Showing white screen after splash screen in window 7 phonegap - windows-phone-7

I am developing apps for window phone 7 using phonegap. I am facing the problem when launching the apps in emulator. I can see the splashscreen but not the index page. I just see the white blank screen after splashscreen. While running on emulator I got message "this computer do not have required graphics processing unit configuration."
I test with other in built apps with visual studio for window phone. It work fine.
What is the problem? With my graphics or something else.

Did you set up your app to launch index.html. If you have change the tree it's not a problem. You can change it in CordovaLib, CordovaView.xaml, CordovaView.xaml.cs. In this one, you will find StartpageUri. Be sure that is pointing on your file


DirectX rendering issue

I am working in a project where I am building two version of application native win32 and Windows Store App.
My rendering code is working in win32 but in Windows store app the screen is blank with clear color. I tried to debug the issue and captured some frame from Visual Studio Graphics Diagnostic tool. Interestingly the capture frame is showing full rendered screen with all objects showing (while the actual rendering window is blank)!
Can anyone give me some clue, what can be the issue?

Unidentified UI portion windows phone 8
The image in this link shows some unidentified UI portion on the top right of the screen. Can someone please describe why it keeps on showing ?
I am unable to identify and correct it.
These framerate counters only shows up in development when the debugger is attached. You'll notice if you run your app when Visual Studio isn't connected and running this UI will disappear.
Here's some more info about it:
And how to hide it if your really want to:

Blank Screen After Splash Screen

I am new to windows phone development. In windows phone a blank screen is coming after a splash screen. I am using phonegap to build the app with windows. I tried it with different small applications but it is not working. what could be the reason I have googled it for an hour.
About flow: take a look here and here.
About blinking: can you provide some code? It is not a common behavior for wp app.
I was giving the wrong reference to the cordova.js file. I change the reference to the root directory of the project. After that it is working fine.

WP7 Screen Shot Requirements

Microsoft declined to submit my application because I took a screen shot of the game which included the actual emulator.
Looking at this answer, the person says that I should us the snipping tool when I have made the phone emulator at 100%. And indeed, the snipping tools spits out an image of that screen at exactly 480x800 which is exactly what Microsoft wants. However, whenever I use the snipping tool, there is still the top black border of the WP7 remaining. I've looked at a few images on the Marketplace and other applications have it as well...I think. Some don't. Can anyone advice me on this please? How I can avoid getting penalised...again.
Will this suffice?
If you update to the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK and Emulator, the new emulator has a built-in screenshot function to take screenshots without these issues.
I have never had my app rejected due to a screenshot taken from the emulator, I can't say you wont have issues, but assuming everything else in your screenshot checks out; the images from the emulator are the correct size and should be approved.

Is it possible to make a mobile website work as a native app in windows phone?

I saw using IPhone or Android, it is possible to add a website to the desktop or start screen and this will make this website work as a native app which will open without the browser frame.
Is that possible using Windows Phone and how?
You can pin a website to your howe screen but htis will open in Interenet Explorer when launched
