Saving images from WebView(Windows Phone WinAPI) - windows

I'm currently creating a Windows Phone Web Browser and plan on making it universal so I decided to target Windows RT.
After a while I encountered an issue and I don't even know how to start. I was wondering how I can get a context menu to display when I hold down an image in WebView and save it to storage. Any help guys?


video in a Splashscreen

How to put a video in a splash screen in Windows Phone 8 Application development. I am using visual Studio 2012. I am new in Windows development. If possible give me the coding. Thanx in advance
Also you can keep an image in your project by name SplashScreenImage.jpg. It will directly show this particular image on starting and you can also extend the time to show that image.

Locking the user screen in Windows store apps for Windows Surface

I am developing an application for Windows Surface RT.I have an requirement to lock the device screen
programmatically(thru c#). I searched MSDN and various form but in vain. Please help me to figure out this requirement.
You can't force the screen to be "locked" from a Windows Store application. It's just not an available API.

CameraCaptureTask in Windows Phone 8 - auto saves to camera roll

I have an existing application developed for Windows Phone 7, which uses CameraCaptureTask.
The captured image is returned back to the app, which will be processed for grayscale conversion.
While testing the same app (same binary to be precise) in Windows Phone 8 Lumia 920, I figured that a copy of all the images captured through the CameraCaptureTask are saved in "camera roll" folder.
This is a bit annoying as the users of my app are not expecting the captured images crowding the "camera roll" folder. I looked up the documentation and found the below quote,
On Windows Phone 8, if the user accepts a photo taken with the camera capture task, the photo is automatically saved to the phone’s camera roll. On previous versions of Windows Phone, the photo is not automatically saved.
So far I couldn't find a way to avoid this case in Windows Phone 8.
Is there a way to turn off this feature before calling the CameraCaptureTask's Show() method in Windows Phone 8?
No. This is a consumer feature request implemented on WP8 that's transparent to developers. The usecase here is that a consumer uses the CameraCaptureTask to line up a perfect shot, doesn't use it an app for whatever reason and can't find it ever again later.
As a side-note, I actually had this happen a few times to me when using various twitter and photo editing apps and it's quite annoying.
Makes no sense. CameraCaptureTask was created to allow apps to capture photos for the app use, not for users to push them into Camera Roll. That is what Lenses are for (either custom code can write into camera roll as well).
It is not transparent to developers because one of my apps has just been removed from the WP8 market. They say because can cause "undesired upload of an app photo to skydrive".
Justin are you sure it isn't a bug? is it going to be fixed?
This forces me to break my development into 2 now: WP7 and WP8. I don't want that hassle right now...

Is it possible to make a mobile website work as a native app in windows phone?

I saw using IPhone or Android, it is possible to add a website to the desktop or start screen and this will make this website work as a native app which will open without the browser frame.
Is that possible using Windows Phone and how?
You can pin a website to your howe screen but htis will open in Interenet Explorer when launched

how to change a Windows phone 7 market place application icon

I uploaded windows phone 7 app in market and it's rejected by apphub market,with reason of displaying default app icon,here the application icon is not being displayed instead it shows an default application icon.I also uploaded all design images in artwork design with suitable dimension of icon.Please help me to show application icon in market place.
Have a look at the end of this post
It shows how to set these icons. (The posts starts with drawing them but you could skip that)
If you are looking in the app hub at the details of your released ap, this always shows the default "cog" app at the top.
If you've uploaded the correcct images these will be seen in the application artwork section of the page.
If the wrong images are being displayed in the marketplace, is this the phone marketplace or the desktop one? Or both?
If the images displayed in the marketplace don't match the ones listed in the details in the app hub then you should contact app hub support.
