Issue with Makefile target rule and PHONY - makefile

I know this could be done in different ways, but I am actually looking for learning more about makefiles.
I want to be able to call make somefile.txt and run a given script.
In my current folder I have:
# perl -pe "s/#.*//g; s/^\n//g; s/\n/\t/g;" .txt
echo "Hi"
When I call make, I am getting
make: `somefile.txt' is up to date.
I know I would need to use .PHONY, but I am having trouble trying to use it with %.txt.
I already tried things such as
files = *.txt
.PHONY = $(files)
# perl -pe "s/#.*//g; s/^\n//g; s/\n/\t/g;" .txt
echo "Hi"
But that didn't actually work.

The (a) conventional way to do this is to make your real target have a phony one as a prerequisite. Phony targets are always considered initially out of date, so anything that depends on a phony target will also always be considered out of date. "force" is a conventional name for a target used for this purpose.
For example,
.PHONY: force
%.txt: force
echo "Hi at $$(date)" > $#
As demonstrated in the example, this does not require the phony target to have a recipe.

If you don't want to list your targets to be built in your makefile but instead just give them on the command line, you can use this:
The variable MAKECMDGOALS will be set to the set of goals you gave make on the command line.
It's important to understand that a makefile is not the shell, and so just sticking *.txt anywhere in your makefile won't always expand it. Only particular areas of the makefile work with shell globs directly.
If you want to always expand it, you can use make's wildcard function like this:
files = $(wildcard *.txt)


How to get all the rules in a makefile to remember the name of the top-level (wildcard) target

When I look all over the place for a simple thing and can't find it, it makes me wonder whether I'm doing something completely the wrong way. I have used frameworks where you type make targetname where targetname is not known by the makefile, so it has to pick up targetname as a makefile variable and figure out its dependencies from there. I'm trying to do that, but I can't figure out how, and apparently no one does this, because I can't find anyone talking about how to do it. They talk about everything else under the sun, but not how to get make hooplah to execute using hooplah.html as the top-level target.
A lot of searching and guessing has gotten me as far as the failing makefile below, and I'm so frustrated that here I am risking life and limb by asking a question on SO. In case it keeps me from harm, I'll mention that I've read this SO answer, and this, this, and this, as well as digging through a number of pages in the GNU makefile documentation, all to no avail.
I want to type make page-72 on the command line and get make to treat page-72.html as its top-level dependency throughout the makefile, not just in the top-level rule. The other rules need to know about page-72.html, but I can't figure out how to give them the information.
I've read about MAKECMDGOALS, but it looks like that's only useful for checking for specific target names; I'm looking for something that will allow any target name and treat it as an output filename. Below is what I have. It shows me page-72 due to the % target, and the $#.html dependency works, but no variable I have found yet allows the $#.html rule to know the name of the target that was specified on the command line.
%: $#.html
#echo "Top: dollar-at = $#"
#echo "html: $#, $%, $<, $?, $^, $+, $|, $*"
I get the following output:
html: .html, , , , , , ,
Top: dollar-at = makefile
Top: dollar-at = index
Am I getting this conceptually wrong? Is it just not done this way? Bonus points if anyone can help me get rid of Top: dollar-at = makefile. Cheers
Yes, you are getting it completely wrong :).
In none of the places you looked did anyone attempt to use an automatic variable such as $# in a prerequisite list as you've done above, and in fact that cannot work. Automatic variables are only set within the recipe of a rule, not within the prerequisite list.
As a result, after make expands your targets and prerequisites the $# variable is unset there and it expands to the empty string. So your rules look like this:
%: .html
#echo "Top: dollar-at = $#"
#echo "html: $#, $%, $<, $?, $^, $+, $|, $*"
Maybe that helps explain why you're getting the output you see.
In a pattern rule the stem (the part that matches the % pattern) must be the same in the target and prerequisite.
You want to write your rule like this:
%: %.html
#echo "Top: dollar-at = $#"
#echo "html: $#, $%, $<, $?, $^, $+, $|, $*"
However, I really don't understand what you're trying to do. I don't know what you mean by a "top level dependency throughout the makefile". And I don't see, from the example you've given, how you expect make to build a x.html file.
To write a makefile, you need to create for yourself a set of steps that say: I want to build this target. To build it, it will use these prerequisites. And given those prerequisites, it will use this set of commands. Then, you repeat that recursively for any of the prerequisites that need to be built. You don't have to write rules for source files (things that don't have to be built). They already exist.
Once you have that set of steps it's pretty straightforward to turn them into makefile rules.

