How to add a second language (ex Portuguese) on SilverStripe - installation

Is there a definitive guide to adding a second language (ex Portuguese) to a SilverStripe website?
If not, I have made a start on it - see here:
however I cannot see what to do once I have successfully installed the extension!
Any suggestions welcome - and I shall append them to my installation instructions.

I'm not quite sure where you're stuck.
If you add Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable') in your _config.php, then DONT also add the $extensions line to your Page class.
Page inherits from SiteTree.
If you look at the demo site ( you should see that each page when you edit it should have a Translations tab.
I assume you're not getting this?
Please provide some more information about the problem and lets see if we can sort it out.
Also, try this guide?
Sometimes the SilverStripe forum is more responsive than StackOverflow, as the core SStr team may see your question more quickly.


How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

Output of two components on one page in joomla 2.5,

I want to show the output of two components on one page in joomla 2.5, anyone knows how to do it plz tell me
It doesn't sound like you have even tried researching your problem/request. I went searched what you needed in Google and found a forum thread, and someone had posted this link:
It's a plugin that allows you to include components using a syntax such as:
{component url='' }
Hope this helps, but in future please do a little research.

Joomla 2.5 Add Option Groups to Article

I'm playing with Joomla 2.5.9 (The latest 2.X download). Do you know how you can add additional menu's to the "Article Manager: Edit Article" page? (This is in the Administration)
Their API gives me some hint on several things but I am don't know what this right "Slide Down Option Area" is called in the Administration.
In the right area there are things such as:
Publishing options
Article Options
Configure Edit Screen
Images and Links
I want to know where to start to add my own, or where they are already built in the system so I can base mine off it -- Is this a plugin, module, or something else? :)
As i say don't change any of the core file in Joomla. If you want to add any functionality into the article manager you can make your own plugin to add functionality in it. For doing this see this link :
Creating a content plugin
I hope this is what you looking for.Good luck.
There are some extensions that allow you to do that.
I recommend (although somewhat buggy and a code mess) this one:
It does exactly what you want.
Or, you could make your own as Toretto suggests, there are some tutorials on creating a plugin for extra items in the article form, but the already-made-extension route seems to make more sence.
I've been using FieldsAttach for this sort of thing, for a few years, the code is often a little messy, that is true, but the the concepts are clean and eloquent. Brian Teeman explains it well from an integrator point of view in his talk at but in some ways it is even more compelling from a developer's perspective.
However, after watching Marco Ding's Joomla Day UK 2016 talk on I think DPFields may be a better choice. The architecture is perhaps more rugged and neater, but also because it may well end up being a core extension in Joomla in the near future. More info on DPFields is at , and .

How see number of comments on joomla

helo all!
i want to see the numbers of comments of any article on frontpage in joomla.
how can I add this plugin or module for the readers know the numbers of commments per article...
sorry for my english :D
Which component are you using for commenting? There are a bunch out there - in terms of displaying comments on the front page, I think you would probably have to contact that developer to see if they have a plugin to help with that, or write some code of your own to assist with that (it shouldn't be too hard - some templates have that functionality out of the box even).
Ultimately it will depend on which component and if the developer has already created something to go along with that plugin.

Code Highlighting for Joomla

I need syntax highlighting of source code from various languages (PHP, C#, VB, etc) within articles I have in Joomla. I have tried enabling the Geshi plugin, updating the language files and putting the code into my Joomla article - however I can't seem to get it to work.
I have also tried CodeCitation from JED but again, the problem seems to be the same - I don't know how to tell Joomla to process it as code. I placed {codecitation} and {/codecitation} around my code (as well as including the brush value) but it doesn't work. I am unsure if these tags should be placed on the source or the wysiwug
Could someone please assist with an alternative method or work out what I am doing wrong?
With CodeCitation: if you already wrote the article using the tags (i.e. {codecitation} code {/codecitation}), it should work. Did you check if you enable the mambot?
As of Joomla 3.4 Geshi has been removed - but you can still get Geshi+ (geshi repackaged with all the additional languages) - & see the tips here on how to configure geshi.
An example of Geshi+ working is here.
There are now Joomla plugins using highlightjs & google's prettify library to highlight syntax but I found geshi+ worked much better
I am not certain if you can use it in Joomla or not. I use the syntax highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. I have used it in a couple of blogs (wordpress for instance) and in some stand alone web pages. Not hard to intergrate. It uses the 'pre' tags. You need to be sure the code is already escaped. It may be worth a look. Here is a link.
Hope this helps.
