at the moment of link command invocation.
I have suspicion that $(eval ) function can be used somehow, but manual is not very forthcoming as well as I didn't found examples of its use in this way.
Toolchain: GCC and binutils, make 3.81
Another solution is to create an explicit dependency of your make script on the output of the step which currently creates the variable $(LIB_FILES). This is what the manual is dealing with in the chapter How makefiles are remade and it aims at the technique which make is best at, namely deriving dependencies from the existence and timestamp of files (instead of variables). The following hopefully depicts your situation with the process of deducing a new set of libraries simulated by the two variables $(LIBS_THIS_TIME) and $(LIB_CONFIG_SET).
LIBS_THIS_TIME = foo.a:baz.a:bar.a
include libdeps.d
#echo I am linking $^ now
touch $#
libdeps.d: $(LIB_CONFIG_SET)
-rm libdeps.d
$(foreach lib,$(subst :, ,$(LIBS_THIS_TIME)),echo linkstep: $(lib) >> libdeps.d;)
touch $#
If make finds that libdeps.d is not up to date to your current library configuration it is remade before make executes any other rule, although it is not the first target in the makefile. This way, if your build process creates a new or different set of libraries, libdeps.d would be remade first and only then make would carry on with the other targets in your top makefile, now with the correct dependecy information.
It sometimes happens that you need to invoke make several times in succession. One possibility to do this is to use conditionals:
ifeq ($(STEP),)
$(MAKE) STEP=2 $#
else ifeq ($(STEP),2)
$(MAKE) STEP=3 $#
else ifeq ($(STEP),3)
In each step you can generate new files and have them existing for the next step.

Global prerequisite in GNU make - is it possible

I have a Makefile with tons of targets and would like for a certain script to get executed first, irrespective of what target is being called. I like to call it a global prerequisite.
I do not want to create a target for the script and set it as a prerequisite for all existing targets (which, as I said aren't few). Besides, someone else could add a target in future and not add my script as a prerequisite for their target, so the global prerequisite would take care of that.
Does GNU-make provide for a means to achieve this?
Another approach:
-include dummy
.PHONY: dummy
Make will always attempt to rebuild any file which the makefile attempts to include (if it is out of date or does not exist). In this case there is no such file, and the rule to build it runs the script and does nothing else.
There is a solution without modifying your existing Makefile (main difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee). Just create a makefile containing:
.PHONY: all
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile --no-print-directory $(MAKECMDGOALS) MAKE='$(MAKE) -f Makefile'
The only drawback is that the pre- and post- scripts will always be run, even if there is nothing else to do. But they will not be run if you invoke make with one of the --dry-run options (other difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee).

Makefile dependency-iterating generic rule

I've been looking through makefile syntax manuals and haven't found anything that really helps the usage case I'm trying to enact here.
What I have is a list of source files with varying directories under a common directory, like so:
and would like make to use these individually as a dependency for a rule that ultimately creates:
which then are used as dependencies individually for more rules.
What I have so far:
LIST := src/a.h src/b.h src/dir/c.h src/dir/d.h
all : $(addprefix build/,$(notdir ${LIST}))
#echo 'All rule invoked'
What doesn't work:
$(LIST) : build/$(notdir %).h : %.h
#echo 'dst $* dat $# din $<'
target 'item' doesn't match the target pattern
build/%.h: %.h
no rule to make target 'build/a.h' needed by 'all'.
I'm guessing make got mad at me at this point, as the errors started telling me to stop.
Basically, I am reading in a list of files with a path prefix that is relevant for the search path and dependency, and want to dump each individual one only when the source file is updated. After this, these files in that single directory are used as dependencies for another batch of rules. How can I accomplish this?
Note: I've gotten it done by ignoring the dependency chain, but that's not going to work. I can also use make to run scripts that generate an explicit makefile that can do it properly, but that feels like overkill and a waste of resources, and make ought to be able to create a rule that does that by itself, as powerful as it is. I just don't know how to create generic rules that focus on the dependency variable for its text matching, rather than the target.
There's no good way of using a pattern rule here, as all the headers are (potentially) in different directories and you want to move them out to a common directory. If you're using GNU make, you can write a macro rule that expands to all the rules you need:
define copy_header_rule
build/$(notdir $(1)): $(1)
cp $$< $$#
$(foreach hdr,$(LIST),$(eval $(call copy_header_rule,$(hdr))))
This goes through each of the headers in your $(LIST) a creates a rule to copy it to the build directory
You can make things pretty simple with vpath:
TARGS:= $(addprefix build/, $(notdir $(LIST)))
vpath %.h $(dir $(LIST))
all: $(TARGS)
build/%.h: %.h
#echo building $# from $<

error using makefile, targets and %

I'm trying to debug the following code:
TESTS=$(shell cat yoursourcefile)
all: $(TESTS)
%: compile_design
compile $#_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
simulate $#
I got this error:
makefile_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
as if makefile is a target
this error disappears when I add a character or more before %:
T%: compile_design
compile $#_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
simulate $#
This works but implies that all my targets starts with "T" which is not always the case.
My questions are:
what's exactly the function of % here ?
How to get rid of this error?
As suggested, I added
makefile: ; $#:
at the end, so I have now:
TESTS=$(shell cat yoursourcefile)
all: $(TESTS)
%: compile_design
compile $#_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
simulate $#
makefile: ; $#:
then when I do:
make all
I get [all] error2 all_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
but all_tb.vhd does not exist !
The %: compile_design rule is a "match-anything" pattern rule. It says "hey make, if you ever want to build any file, with any name, then you can do it by running these commands. Oh and by the way, if you have a file you want to build and it's older than the compile_design file, then you need to rebuild it". Generally you want to avoid match-anything rules, but if your target names truly have no specific pattern, you can't.
When you add the T before it then it tells make that instead of any file, that rule can only build files that begin with T.
The reason make is trying to rebuild the makefile is that GNU make has a special feature that allows it to remake its own makefiles. So after it reads its makefile it will try to re-make it. Normally this has no effect because there's no rule to build a makefile, but here you've added a rule that you've told make can build anything. Adding the T keeps the pattern from matching Makefile because Makefile doesn't begin with T.
The simplest thing for you to do is define an explicit rule for the makefile: make always chooses an explicit rule, if it exists, over an implicit rule like a pattern rule:
Makefile: ; #:
This creates an explicit rule that does nothing (: is the shell built-in command that does nothing).
