video in a Splashscreen - windows-phone-7

How to put a video in a splash screen in Windows Phone 8 Application development. I am using visual Studio 2012. I am new in Windows development. If possible give me the coding. Thanx in advance

Also you can keep an image in your project by name SplashScreenImage.jpg. It will directly show this particular image on starting and you can also extend the time to show that image.


Saving images from WebView(Windows Phone WinAPI)

I'm currently creating a Windows Phone Web Browser and plan on making it universal so I decided to target Windows RT.
After a while I encountered an issue and I don't even know how to start. I was wondering how I can get a context menu to display when I hold down an image in WebView and save it to storage. Any help guys?

Blank Screen After Splash Screen

I am new to windows phone development. In windows phone a blank screen is coming after a splash screen. I am using phonegap to build the app with windows. I tried it with different small applications but it is not working. what could be the reason I have googled it for an hour.
About flow: take a look here and here.
About blinking: can you provide some code? It is not a common behavior for wp app.
I was giving the wrong reference to the cordova.js file. I change the reference to the root directory of the project. After that it is working fine.

Splash Screen In Windows 7 using cordova

I'm using Visual Stdio 2010 And Phone Gap 2.9.0 version .
I want to Change My Default Splash Screen with my new image in Windows 7 Mobile App.
How to do this ...?
You can replace the image with the same name (i.e SplashScreenImage.jpg) as well as same dimensions i.e 480x800.
Hope it helps

Showing white screen after splash screen in window 7 phonegap

I am developing apps for window phone 7 using phonegap. I am facing the problem when launching the apps in emulator. I can see the splashscreen but not the index page. I just see the white blank screen after splashscreen. While running on emulator I got message "this computer do not have required graphics processing unit configuration."
I test with other in built apps with visual studio for window phone. It work fine.
What is the problem? With my graphics or something else.
Did you set up your app to launch index.html. If you have change the tree it's not a problem. You can change it in CordovaLib, CordovaView.xaml, CordovaView.xaml.cs. In this one, you will find StartpageUri. Be sure that is pointing on your file

Using Cordova/Phonegap to save an image taken from the phone camera Windows Phone 7

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and the Windows Phone 7 Emulator in order to create an app which allows the user to take a photo and then save it into a folder on the file system and also create a reference of it on the database so as all of the images on the database can be displayed on the app. I can't however save the Image that is taken by the camera, I have spent ages looking through the Cordova docs and other websites. It looks as if I need the file location of the image taken by the camera but I cannot get the consol.log to open, I have been through my Registry Editor and I cannot get it to display. I would love an example which would show me how to get the camera image and either save it to localstorage or create a copy in order to save it into a folder.
Thanks in advance
Use FILE_URI for Camera.DestinationType option. It will make the image captured stored in the device's image gallery.
