IUP, menu, webbrowser, tree, tabs - iup

I have such menu situation:
int menu_create(Ihandle *menu)
hamburger = IupItem("&Hamburger", "hamburger");
IupSetAttributes(hamburger, "AUTOTOGGLE=YES, RADIO=YES");
char* ce = "Ćev&apčići";
cevapcici = IupItem(utf8_to_cp1250(ce), "cevapcici");
IupSetAttributes(cevapcici, "AUTOTOGGLE=YES, RADIO=YES");
exit = IupItem("Exit\tAlt+F4", "exit");
img4 = IupLoadImage("icons\\delete_16x16.ico");
IupSetAttributeHandle(exit, "TITLEIMAGE", img4);
menu = IupMenu(
IupItem("Carro&t", "carrot"),
IupSetFunction("exit", (Icallback)mnu_exit);
... etc...
IupSetHandle("menu", menu);
How to get "radio toggle group" functionality with items hamburger and cevapcici so first turns off a second checkmark and opposite. This is my try but it don't work.
2) I try webbrowser example from IUP suite on my windows 7. Problem is that bad black flickering appear's during resize (increase). Also, background of webbrowser flicker black during showing.
I try a same example on Ubuntu and there flickering appear's too but it is not so much visible since background is there white.
Is here any way to get rid of those flickering or if not to get white background of webbrowser window on windows?
3) Since webbrowser is ole object (on windows) is it possible to use say "print preview" or "zoom" function by reference from IUP handle or at any other way like we used to do from MS programming tools?
4) How can I get key_up event fired from IupTree?
5) Interesting situation with IupTabs:
frame3 = IupHbox(mat, val, NULL);
vboxt1 = IupVbox(frame3, NULL);
vboxt2 = IupVbox(frame3, NULL);
IupSetAttribute(vboxt1, "TABTITLE", "First documents... ");
IupSetAttribute(vboxt2, "TABTITLE", "Second documents... ");
tabs = IupTabs(vboxt1, vboxt2, NULL);
hbox1 = IupHbox(tabs, IupVbox(frame, tree, frame2, NULL), NULL);
dlg = IupDialog(hbox1);
When I set frame3 which should be a same for both tabs my GUI frozes.
However, I have to got same "mat" (IupMatrix) in both tabs because by changing tabs other data load in matrix but similar enough to use same matrix and related functions.
What to do here?

1) The RADIO attribute belongs to the IupMenu, not to the IupItem. This also means that all the IupItems inside that menu will be part of the radio.
A workaround would be to manually unset the other toggle inside the action callback.
2) That flicker is not caused by IUP. Don't know why the native controls are doing it.
3) Yes, but you will have to program that using the OLE API. If you take a look at the IupOleControl and IupWebBrower source code and send me the code to do it, I will be happy to add it to IUP.
4) You don't. Use the K_ANY callbacks.
5) You can not reuse a control in different places in any dialog. So you must have two different frames, with two different matrices. What you can do is to encapsulate your matrix, so the same function will create a matrix with the same attributes and callbacks any time you want one.


Showing a windows with XCB / Strange Behaviour

I'm trying to show a window in xcb, inside the main window, but actually without luck.
The idea is that when the user press a button (in that case the X button) a small white window is shown (just for test).
But actually i'm stuck on that step. I watched the example code here:
And tried to do the same in my application.
[EDIT 28/10/2013] Now with that code i can show a window, but if i try to add other variable like int i=0, or whatever, the window doesn't appear, and no expose events were raised (all events that were raised are or 0 or 2 (even if i add the variables inside other events). Any idea?
This is the XCB_KEY_PRESS event handler code:
Edit (with the new code)
xcb_key_press_event_t *kp = (xcb_key_press_event_t *)ev;
printf("X pressed\n");
uint32_t vals[2];
win = xcb_generate_id(connection);
mask, values);
xcb_create_gc(connection, background, win, mask, vals);
printf("KEY_PRESS - Pressed: %d\n", kp->detail);
root is the root window obtained from xcb_screen_t variable.
The definition of background and win are the following:
xcb_window_t win;
xcb_gcontext_t background;
And i added even a XCB_EXPOSE event handler:
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(connection, win, background,1,&rectangle);
What is wrong with that code? What am i missing? (I'm trying to develop a very basic window manager, just for fun)
(My idea for that program is that when x is pressed an input box is shown, do you have any suggestion on how to do that?)

