Output of two components on one page in joomla 2.5, - joomla

I want to show the output of two components on one page in joomla 2.5, anyone knows how to do it plz tell me

It doesn't sound like you have even tried researching your problem/request. I went searched what you needed in Google and found a forum thread, and someone had posted this link:
It's a plugin that allows you to include components using a syntax such as:
{component url='' }
Hope this helps, but in future please do a little research.


Mean.js, where do I start?

I have to make a web application with Meanstack for a school project. I have downloaded and installed the newest version of the Mean.js boilerplate (http://meanjs.org/) and got the sample site working. But I have no idea how to continue. There are so many files in the project directory. Can somebody please tell me the files I can/need to change to start building my own app?
I'm very new to programming, so sorry if this is a stupid question. I'd really appreciate an answer.
This is what the project folder looks like.
The meanjs.org documentation (here) has plenty of great information about what each file does, and what you might need to research to get started. Besides that there are a lot of great tutorials out there, one I liked in particular was this youtube series.
Please note that in these examples I am using the mean stack from meanjs.org, not mean.io, and I am using version 0.3. If you are using a different MEAN stack, or version, I would still recommend first looking through the official documentation, and then various tutorials online.

How to provide a service to extensions joomla?

I am trying create a joomla component. In that component I need to store some phone numbers and those numbers should be provided when an extension asks for them. How can I achieve this? Please direct me if there is comprehensive tutorials.
Thanks in advance...
A similar question exists in the Joomla Stack Exchange site here, with links, suggestions and references to a bunch of resources around Joomla Development.
Furthermore in JSE you can find great assistance for specific questions during your development attempt.
The Joomla! support site has some links to component development:
I see that you tagged 2.5, but version 3 is the new stable version. There is an example V3 component here:
When I started, I looked at an existing extension which was similar to what I wanted and went from there.

How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

How to display a few articles within a module?

So basically, I wish to load a few article posts within a category to a module.
These article posts must be the latest 3 or so that have been published.
I have searched far and wide for answers, but I couldn't seem to find anything. I found an extension called 'Articles Anywhere', although I don't think it can do what I am asking exactly.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
From what you describe, Joomla has this module in core. It's called the Latest News module. You can read more about it at http://docs.joomla.org/Help25:Extensions_Module_Manager_Latest_News

How to add a second language (ex Portuguese) on SilverStripe

Is there a definitive guide to adding a second language (ex Portuguese) to a SilverStripe website?
If not, I have made a start on it - see here:
however I cannot see what to do once I have successfully installed the extension!
Any suggestions welcome - and I shall append them to my installation instructions.
I'm not quite sure where you're stuck.
If you add Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable') in your _config.php, then DONT also add the $extensions line to your Page class.
Page inherits from SiteTree.
If you look at the demo site (http://demo.silverstripe.org/admin) you should see that each page when you edit it should have a Translations tab.
I assume you're not getting this?
Please provide some more information about the problem and lets see if we can sort it out.
Also, try this guide?
Sometimes the SilverStripe forum is more responsive than StackOverflow, as the core SStr team may see your question more quickly.