Global prerequisite in GNU make - is it possible

I have a Makefile with tons of targets and would like for a certain script to get executed first, irrespective of what target is being called. I like to call it a global prerequisite.
I do not want to create a target for the script and set it as a prerequisite for all existing targets (which, as I said aren't few). Besides, someone else could add a target in future and not add my script as a prerequisite for their target, so the global prerequisite would take care of that.
Does GNU-make provide for a means to achieve this?
Another approach:
-include dummy
.PHONY: dummy
Make will always attempt to rebuild any file which the makefile attempts to include (if it is out of date or does not exist). In this case there is no such file, and the rule to build it runs the script and does nothing else.
There is a solution without modifying your existing Makefile (main difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee). Just create a makefile containing:
.PHONY: all
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile --no-print-directory $(MAKECMDGOALS) MAKE='$(MAKE) -f Makefile'
The only drawback is that the pre- and post- scripts will always be run, even if there is nothing else to do. But they will not be run if you invoke make with one of the --dry-run options (other difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee).

Makefile: Declaring dependencies between included files

Using make's ''Remaking Makefiles'' feature I am generating parts of my makefile with include directives (see Makefile: defining rules and prerequisites in recipes). Now I'm stuck with being unable to see how I can express dependencies between included makefiles. They seem to be all evaluated at once.
Consider the following minimal makefile that illustrates my problem:
-include foo.make
-include bar.make
foo.make: Makefile
echo FOO:=blub bla baz > foo.make
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo BAR:=$(FOO) > bar.make
If I now run make I will get:
$ cat foo.make
FOO:=blub bla baz
$ cat bar.make
Why? Since bar.make depends on foo.make, shouldn't the evaluation of bar.make wait until it successfully included foo.make?
And how do I fix this problem and make sure that bar.make is either re-evaluated later or only evaluated once foo.make exists, is included and can define the variable BAR?
The reason I cannot combine foo.make and bar.make into a single makefile and rule is two-fold:
Firstly, in my real setup, bar.make depends on more intermediate targets which in turn transitively depend on foo.make. So at the time foo.make can be created, the content of bar.make cannot yet be made.
Secondly, in my real setup, foo.make and bar.make do not just define variables but also eval() define/endef blocks. So I have to write:
-include makefile_with_prerequisite_variables
define MYDEF
sometarget-$1: $(TARGET_$1_PREREQUISITES)
-include makefile_with_eval_call_statements
The content of makefile_with_prerequisite_variables and makefile_with_eval_call_statements cannot go into a single makefile snippet:
If I would put makefile_with_eval_call_statements above MYDEF together with makefile_with_prerequisite_variables then the $eval( $call( MYDEF)) statements in it would not work because MYDEF is only declared afterward.
If I would put makefile_with_prerequisite_variables below MYDEF together with makefile_with_eval_call_statements then the recipes defined in MYDEF would not have proper prerequisits because the $(TARGET_$1_PREREQUISITES) variables would then be declared afterward by makefile_with_prerequisite_variables.
In summary, I need to include two different makefiles where one depends upon the other. I do not know how I can express this relationship such that the content of one makefile would only be created after the other makefile is up-to-date and included into the main makefile.
First, your makefile creation in this simple example can easily be fixed by escaping the value of $(FOO) so that it's not expanded when bar.make is created but rather deferred until it's read in. So:
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo 'BAR:=$$(FOO)' > $#
However, that might not be sufficient in your more complex real-life makefiles.
GNU make works like this: first parse all the makefiles. Then for every included makefile, treat it as a goal and try to build it (e.g., act as if the user invoked make ...). Then at the end of that, if any of the included makefiles was rebuilt, re-exec ourselves and start the entire process over from scratch.
GNU make does NOT work like this: parse makefiles, try to rebuild the first included makefile and if it's rebuilt, re-exec; if it's not rebuilt go on to the next included makefile, etc.
A simple trick you can use if you have to have this type of order is to put the include of bar.make into foo.make:
-include foo.make
foo.make: Makefile
printf -- '-include bar.make' > $#
echo FOO:=blub bla baz >> $#
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo 'BAR:=$$(FOO)' > $#
By doing this you ensure that if foo.make doesn't exist, make can't see the include of bar.make and so it won't try to build it. Only after the first re-exec will make see the include of bar.make and try to build it.
One thing: if you get the latest version of GNU make you no longer need to use the -include trick. You can just use include even with generated makefiles.