In Win32, how can a Change Color dialog be used to change STATIC text?

I am relatively new to the Win32/Windows API (non-MFC), and am trying to change the text colour of a static text control. It is already drawn to the screen in black, but I want to change it to another colour using the Windows Colour Chooser dialog, which is opened on clicking a button. Is this possible?
For the button, the WM_COMMAND message is handled on clicking. So far, I have written:
ccColour.lStructSize = sizeof(ccColour);
ccColour.hwndOwner = hWnd;
ccColour.rgbResult = crLabelTextColour;
ccColour.Flags = CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT;
if (ChooseColor(&ccColour) == TRUE)
// crLabelTextColour is a COLORREF global variable assigned on loading the program
crLabelTextColour = ccColour.rgbResult;
This code, however, fails with an unhandled exception at the if statement, and I'm not sure why! Other examples seem to write code like this.
ChooseColor() crashes because you are not initializing the CHOOSECOLOR structure completely. You are only setting 3 fields, the rest will contain garbage. You'll need to zero-initialize everything, simple to do:
CHOOSECOLOR ccColour = {0};

Win32 scrolling examples

Could anyone point me to (or provide?) some nice, clear examples of how to implement scrolling in Win32? Google brings up a lot of stuff, obviously, but most examples seem either too simple or too complicated for me to be sure that they demonstrate the right way of doing things. I use LispWorks CAPI (cross-platform Common Lisp GUI lib) in my current project, and on Windows I have a hard-to-figure-out bug relating to scrolling; basically I want to do some tests directly via the Win32 API to see if I can shed some light on the situation.
Many thanks,
I think you are talking for an example how to handle WM_VSCROLL/WM_HSCROLL event. If so first step is to handle that event. You shouldn't use the HIWORD(wParam) value of that call but use GetScrollInfo, GetScrollPos, and GetScrollRange functions instead.
Following is an example code snipped by MSDN - Using Scroll Bars. xCurrentScroll is determined before by calling GetScrollPos() for example.
int xDelta; // xDelta = new_pos - current_pos
int xNewPos; // new position
int yDelta = 0;
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
// User clicked the scroll bar shaft left of the scroll box.
xNewPos = xCurrentScroll - 50;
// User clicked the scroll bar shaft right of the scroll box.
xNewPos = xCurrentScroll + 50;
// User clicked the left arrow.
xNewPos = xCurrentScroll - 5;
// User clicked the right arrow.
xNewPos = xCurrentScroll + 5;
// User dragged the scroll box.
xNewPos = HIWORD(wParam);
xNewPos = xCurrentScroll;
// New position must be between 0 and the screen width.
xNewPos = max(0, xNewPos);
xNewPos = min(xMaxScroll, xNewPos);
// Reset the scroll bar.
si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
si.fMask = SIF_POS;
si.nPos = xCurrentScroll;
SetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_HORZ, &si, TRUE);
Here's one, ScrollCall, (copy from page):.
ScrollCall is a demo program that takes a sample of Windows standard
controls, along with a standard GDI image, and arranges them on a
Device Context (or DC), in a window. Depending on the dimensions of
the image, and the size of the containing window, horizontal and/or
system scrollbars become visible, to enable scrolling for the image
and controls. Thus ScrollCall is as at least as much focused on sizing
as it is scrolling, and both offer unique challenges for the
ScrollCall features:
System scroll bars
Optional groupbox
Button to open images on the Device Context (DC)
Radio options for choice of window scroll function
Checkbox to stretch rather than scroll the image
Label Paint Mult with UpDown and Buddy to increase the wait times of WM_SIZE during sizing, thus reduced WM_PAINT processing
Right click for system snapshot of view in default or monitor attached to desktop
Double-click to print the visible part of the (mostly empty) client window to the DC, and back to the client window (experimental)
ScrollCall temporarily turns on SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS for the testing of the visual effects of dragging, if ever it was toggled off
Compatibility with AeroSnap sizing