Alias target name in Makefile

The Problem:
Is it possible to give a target a different name or alias, such that it can be invoked using either the original target name or the alias.
For example something like
/very/long/path/my_binary: dep_a dep_b dep_c
# Compile
# Desired command
ALIAS my_binary = /very/long/path/my_binary
# NOTE: Notice the use of 'my_binary' in the dependencies
data1: my_binary datafile
# Build data file using compiled my_binary
Attempt 1: .PHONY
I have tried using a .PHONY target:
.PHONY: my_binary
my_binary: /very/long/path/my_binary
This works great when invoked from the command-line:
# Runs rule 'my_binary' and then *only* runs rule '/very/long/path/my_binary'
# if the rule '/very/long/path/my_binary' needs updating.
make my_binary
However, this does not work well when the alias my_binary is listed as a dependency:
# *Always* thinks that rule 'data1' needs updating, because it always thinks that
# the .PHONY target 'my_binary' "needs updating". As a result, 'data1' is
# rebuilt every time.
make /very/long/path/my_binary
Possible hack?
A possible hack is to use an empty target as suggested in an answer to this question, but that would require introducing fake files with names corresponding to the alias:
my_binary: /very/long/path/my_binary
touch my_binary
This will clutter the main directory with files! Placing the fake files in a sub-directory would defeat the purpose, as the alias would have to be referred to as 'directory/my_binary'
Okay, I needed something similar. The path to my output artifacts were quite long, but I wanted short target names and also benefit easily from bash-completion.
Here is what I'm came up with:
os := [arbitrary long path to an artifact]
platform := [arbitrary long path to a differ artifact]
packer := [common parts of my packer build command]
.PHONY: all
all: $(platform)
.PHONY: platform
platform: $(platform)
$(platform): platform.json $(os)
#$(packer) $<
.PHONY: os
os: $(os)
$(os): os.json
#$(packer) $<
.PHONY: clean
rm -fr build/
With the Makefile above you can say:
$ make os
$ make platform
Which will be aliases for the long artifact names. I've made the snippet above quite long, because it's important to see the relationships between the .PHONY aliases and the real targets. I hope that works for you.
Note: I did not delete the clean target from the above example, because many people does not make that a .PHONY target. However, semantically it should be.
I don't think there's any way to do it so that you can use the alias from within your makefile as well as the command line, except by creating those temporary files.
Why can't you just set a variable in the makefile, like:
my_binary = /very/long/path/my_binary
then use $(my_binary) everywhere in the makefile? I don't see any point in creating a real alias target for use inside the makefile.
I had a somewhat similar need. I wanted users of my makefile to be able to enter any of the following to accomplish the same result, such that the following were effectively synonyms of each other:
make hit list
make hitlist
make hit_list
What I did in my makefile was the following:
#echo Got here
<the real recipe goes here>
hit: hit_list
hitlist: hit_list
.PHONY: list
#echo > /dev/null
Then, when I tested it using any of the commands "make hit list", "make hitlist", or "make hit_list", I got identical results, as intended.
By extension, if one of your targets was the one with the long name but you used this approach whereby a simple short name identified the target with the long name as a prerequisite, I think that you should be able to say "make short_name" and accomplish what you're asking about.
This differs from your Approach 1 in that none of the synonyms is defined as a phony target (considering that "make hit list" is a command to make two targets, the second being effectively a noop), so the complication that you described would not arise.

Force Makefile to execute script before building targets

I am using Makefiles.
However, there is a command (zsh script) I want executed before any targets is executed.
How do I do this?
There are several techniques to have code executed before targets are built. Which one you should choose depends a little on exactly what you want to do, and why you want to do it. (What does the zsh script do? Why do you have to execute it?)
You can either do like #John suggests; placing the zsh script as the first dependency. You should then mark the zsh target as .PHONY unless it actually generates a file named zsh.
Another solution (in GNU make, at least) is to invoke the $(shell ...) function as part of a variable assignment:
ZSH_RESULT:=$(shell zsh myscript.zsh)
This will execute the script as soon as the makefile is parsed, and before any targets are executed. It will also execute the script if you invoke the makefile recursively.
Just make that a dependancy of one of the other targets
foo.obj : zsh foo.c
rule for compileing foo.c
rule for running zsh script.
or alternatively, make your first target depend on it
goal: zsh foo.exe
Solution for both preprocessing and postprocessing in makefiles using MAKECMDGOALS and double colon rules.
MAKECMDGOALS are the targets listed on the command line.
First step is to get the first and last targets from the command line,
or if there are no targets listed, use the default target.
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
LAST_GOAL := all
Double colon rules allow multiple recipes for the same target executed in order. You'll have to change all command line targets to double colon rules.
#Dummy rule to set the default
.PHONY: all
all ::
echo "Starting make..."
all :: normal_prerequistes
echo "All done..."
There is a solution without modifying your existing Makefile (main difference with the accepted answer). Just create a makefile containing:
.PHONY: all
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile --no-print-directory $(MAKECMDGOALS) MAKE='$(MAKE) -f Makefile'
The only drawback is that the pre- and post- scripts will always be run, even if there is nothing else to do. But they will not be run if you invoke make with one of the --dry-run options (other difference with the accepted answer).