Win32 GUI: dialog in dialog

I just started to use dialogs and I really like the possibility to define the layout in resource file. But is it possible to set up one dialog and embed it into another (i.e., no floating dialogs)?
With plain windows, I created the main window with one child window. Then, I created even more windows (like "edit", "static", ...) and added them to the child. I did so in order to group those several windows in to one window so I can control, say, the visibility of all edits and statics easily. Kind of like grouping (but it doesn't have the border of GroupBox).
Is it possible to rewrite the above, but with dialogs written down in .rc file?
I'm using plain C and Win32.
Example of what I did:
main = CreateWindow(...);
container = CreateWindow(... hWndParent = main ...);
label = CreateWindow("static", ... container);
edit = CreateWindow("edit", ... container);
Now, if I can hide or resize both label and edit just but controlling container.
Example of what I would like to have:
MAIN_DIALOG DIALOG 10, 20, 30, 40 STYLE ...
CONTROL "container" ...
How do I add 'label' and 'edit' to "container" control?
Also, in the resource editor set the dialog style to 'child' and border to 'none'.
What you want to do is probably a little bit similar to tabbed dialogs. There some controls are embedded from separate resources with a outer dialog. You can then show/hide all the controls within a tab by calling ShowWindow just for the subdialog:
In you main dialog Callback add something like
HWND SubDlgHwnd; // Global or probably within a struct/array etc.
HRSRC hrsrc;
HGLOBAL hglobal;
hrsrc = FindResource(sghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(SubDlgResId), RT_DIALOG);
hglobal = ::LoadResource(sghInstance, hrsrc);
SubDlgHwnd = CreateDialogIndirect(sghInstance, (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)hglobal, hDlg, ChildDialogCallback);
SetWindowPos(SubDlgHwnd, HWND_TOP, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE);
ShowWindow(SubDlgHwnd, showSubDialog ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);
This might be a good Startpoint for Microsofts documentation.
You also have to add DS_CONTROL style to the dialog(s) you want to embed. Without it embedded dialog window will be shown with window header what is hardly one wants to.

Testing to see if a window is maximized

I noticed that in Windows, if you maximize a window you can not resize it until you un-maximized it again. This appears to be a normal behaviour, so I would like to remove my resize gripper when the window is maximised.
At the moment I can't find a property to detect if a window is maximized, and although I could add a boolean in my controller, it wouldn't necessarily catch requests to maximize from the OS.
So if you know of a reliable way to test if a window is maximized please let me know.
On a related note, I am using custom chrome, and when I maximize a window it overlaps the windows task bar. I can think of hacks to detect available screen size (using a transparent system chrome window), but it would be good to know of a better method.
In your application (MXML) on the in the init method you ussually call on creationComplete:
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
creationComplete="init()" >
Add the following code:
this.addEventListener(NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE, trackState);
the method looks like this:
public function trackState(event:NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent):void
if (event.afterDisplayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
isMaximised = true;
} else {
isMaximised = false;
I have figured out how this can best be done thanks to some pointers from TheBrain.
Firstly you need to watch for resize events to the window your want to control:
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.addEventListener(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE, onWindowResize);
Then handle that event to decide if the window is maximised or not:
public function onWindowResize(event:NativeWindowBoundsEvent):void
if (event.afterBounds.height >= Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds.height && event.afterBounds.width >= Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds.width)
isMaximised = true;
isMaximised = false;
You then need to catch or create your own maximize button, and when clicked perform the following code:
if (isMaximised)
var bounds:Rectangle = Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.bounds = bounds;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.bounds = new Rectangle(100, 100, 500, 600);
You can modify the bounds to over maximize (which is handy for custom chrome windows with shadows), and you can also set the application to reset to a default size if the maximize button is clicked when it's already maximized (or do nothing).
I had issues about when to assign the window resize listner, and ended up removing and adding it every time the maximize button was clicked. It's a bit of overkill, but not too bad.
There is Win32 API Call that will do this for you:
BOOL IsZoomed( HWND hWnd );
to get the actual usable space from the screen, use the flash.display.Screen class, or you can use the systemMaxSize() which returns the largest window size allowed by the OS. For maximization you have some events that the window is dispaching when maximized/minimized/restored. You can find more info on the adobe pages (the link under systemMaxSize).
To detect if window is maximized...I don't think there is such a function (I might be wrong) but you can test if the app size is equal with the available screen size which means it's maximized. Or hook on the resize event which is triggered when the app is maximized/minimized/resized
Here is an easier way of checking if a window is maximized:
if(stage.nativeWindow.displayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
//do something
The following worked for me. No need to set event listeners, this code can be used to check the real-time state of the native window:
if (nativeWindow.displayState == 'maximized')
Can you use something like this to hook the maximize() event?
